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    Optimistic sellers

    Thread Starter: Rcktfsh

    This trader must be pretty hard to outdo as far as optimism goes. Bike has been on the market for a year now, wonder when the penny will drop he''s dreaming at that price. You'd have thought after a year he might have got round to the little bit of tlc required to get running. ...

    Last Post By: dangerous Today, 19:01 Go to last post

    Riding like a dickhead - confessions of an old biker.

    Thread Starter: rastuscat

    Just saw this. Kind of feel it hits the mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqxEyKv_Lrw Lots of crashes on group rides.

    Last Post By: onearmedbandit Today, 12:16 Go to last post

    Higher octane fuels in lower south island

    Thread Starter: Berries

    So I am dredging this old thread really but figured nobody would read it in that part of the forum - Race-fuel-in-the-S-I Just got me a bike where the manual recommends 98 octane. The three stations near me only go to 95 so it is a 30km round trip to Dunedin to fill up at one of the self serve...

    Last Post By: pete376403 Today, 17:33 Go to last post
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