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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: husaberg Yesterday, 20:26 Go to last post

    MotoGP 2025

    Thread Starter: Reckless

    OK lads Wanted to post the new rider list and a 2025 thread is the only way so here goes New season kicks off new riders different teams as per pic. Testing today I understand MM has been on the Team Ducati. I wonder how Jorge Martin will fair this year. wonder what the new Pramac colors...

    Last Post By: iYRe Yesterday, 07:59 Go to last post

    Setting Of Speed Limits - Consultation

    Thread Starter: rastuscat

    If speed limits concern you........... The Government has opened consultation on how speed limits are going to be set in future. The legislation around this is called the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024 Feedback is sought on Proposal 1 – require cost benefit analysis...

    Last Post By: pete376403 Yesterday, 20:58 Go to last post

    500cc GP Replica thread

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With this bike coming up in my facebook feed recently, and all the other 500cc rep's out there, I figured I'd start a thread so the lovers of these bikes can all have a perv and add others that might be of interest too. https://rupesrewires.com/honda-nsr500-replica-3/#prettyPhoto

    Last Post By: husaberg Yesterday, 20:40 Go to last post

    rip grumph

    Thread Starter: robajs

    with much sadness i advise you all of grumphs (greg thomas) passing yesterday at chch hospital from ongoing health issues. there will be no funeral service at his request. please do not contact his family as they have enough going on.

    Last Post By: jellywrestler Yesterday, 15:59 Go to last post
  • Protests

    by Published on 19th April 2011 10:03
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Support the three strikes demonstration ride
    Thursday 5th May 12 noon

    The government has struck out at us three times now. We will not tolerate this any longer, and it is time we showed them!

    What they have done:

    1) Used bikers as a smokescreen to mask the introduction of risk based levies, and massive levy increases.
    2) Attempted to justify the hike with misleading statistics and unjustified financial model changes.
    3) Ramped up roadside 'safety' checks - in reality poorly disguised rego and WOF checks - and now the introduction of demerits for unlicensed vehicles.
    What they deliberately overlook:

    They tout the risk based system as being fairer for everyone, by arbitrarily creating different road user groups and charging based on the likely treatment cost. Well many of us own multiple vehicles, so appear in those groups and pay more than once. How is it fair we pay multiple levies yet are only eligible for a single treatment? How can they justify a minimum three month on hold period, when that makes it so expensive to be law abiding with infrequently ridden bikes? And to assume all drivers in each class have the same level of risk is at the very least idiotic, if not irresponsible; with the implication that safer vehicles are more important than safer drivers. The myriad of different variables needed to create a truly fair risk based system would create massive administrative overheads to process. This is a system that is not required, not wanted and moves ACC yet further away from the Woodhouse principles towards private insurance.

    What we demand they do:

    1) Remove the vehicle-based levies, to be replaced with a fuel-based levy collection system as a first step, ultimately returning to the Woodhouse Principles.
    2) The minimum on-hold period of three months to be removed.
    3) All political parties make their stance known about ACC: whether they are in favour of the no-fault Woodhouse system, if they agree with the move to full future funding, where they stand on risk-based levies and if they would agree to private insurers in the system.

    What can you do?

    Support the three strikes demonstration ride; this will take place on Thursday 5th May 12 noon. The idea is that you meet up with other protesters, ride together to the local ACC offices, then ride to the National party offices (because we all know who is really behind this crap). At both locations you will arrange yourselves to present a smokescreen of motorcycles: we’ll let them see us and hear us! There will be a letter to noisily deliver to each location stating our grievances and demands. Meeting points to be announced when finalised.

    Currently we have ride coordinators for Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga if you would like to organise one in your region let us know!
    by Published on 13th April 2010 17:22
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests


    NOTE Times have changed slightly

    Auckland City Compass

    by Published on 25th January 2010 10:44
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Ok everyone
    I have had a few people mention there is no defined thread for the NEXT PROTEST

    I have sevreal Unions on board for a big march on Parliament, and the wheels are starting to roll
    Dates set for 16th February, at this point its a logical date as the Corrections Union are having a march the week before, and some other group have one the week after so we get a finite window of oppotunity to pull this off.

    I have requested permission from the Speaker to enter the grounds en-masse on 16th February.

    This is about more than just Bikers but we want to have a strong presence there.

    I need about 3-400 bikers to attend on the day and make a visible presence at the front of the house, but this time speakers will all be Unionists and Academics and other disafeccted groups (is that the right term?)

    Its gonna take some work to pull it off again, and I am hoping we get the same support we got last time for the BIKEOI, but wont hold my breath.

    Anyone keen to help, PM me
    And I aint talking about handing out fliers, I mean WORK and responsibility for some of the organisation...(nearly killed myself the last time with exhaustion.)

    This iwll be along the same lines as the BIKEOI, peacefull but a strong message
    Want loads of signs, banners, and a good chant, one I think we have heard before, LOL

    by Published on 8th December 2009 13:17
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Updated 17/12

    Recent events have changed nothing, we are still going ahead with the "Who's Next" campaign


    Meet at Viaduct Habour (the car park in the centre, past the Maritime Museum) using up all the available car parks.
    Have some biker friendly food and drink in the area while educating the public.
    Ride up Queen Street. (Route TBC)
    Deliver Christmas Cards and Presents in smaller groups.


