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Progress - well a little!

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Not much progress - not much free time in the shed lately. I've basically finished the db reducing inserts - picture shows one and a shot of it inserted into the 51mm outlet. The card on the end is another end cap experiment.

The reducer pipe is 35 mm and extends into the inner perforated core. If it is too quiet I just need to lop a few cms off the end of the reducer or depending on volume remove them.

They will be held in place by a small bolt - I'll not drill this hole until it's mounted as I'll have the bolt at the top is it's less visible when fitted.

The next step is to remove the stock pipes, mock mount the new ones and fabricate up some muffler mounting brackets. The it's the intermediate pipe.

A trip is planned to see DadB this weekend to discuss the alloy end caps - he has a metal lathe and I'm sure he needs a wee retirement project
Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	db killer.jpg 
Views:	155 
Size:	407.1 KB 
ID:	188457   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	inserted.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	299.6 KB 
ID:	188458  

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