Kiwi Biker forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Site colors. How do I change them?

This site has two styles/skins to choose from. The default is called “The Dark Universe” and the other you can change too is called “The Light Universe”.

There are two ways to change styles. The first is only temporary until you log off and is located on at the bottom left of each page. The second is permanent and is in your User CP under Edit Options.

Homepage upcoming events display

Kiwi Biker has three different calendars to enter events. They are called “On Road”, “Off Road” and “Race”. You can choose one or more of these to be displayed on the upcoming events block on the homepage from your User CP in Edit Options.

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.