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    Optimistic sellers

    Thread Starter: Rcktfsh

    This trader must be pretty hard to outdo as far as optimism goes. Bike has been on the market for a year now, wonder when the penny will drop he''s dreaming at that price. You'd have thought after a year he might have got round to the little bit of tlc required to get running. ...

    Last Post By: dangerous Yesterday, 19:01 Go to last post

    Riding like a dickhead - confessions of an old biker.

    Thread Starter: rastuscat

    Just saw this. Kind of feel it hits the mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqxEyKv_Lrw Lots of crashes on group rides.

    Last Post By: onearmedbandit Yesterday, 12:16 Go to last post

    Higher octane fuels in lower south island

    Thread Starter: Berries

    So I am dredging this old thread really but figured nobody would read it in that part of the forum - Race-fuel-in-the-S-I Just got me a bike where the manual recommends 98 octane. The three stations near me only go to 95 so it is a 30km round trip to Dunedin to fill up at one of the self serve...

    Last Post By: pete376403 Yesterday, 17:33 Go to last post
  • scott411

    by Published on 24th February 2011 08:45
    1. Categories:
    2. Charity Rides

    A ride for our Mates

    The Pukekohe motorcycle club is holding a fund raising day for the victims of the Christchurch Earthquake,

    It will be held on the Sunday 3rd of April At Mr Motorcycles Raceway Harrisville, it will be an open practice from 10am to 3pm, will be split into groups of ability,

    Cost will be $30 for the big track, and $20 for the mini track, all funds will go to the Earthqauke Appeal, there will be a gold coin donations for all spectators,

    There will be silent auctions for a lot of gear and Accessories provided by different companies involved in Motocross,

    If you wish to help on the day, or donate to the auctions please contact scott@mrmotorcycles.co.nz

    Current Sponsors, will be added to

    W White Wholesale
    Mr Motorcycles
    Metal Mulisha NZ / Division X
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