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Thread: Finally, after 8 days...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    20th December 2010 - 07:49
    2010 Yamaha Scorpio Z
    North Shore
    Quote Originally Posted by oneofsix View Post
    Do you mean it is particularly stiff going from 1 to 2?
    You should always make sure you push the gear shift until it stops, positive gear changes pushed all the way home, or you will even hit false Neutrals between the higher gears.
    Yes, I think I am flicking it up rather than pushing it up. Don't really have anything to compare with to tell you if the action is particularly stiff or not though.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    21st December 2010 - 10:40
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilgh View Post
    Yes, I think I am flicking it up rather than pushing it up. Don't really have anything to compare with to tell you if the action is particularly stiff or not though.
    Try pushing it all the way. Like learning a lot of things, slow at first but once you get it is becomes natural.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    20th December 2010 - 07:49
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    Yep, next few practises will be concentrating on that specifically.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    10th January 2011 - 16:13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Going up hill is easy to master. Hill starting on the other hand....

    The main thing to remember when going up something like a steep drive. Approach at a reasonable speed and keep the revs up. Most newbies hit the hill in either too high a gear or not enough revs. As soon as they hit the incline, the engine stalls and then they have to master the hill start.
    It's all about control of both the clutch and the revs.
    You will get there. Just a little practice. That's all that is needed.
    Thanks for the tips Hawkeye, unfortunately my driveway starts as a hillstart.... so I have to master that as well!!! Ah well, it's all good, once I've done it I will be super happy!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    10th January 2011 - 16:13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stirts View Post
    Know EXACTLY how you are feeling in regards to your driveway Hellzie, been there, done that, and on a Hornet too.

    Hawkeye is's all about the revs, ESPECIALLY with the Hornet, don't be too scared to either ....they LOVE IT!!!

    I got this superhero dressed in red camo gear (known as gigoe1313) to guide me in the ways of riding the Hornet up my drive. Get your revs on, then as you go up the drive gently roll-on more throttle, that will get you up there Chick!!! Just practice, and no over thinking it either

    OOOOOPS and well done to you kilgh.....seems you are tracking awesomly well Milestones are faking cool aren't they!!!
    Hehe, yes, I have noticed the hornet likes revs.. it likes noise! I'm getting louder as I'm learning, I was very tentative to start with. Somewhat worried that when I get on a bigger bike I'll have to re-learn to not twist the wrist so much. Meh, who cares! Learning when it comes to bikes is super fun.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    10th January 2011 - 16:13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilgh View Post
    Yep, next few practises will be concentrating on that specifically.
    Hey Kilgh,

    I had the same issue a few times, and also it happened on the way down the gears, so make sure you kick down quite hard too.

    Have fun!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    20th December 2010 - 07:49
    2010 Yamaha Scorpio Z
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    I would have fun but I'm about to start a very long week (and when I say week I don't mean 5 days) of much overtime and no sleep. The only positive part will be the money. But I won't be getting any practise in I suspect.
    Darn Super Rugby/ICC World Cup.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Alright...NICE ONE!

    YEAY!!!!! Go Kilgh, big ups to the ride mate and the rest of it. Yeah, beware of the false neutral, or you'll get a bloody fright, thats for sure. Been tied up at work with no playtime in sight, rueing the evils of work. Incompatible with my yin to ride.

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