    Saturday 19th December

    Meeting Viaduct 7:30 am
    Rollout Viaduct 10 am

    What else:

    Please send me names and addresses for presents. Still room for more

    Theflash is printing out some Christmas cards. Thanks!!!!

    CrAzYMoFo is supplying the coal. Good on ya!!!!

    PrincessBandit is supplying the oranges. Sorry you can't make it yourself.

    by Published on 19th November 2009 19:00
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Christchurch protest ride
    Saturday Dec 5th

    Register your attendance here.

    Alright folks here it is, December the 5th there will be a protest ride starting from Izone Drive in Rolleston (there will be marshals to direct you to the start point) meeting from 10.30am.

    The reason we are starting in Rolleston is that hopefully the Timaru and Ashburton riders will be attending.
    We will be leaving around 12.00pm heading down Main South Rd, left into Main South Rd from the Sockburn roundabout, Riccarton Rd, Hagley Ave, Oxford Tce, Lichfield St then left into Manchester st, then left into cashel st and finishing in the city mall. There we will be met by a few MPs and others.

    It is time to step up the protest and make some noise, yes traffic will be held up but we have to start making ourselves heard and seen, we have done the quiet protest now it is time to show the Christchurch public we are not happy.

    I am also thinking of getting the learner riders and the scooters up front doing about 70kmh. This will still be legal as the police still won't help out but I am trying to get a meeting with the area commander for transport and say help out. I have heard there are some bikes with hazard lights if there is I need one to go right up front with hazards on, it would have to be a fairly experienced rider, if that is you can you PM me please so we can touch base and finalise it.

    I have e-mailed all the clubs I can think of I will be heading to some bike shops to hand out up posters and have got in touch with some contacts in the media, so what I am hoping and expecting is that we can do better then the last rally's as far as numbers is concerned. If you have t-shirts and banners then bring them and wear them, signs on your bike wouldn't be a bad thing either. If anybody is keen we should head to the Wheatsheaf for a get together after the rally.
    by Published on 18th November 2009 06:54
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests


    Sunday Breakfast/Brunch anyone?

    Where: Mission Bay

    When: Sunday November 22

    Time: 8:00am onwards

    Fancy a coffee and a bite to eat, while keeping this ACC issue in the public face? Join us for coffee and breakfast at Mission Bay. Get in early and find yourself a carpark. Yes folks a carpark. Make sure you have change for the parking fees if any. One bike per park please. Then take a leisurely stroll to the nearest cafe and get a coffee and something to eat. Take your time, relax, enjoy your brunch.

    Please find a park on the street front first, followed by the carpark opposite the Fish Pot Cafe, then moving down to the other one as numbers build. We will be assembling around the fountain to make a bit of noise, this will kick off at 8:30am. After the rebel rousing we will then be free to go and enjoy our brunch.

    If we do it right, there wont be any parking for cars available, highlighting the fact that if these bastards tax us off the roads, we will be forced to "drive" a car, and there will be no parking available anywhere. We also will be supporting the local businesses so they are not disadvantaged because of this protest action.

    At all times this will be a peaceful gathering, we are not out to upset anyone, we just want to make a point. Please ensure you do support the businesses after we have made our point. Talk to people about why we are so angry.

    Bring your noise makers, this one is going to be LOUD!

    Hand out leaflets to the general public letting them know we are fighting this fight for all of us, dont forget WHOS NEXT?

    A few rousing rounds of our battle cry from time to time would not go amiss either.


    Flyer in this post. Please print and distribute at liberty!

    by Published on 31st October 2009 19:38
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Mully, and my good self, have been nutting out an Auckland ACC Protest ride.

    Auckland - Rolling Protest Ride

    When: Saturday 14th November (reserve day is the following Saturday in case of rain)

    Where: Starting, Dairy Flat Autobahn (point A) ending Auckland Domain/Museum (point B).

    Time: Assemble in the car park of the BP/Burger King/Autobahn from 9am onwards. Please make sure you are fully gassed up, fed, watered and relieved before 10am! All facilities are onsite for your convenience.

    Depart: 10am

    This is a rolling protest ride covering the wider Auckland area, point A to point B, non stop.

    Please bring your flags/banners/noise makers etc. At all times this ride will be orderly and law abiding. We are NOT deliberately setting out to inconvenience the motoring public of Auckland. This is about making our presence felt and a chance to express our angst about this psycho levy proposal.

    We will be using the standard rules around riding in a group, staggered formation please.

    The speed out of the Autobahn car park will be slow until all bikes are on the motorway and grouped together, then a maximum speed of 90 kph will be adhered to on the motorway system at all times.

    *RIDE BRIEF AT 9.40*
    Please register your attendance here


    Teddy Bear run for Heart Children

    'Please ensure that teddy bears are brand new then put in a plastic bag'

    This Protest Ride will now include 'Heart Children'
    A Teddy Bear is required to hand over at the end of the ride.
    The Media will love this.

    There will be Protest Resources avaliable for purchase at the Domain - Fundraising to support the Protest (War Chest)
    Read all about in here..
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