Fat Bikers Motorcycle ClubDo
“Nuthin’ Much”
Join the Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club for a spot of brunch, a ‘Brainy Biker’ quiz and……well…..nuthin’ much really….yeah……..
When: Sunday 1st May 2011
Where: L&P Café, 2 Seymour Street, Paeroa
(Park across road from cafe)
Time: 11.00am for brunch
Details: Buffet brunch of $15 a head, $1 from each brunch sold will be donated the CHCH Quake appeal.
“Brainy Biker” quiz to test your knowledge of motorcycles and food
Quiz result prize giving (The 'Brainy Biker' Trophy....oohhhhh…)
Big group pic by the big L & P bottle
…….then do nuthin’ much…..
Entry Fee For Quiz: What ever you like, all entry fees will be donated to the Christchurch Quake appeal
It would be great to see as many riders as possible from all over to attend this brain busting and waistline stretching event.....
Auckland riders will be meeting at 9.00am for 9.30am start at BP Papakura on the day. If anyone wants to set up a group ride from their neck of the woods then feel free, just post the details in this thread
You can register your attendance here: http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/ca...2011-5-1&c=all
Be good to do that just to make sure the cafe dont run short of saussies hasshises and beans , know what I mean...If you need any further information, contact Fatt Max at fatbikersmc@gmail.com
So get your bike gear on, polish off your eating head and give the brain a tweak. Its all on to do, well, nuthin' much..........