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Horny Pipes

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Well I've had the Hornet a year and a half and I've made a few alterations. Next on my list is mufflers. I've already 'opened' the stock mufflers to enjoy a few more decibels but my primary interest now is a different look.

It's all on a tight budget supported by a small tax return (in theory - they have not paid yet!), thus purchasing aftermarket muffs is out. And I am after something a bit different.

So phase one has been to have a pair of steel cones rolled. Dimensions are 50mm inlet, 115 mm wide at the rear and 500mm long. They are looking sweet -a great job by Priest Sheet Metal in CHCH.

I've purchased a set of louvered cores.

More parts to come before I start tacking it all together.

Still fluid on the end caps - alloy maybe or another idea brews - I'll see a metal spinner later this week to test that one.
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Name:	pipes 2.JPG 
Views:	158 
Size:	737.9 KB 
ID:	188446  

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