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I was looking for some inner city riding practice and decided to do a survey of motorcycle parks. I'm sure I didn't get them all so please PM me the details of any others you find and I'll add them. Click on the markers for the exact location. The numbers refer to the date it was last confirmed to exist.


Auckland City's Downtown and Civic car parking buildings both have allocated spaces for motorcycle parking. Tthere are approximately 10 parking spaces in the Downtown building and 30 in the Civic building. These spaces are free to use and you can access the buildings by driving beside the barrier instead of going under and obtaining a parking ticket. Further information regarding these car parking buildings, including their locations, can be found on this website via the following link:

Auckland City Parking

There are also various free motorcycle parking spaces throughout the Central Business District:

- Alfred Street (Opposite University Library), 43 spaces
- Anzac Avenue, 3 spaces
- Eden Crescent, 8 spaces
- Elliot Street (Opposite Phillips Fox), 3 spaces
- Emily Place (Corner of Eden Crescent), 8 spaces
- Federal Street (Corner of Wellesley Street West), 10 spaces
- Greys Avenue, 3 spaces
- Lorne Street (Outside Central Library), 17 spaces
- Marmion Street (To be installed), 7 spaces
- Princes Street, 11 spaces
- St Paul Street (Outside AUT), 17 spaces
- Symonds Street (Outside University), 31 spaces
- Teed St, Newmarket (South kerb, near corner of Osbourne Street), 10 spaces

Thank you to Devil for this information

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