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To Robert Taylor and other MNZ bashers

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I'm always amused when shallow thinkers lose debates:
Inevitably all they have left is childish ad hominem and red herrings.

Thanks for that admission of loss.

To all those who pm'd encouraging me and supporting the many valid points raised; you were the winners here too. By exposing the lack of logical argument: the unspoken agendas become transparent.

Reminds me of those coppers running from the speed debate: fuckin hilarious!

III, you have yet to make a valid point. Other than piss people off, and bum lick the Pavs, you've acheived nothing. Just piss off already.[/QUOTE]

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  1. idleidolidyll's Avatar
    you obviously would recognise a point if it was shoved up your jacksie

    you're a huge fukkin yawn
  2. Skyryder's Avatar
    Yep the first thing when they have no justification for their arguement is to get personal with the poster and then slagg Clarke etc who is entirely off topic.