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Thread: "Beetox" instead of Botox anyone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th February 2011 - 09:14
    2009 Suzuki 650cc

    "Beetox" instead of Botox anyone?

    I had a ride Hamilton-Whakatane (all through back roads - absolutely beautiful countryside bright autumn colours) last weekend where a couple of bees wanted to come along for the ride - in my helmet! Ladies, I really recommend Beetox and if you haven't had it before, all you have to do is make sure you leave your visor up just a tiny crack (as you do for a bit of extra air sometimes) and hope the bee stings you in the right spot. Mine injected me in the mid-forehead and I tell you it's great for smoothing out any slight lines here and there for a few days (not that I have many of course lol!).

    Apart from the instant stinging pain (which surely you would get with botox too), having Beetox while riding on a narrow country road brings on slight panic at finding somewhere safe to stop and pull the sting out. The bee of course has fulfilled its duty and flown away to die, selfishly leaving you to do the same. Its bloody hard to remove the sting with your gloves on and frankly all you want to do is rub it, but if you can't wait to take your gloves off squashing it in gives you a better dose so that's a good thing, isn't it?

    It didn't hurt for more than about 10 mins and I didn't end up with a big egg on my forehead like I thought I would, and none of the other many thousands of party animals enjoying the nightlife in Whakatane made adverse comments, so all good and much recommended for taking a few years off you for a few days! Maybe we angels could market this????

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Never been stung myself, but I remember following my brother from Wanganui to Taupo when suddenly just out of Mangaweka I saw him flapping his hand furiously at his neck. He pulled over (me thinking "shit he's pulling over to the verge, am I going to be able to stop my bike here without it going over...") ripped his helmet off as fast as he could and it turned out he'd been stung in the neck.

    I'm always very cautious about where I ride with my visor open now!!!
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    Katman to steveb64
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    7th February 2010 - 19:27
    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessBandit View Post

    I'm always very cautious about where I ride with my visor open now!!!
    I ride with my visor shut and they somehow come up under the front of the helmet near my chin and then crawl on the inside of the visor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    18th February 2011 - 09:14
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    The little buggers just seem to find their way in any old how so it must be real scary for anyone allergic to bee stings! Has anyone been stung while riding who is allergic to them??? Tulip

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Im severely allergic to wasps and I was unlucky enough back when I had a wee scooter and wore a Tshirt and shorts, as one does, one got stuck into my forearm and I couldnt get it out, my arm turned into a watermelon and brought on some serious panic haha, I have had a mosquito in my helmet before, could see if sucking on my check but I couldn't get it with my glove :L

  6. #6
    Join Date
    18th February 2011 - 09:14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkenMistake View Post
    Im severely allergic to wasps and I was unlucky enough back when I had a wee scooter and wore a Tshirt and shorts, as one does, one got stuck into my forearm and I couldnt get it out, my arm turned into a watermelon and brought on some serious panic haha, I have had a mosquito in my helmet before, could see if sucking on my check but I couldn't get it with my glove :L
    Oh damn! Oooh I think wasps are worse than bees, really nasty little no-gooders. Some people quickly go into anaphylaxis shock with stings don't they so that would send them into a panic while out in the middle of nowhere!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Was a beekeeper for 17 yrs

    So had a few stings. Been stung everywhere,the worst place to get stung is up the nose. Quite a few people have had accidents by getting stung while riding.Had it happen to me and it is not nice,but it is a part of riding, best thing is not to panic,pull over as soon as possible and safe.Hard to do if there is a bee stinging your eye or something though.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Beetox....ROFL luv it!

    Pootling along with my jacket undone a little bit at the top as it was a stinking hot day. Felt a jabbing pain in my back so stopped quickly, flung my jacket off and gestured wildly to hubby to look down the back of my shirt. Sure enough a bee had gotten into my jacket, inside my t shirt as well and halfway down my back. The whole arse end of the bee was still there with the stinger merrily pumping it's juice. We stopped about an hour after to have some lunch and when I took my jacket off, I found the front end of the bee still alive crawling around on the front of my t shirt.
    Some days you are the bug , some days you are the windshield

  9. #9
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    I got up close and freindly with a bumble last summer. It managed to get inside my pants and up to my inner thigh..where she bit me several times. I thought is was a whitetail and freaked. Must have looked pretty funny tho, standing on side of road with trou at ankles desperatly inspecting damage and looking for the beastie.

    Not so funny from my perspective tho, got really dizzy. Was it from pain, shock or do they have some sort of venom? The bruises took about a week to disappear and were very colourful. Hard to walk tho, and it wasn't a lot of fun...
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    3rd May 2005 - 10:28
    I got stung/bitten on the thigh a few times once while going around a roundabout. Pain was excruciating at the time and was really hard to concentrate. Pain went away eventually leaving me with a huge red mark for almost a week. Not cool
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratti View Post
    I got up close and freindly with a bumble last summer. It managed to get inside my pants and up to my inner thigh..where she bit me several times. .
    I've bitten my .... ahhh never mind...
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    not that far up....You're rude! But that's why we loves ya
    feralconnection Ltd
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