We're not happy. You're gouging money from bikers. Where's it going ?
Just what are we getting for our massively increased levies?
We've been told that a bunch of grumpy bikers are planning to turn out to demand some answers : to remind Mr Smith that we're not happy. And that we're watching him.
And to show him exactly what he can do with his A.C.C.
When ? Sunday 27th June.
Where . Eastern Viaduct.
Slight change to location. Queens wharf down at the viaduct, not the Eastern carpark itself. They're right next to each other, same map. Follow the directions of the marshals
And some extra grumpy people may ride on to other places afterward. Not that we know anything about that. . (less than 20km, easy riding, and very legal., No speed limits will be brioken. Quite the reverse. )
Be aware also that we may probably be breaking some rules of some sort.. This meeting may not be totally respectfull. Or polite. So anyone that has major issues with keeping squeaky clean and rule compliant may want to flag this one.
Some folk may want tp wear a mask. or balaclava. Or skull mask . We're encouraging masks and balaclavas. After all, it'll probably be cold.
Probably be wet too. So if you're a wimp, you probably want to flag this one.
Otherwise, if you're not afraid of getting wet, and don't like bending over and taking it (there's a hint there for you) , be there. Disrespectfully, and noisily.
Central Auckland. Eastern Viaduct . 27th June 11am.
Anyone that can lead a group from the outskirts, (West gate, Autobahn, Dairy Flat ? ,) please post up , so groups can get organised.