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Thread: Stupid World

  1. #31
    Join Date
    21st December 2010 - 10:40
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    We must rethink Europe - Sarkozy The plan involves re-working treaties and greater outside control of countries' budgets. So who's going to decide which country gets how much? Tis a little like Oz holding the purse strings for NZ... bwaaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaa, fuck the moneygoround is highly entertaining if nothing else.
    This is a step towards the one world government. They wont make it but it is a step.
    NB government might not be the correct word as what is really happening is one world money system, but 'one world government' is the phrase.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneofsix View Post
    This is a step towards the one world government. They wont make it but it is a step.
    NB government might not be the correct word as what is really happening is one world money system, but 'one world government' is the phrase.
    nope, that's a conspiracy theory, you're being silly... because that would mean that the crash was engineered to have this particular outcome... and who could do such a thing, it just isn't possible.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneofsix View Post
    This is a step towards the one world government. They wont make it but it is a step.
    NB government might not be the correct word as what is really happening is one world money system, but 'one world government' is the phrase.
    Dangler Schmerkll: Vell, here ve are again. Ist would seem as zo ve are runnink out off money. Vy, I don't underschtand.

    David Hammermum: Bloody Greeks.

    Dangler Schmerkll: Who said ZAT! Vas zat you Dafid?

    David Hammermum: No no, no, no no.

    NickelArsed Smartdozy: Well, er, David has a, er, point.

    David Hammermum: B, b, b, but I didn't day anything.

    Dangler Schmerkell: Can somevon gag Dafid, SCHNELL! Anyvay, ver vas I before Hammermum opened his mouse. Yes, Vot is wrong viz zat shit. Ver haz ze money gone? Ze money ze Greeks haz schpent haz been accounted for and ve haf found zat zey haf been schpending above zer meanz, and zey will be held to account... and even zo Ve haf given zem ofer 200 billions of our Euros ofer ze last year or zo, zey haf spent it. It von't happen again now zat our man is in charge.

    David Hammermum: I say, can we not just print some more money, just in case?

    Dangler Schmerkll: Who vaz it zat said hafink a Conservatif government in Englant vas a good sing? Find him, or her, I vant zem schot! And vy ist Dafid not gagged yet? Vot is ze point of havink all zis power ven nofone takes anysink you say seriously. Anywvay... ver has all ze money gone? Anyvon?

    Oh Bummer: Yo dizzle ma pizzle, negro in da hizzle... wassup ma niggaz. Chillax Dangler... our rich bitches have been hoggin that shit. Don't sweat it, we got dis shit... we iz gonna tax their asses fo shizzle... we'll close them loopholes and threaten to shoot any mofo that challenges our rule, I mean the rules... in fact we've got legislation going through that gives me that power, The Prez forever Yo!

    Dangler Schmerkll: Oh vunderbar... in ze meantime vot are ve goink to do in Europe if ze Federal Perverse von't allow us to print any more money, hm? It isn't exactly inspirink confidence in ze market, you may haf noticed.

    Oh Bummer: Chill the fuck out Ho... I'll send my homez around to explain the game bitch, but don't go hatin on the US $. Peace out bitches...

    Dangler Schmerkll: Oh Bummer, vait, ver are you goink, Oh Bummer ve need some more answers to inschpire confidence in ze market.

    Oh Bummer: Off to shoot 18 with ma homey Tiger bioch. Keep it real yo!

    NickelArsed Smartdozy: Well Dangler, I sink, er, that, er, we, err, need to shange the game, non? Ass, er you say, mmmm ass, bon, ass you say, errr, the people of the werld will, er, start to become, urm, concerned that, er, we don't know what we're doing non?

    Oh Bummer: Hey cheese eatin surrender monkey, you heard of the New World Order.

    NickelArsed Smartdozy: Oui, I'm not an American umbacile.

    Oh Bummer: Then centralise yo shit muthafucka.

    Dangler Schmerkll: All in fafor of ze New Veld Order. Novone? Look ve vill be centalisink your budgets, you may try to seem interested and not piss me of any furzer zan you already are. You heard Oh Bummer, ve are screwed if ve don't play ze game. Vell? Schtill Novone? Aynvon else got any better ideas?

    Don key: Will, there's this fulla on a motorcycle wibsite who thinks we could live without cish.

    Dangler Schmerkll: Somevon put Don vis David. Zat vill gif avay ze whole game dumbkopf... ve've been ignoring such logic for souzands off years, vy vould ve vant to let people make concsious decisions off zer own now hm? All zose millenia off societal engineering vill all go to vaste!

    Don key: I wis jist jokin Dingler. But he his a point.

    Dangler Schmerkll: I vill nuke ze earse before I allow zat to happen. Fuck it, New Veld Order it iz. Ve're goink to need more drama to slide zis von srough. Who aren't ve at var vis?

    The man with no name: You're own citizens. The drama will be enough to convince them that it's their own fault. We don't call them sheeple for nothing.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  4. #34
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    Oil Price Would Skyrocket if Iran Closed the Strait of Hormuz... Stupid world at its best. A bunch of useless cunts running the place like it was their play ground and what for, MONEY!. They impose sanctions because it is suspected that Iran are building nuclear weapons and take umbridge that Iran are going to retaliate, which will force the price of oil up. WTF do they expect? Sure, go ahead, fuck the Iranian people over because you're worried about yet another nation having nuclear capability. Did they ever find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? No they fuckin didn't.

