WIMA Auckland invite you to:
This is our 9th Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Charity ride. All motorcyclists, women and men are welcome, as are big bikes, little bikes, spyders, classic bikes, scooters, and trikes.
When: Sunday 14 October 2012
Meet: Auckland Netball Centre, Allison Ferguson Dr (off Stonefields Ave), St Johns – entrance gate off College Rd will be open
Time: 0900 meet for a 1030 departure
Badges: $10
Route: College Rd, St Johns Rd, Kohimarama Rd, Kepa Rd, Patteson Ave, Tamaki Dr, Quay St, Hobson St, Pitt St, Karangahape Rd, Great North Rd, Stadium Rd
Ends: Western Springs Stadium
Extra: Pink Ribbon t-shirts, sausage sizzle & drinks
No registration – just spread the word and come along.
If anyone, or you know of anyone, that would like to help out on the day with selling badges and pedestrian marshalling then please let us know.
Huge thanks to our sponsors
Contact: Julie Swift
julie@neale.co.nz, Mobile: 021 614 646
Pink Ribbon Ride Co-ordinator
whose to blame here
Thread Starter: jellywrestlerThe cyclist had plenty of time to react, but was clipped from behind, yes the car didn't indicate but the one in front reacted well, seems to me it's 'someone else's fault' according to the rider. Take some responsibility for your own group methinks ...
Last Post By: F5 Dave Today, 16:23