The Christmas card idea with a twist. Print heaps of em.Make a date and have a group of bikers with petitions etc set up on top of No! tree hill.
Tell every biker( THIS TIME, lets advertise the date and our intention for all bikers to see so there is no excuse for complancy)
that we can to ride up there to receive their Christmas card for a National MP, an ACC executive or any of the other political parties who are supporting National.
Give them a specific address a name to ask for and send em on thier way. This could take all day so have a few bikers ready to take over on the hill.
We could do this in every Major town and city in NZ with out stresing all of our motorcyclists.
The Media wouldn't know which way to turn, which address to go to and the generral public would see us going about our intended protest without disturbing them while taking a message to the Govt that we are standing in the front of the line for them too.
The Message needs to be clear, we are bikers,we are no longer angry, we are enlightened, the Govt started with us thinking we'd be easy beats and the general public wouldn't care.
Let them try to end it with just us NOW!
Take the publics raised levy charges with us, take the truckies increased levies with us, let them know we feel for them and will fight for them too.
Just an idea.