    “To close the Strait of Hormuz would be an act of war against the whole world,” said Sadad Ibrahim Al-Husseini, former head of exploration and development at Saudi Aramco. “You just can’t play with the global economy and assume that nobody is going to react.” bwaaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa irony much. Gah I wish I could convey how fuckin pathetic this whole debacle is, amongst others. A bunch of fuckin idiots so entrenched in their way of life that they'd rather risk war than allow a nation to obtain what they claim to be a peaceful nuclear ability. Fuck it, I hope the Iranians do make nuclear weapons and blow the whole planet to smithereens, it ain't like there's any fucker on this rock that's worth saving. There's more to life than money!
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman View Post
    Pretty sure the bulk of the politicians in NZ paid for their educaion by selling their brain.
    That is totally offensive bullshit! In their day they were given wodges of studenty loans to perform ad hoc experiments with alcohol and recreational drugs

    That is why the drinking age will never get raised - cause it obviously didn't do them any harm right?
    "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it." -- Erwin Schrodinger talking about quantum mechanics.

  6. #36
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    Bluefin Tuna Goes For Record $736,000 At Tokyo's Tsukiji Fish Market ... for a fish

    Women are a mystery to British physicist Hawking ... you can do eeet Stevey

    Colorado woman accused of damaging $30 million painting ... and I thought the fish was expensive. I woulda thought she was trying to make the painting better "A police report said Carmen Tisch punched and scratched the painting, an oil-on-canvas called "1957-J no.2", at the recently opened Clyfford Still museum in Denver and pulled her pants down to slide her buttocks against it."
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dave View Post
    Let me think. 9 billion 'sheeple' in the world
    9 000 000 000 x 0.01 = 90 000 000.

    Yep you crazy individuals are proper special.
    "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it." -- Erwin Schrodinger talking about quantum mechanics.

  8. #38
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    All of them
    I'll pay you $10 to say that to one's face.

  9. #39
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    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  10. #40
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    Ten charac

    If you can make it on Kiwibiker you can make it anywhere.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    Who said Academic where intellegent?
    Well by definition they are intelligent. But if you were to ask who said they had any common sense, now that is another matter. Same question for bankers/traders/industrialists having compassion, or politicians having ethics, or road users having road sense.

    If we read through many of the threads on KWB we see all manner of stupid world opinions but the people who write them (bar the trolls) do believe themselves to be right.

    Unfortunately there are enough gentle idiots in the world to displace our venom from the ones we should be railing against e.g. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Papa Doc, Mao, Thein Sein (Burmese tosser), Next gen Kim (Korea) etc etc etc. (I have avoided including all the western premiers who supported/financed these depots in the first place allowing them to get into their positions of ultimate power)

    I'm loving the term 'Stupid World' because it does encompass all of us. Those fuckers at the top who make it and we schmucks in the middle that allow it and the schmos at the bottom that accept it.
    Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.

  12. #42
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    Scottish government seeks 2014 independence vote ... YAY. Of course there will be strings attached, probably to do with water and gas pipelines, at least it was last time they discussed the idea. Be great for Scotland to stop being the test bed fro Westminister stupidity.

    The £32 billion gamble: Why Britain has opted for high-speed rail ... fits into the Stupid World category just perfec. No need for it as it won't matter a fuck how quick you get there. With the high prices, and constant rises, in rail fares, no fucker will use it. 32 billion pounds

    Bomb kills Iran nuclear scientist as crisis mounts ... see the pic three posts above suckeeeeeeeeers. Hysteria at its finest. Fuck it, if the wanna blow each other up I wish they'd just get on with it.
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  13. #43
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    [QUOTE=mashman;1130232982]Scottish government seeks 2014 independence vote ... YAY. Of course there will be strings attached, probably to do with water and gas pipelines, at least it was last time they discussed the idea. Be great for Scotland to stop being the test bed fro Westminister stupidity.


    Amen to that brother! Oh no, I've morphed into Desmond from Lost

  14. #44
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    Turkey charges Duchess of York over orphan film ... betcha Queeny is tempted to stick her on the next plane.

    Sausages and bacon linked to pancreatic cancer ... oh FFS what isn't linked to cancer these days

    The Case for a 21-Hour Work Week ... "The challenges are great, none more so than figuring out how to make most of society be able to live on half of their current income. And no doubt, many will seize on this as socialism or worse." Sounds vaguely familiar . The answer is removing income from the equation, DUH!

    Beijing Apple Store Pelted with Eggs After iPhone 4S Launch Cancelled ... over a fuckin phone. At least the scalpers where on the ball.
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  15. #45
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    Inside the Fed in 2006: A Coming Crisis, and Banter ... cocky bastards fuckin with billions of lives... no surprise there, but it shows how stupid these people really are considering they're supposed to be THE experts. Perhaps if they looked at it from the perspective of "the street" instead of the probability of a particular event happening based on the information they have (convenient excuse for fucking up), then they might have known what was coming. It begs the question, based on some of the comments, was the housing bubble burst on purpose under the misguided belief that the "damage" would be limited and other market sectors would benefit? Perhaps they've forgotten what it's like to have a mortgage, to struggle to put food on the table, to need a certain $ in our bank account to meet the bills etc... Bunch of snotty cocky bastards who believe that they are in control.

    Ahhhhhhhh good morning
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

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