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Thread: Kevlar jeans

  1. #16
    Join Date
    1st February 2004 - 11:00
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    *humph* as above, why the hell anyone thinks reionforced jeans are worth a pinch of shit ill never know, seen the results myself and rate them no more than a pair of shorts.
    cheers DD
    (Definately Dodgy)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    24th July 2006 - 11:53
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous View Post
    *humph* as above, why the hell anyone thinks reionforced jeans are worth a pinch of shit ill never know, seen the results myself and rate them no more than a pair of shorts.
    *Shrugs* I wear Rhino kevlar trou on hot days, this after the Dragon's fell apart. Mine are armoured at the knee and thigh but I don't actually think the usual minimalist armour in most road kit will help with impact protection. I use them for the abrasion resistance, I'm more scared of skin grafts than broken bones.

    If I butt heads with a Kenworth I don't actually expect to survive so what I wear isn't really relevant, there.
    Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Rhino Jeans from Lifestyle will set you back about $150.00, they are armoured in the hip and knee and are Kevlar lined across the arse and down the thigh. I have a pair and yes for around town and short runs I use them.
    Hi Ya Katiepie,hope all is going well mate.
    I also have my Q Moto leather trou and jacket and on any longish trips that's what I wear regardless of conditions.Not rich, it took time, but I'm very glad to have them now.
    The mind fuck that any protection is better than no protection is a hard one to get around.If you come off in town at 50 K's wearing denim/armoured denim are you going to come off as well as if you were wearing leather? Probably not, but hey it's a trade off and it's your call.
    Once I only had cordura and wore it religiously, never needed it, now I have a choice and I make that choice dependant on distance, location and road conditions.
    Sometimes we get lucky, no scratches or major lumps and bumps, other times no amount of gear was going to stop you buying the farm.
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean1 View Post
    *Shrugs* I wear Rhino kevlar trou on hot days, this after the Dragon's fell apart. Mine are armoured at the knee and thigh but I don't actually think the usual minimalist armour in most road kit will help with impact protection. I use them for the abrasion resistance, I'm more scared of skin grafts than broken bones.

    If I butt heads with a Kenworth I don't actually expect to survive so what I wear isn't really relevant, there.
    What I have seen is the 'suposed kevlar armor' (I believe you can get hard armor now) tearing out of the jean and floating away in the dust leaving no protection, your post makes good sence.
    cheers DD
    (Definately Dodgy)

  5. #20
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    how about shift hybrid pants?

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by turtleman View Post
    If the reason is just because you're too hot, then just wear normal Jeans.
    The Kevalr ones will give you a false sense of security - "Yeah - I got some motorcycle protection", but at the end of the day, they aint gonna save ya. Any impact of a knee (or other pointy body part) on the tarmac will quite often do the damage, usually holing the jeans (through the 'kevlar' lining), and you lose yer skin anyway (as well as the impact injury).

    If Leather/cordura is too hot, you just gotta HTFU or wear jeans - kevlar lined are just a rip-off, if you ask me, preying on the minds of uninformed motorcyclists. They will give better abrasion protection than standard denim, but by the time you're sliding (after initial impact and roll) it'll be too late for them to be effective.

    And if anyone says that it's only for short trips or "only around town" then the above applies as well - you might as well just wear normal ol' Levi's

    just my $0.10 (because 5c is defunct)
    Amen to that, being a regular jeans and leather jacket rider I can add that standard jeans do a fine job even at a playful pace around the twistys. I've come off in regular denim, good quality but less than $100.00 for sure, 'cause im a tight c*nt. Anyway I've come off a couple times at playful speeds, nothing more than 100, usually like 50-70 thru twisties/hills and around town speeds and yea. Its the impact that hurts but normal jeans are fine they don't wear thru even with a bit of a tumble and slide until u come to a stop. Its the impact that hurts ya! and kevlar won't do anymore than regular jeans.

    best just not to come off.. then u can ride naked. Which is awesome by the way.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous View Post
    What I have seen is the 'suposed kevlar armor' (I believe you can get hard armor now) tearing out of the jean and floating away in the dust leaving no protection, your post makes good sence.
    Yes, I've never used cargo pants style riding gear for that reason. If it's to have any effect the kevlar, (and armour) has to stay put right where it's needed. You're never going to cover all eventualities, (or even most of them) but I reckon a good fit and good strong closures are paramount.
    Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katiepie View Post
    I was wearing draggon slicks when i crashed. They tore at the bottom and rode all the way up my leg when caught on barbed wire/ Leg is still in a very bad way with a major scar all the way down the side where a large flap of skin tore away from the bone. Jeans didn't protect me even slightly, have now brought leather with armour and will ride in even on a hot hot day. Leg inuury has been the worst, and unfortunately it was thanks to those jeans (oh, and crashing - my bad)
    reading this post, I cant see how the 'jeans' are to blame?? IF as it seems they were worn like any normal pair of trousers? (not tucked inside a pair of proper motorcycle boots a la MX style boots) then even 'cordura' pants would likely have 'snagged up' and ripped as well. With the trousers tucked inside 'proper' bike boots, the trousers are less likely to snag and ride up the leg.
    What unfortunately is passed as Cordura (dupont) often is NOT dupont Cordura, and frequently is 4-600 weight, sometimes with 8-900 weight reinforcing over high impact area's. Unless you are paying top dollar for a QUALITY brand that isnt 'just' CE approved armour and actualy IS certified 8-900 'weight' dupont Cordura... then you are still using an 'inferior quality' material. Have a look at most jackets in your local bike store(s) and see how many of them actualy have tags along with the 'CE' armour that states this is a CORDURA garment, not impact/friction/abrasion resistant nylon material.
    I think maybe your injury is one of those unfortunate ones where any material may have suffered ripping and riding up your leg,,, maybe leather would have been the only material that would not have suffered such terminal damage.
    Unfortunately most standard bike gear is made to a cost, or fashion look.... There are many of us who remember the sensible gear, bib n brace trousers
    double zipped jackets etc... YES some modern materials ARE superior to those of old,,,, BUT if I am sliding head first down the road, Velcro, stud poppers and a plastic zip aint gonna stay together and hold my pants in place... a good old fashioned 'belt buckle' strap across the front, or bib n brace is NOT going to burst open, and leave your pants sliding down around your arse!
    If the road to hell is paved with good intentions; and a man is judged by his deeds and his actions, why say it's the thought that counts? -GrayWolf

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    I've always used Draggin' Jeans though each pair can be quite pricey compared to cheaper options like Rhino or Horni Jeans. Never used protection plates with the jeans either as they become too bulky. If you come off a bike the kevlar should stop the fabric melting into your skin but you can still be susceptible to friction burns. I like the style of the draggins and haven't "tested" their capabilities by falling off...touch wood I never do

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykonosis View Post
    If you come off a bike the kevlar should stop the fabric melting into your skin but you can still be susceptible to friction burns.
    Well mate sorry to say but every situation I have seen the kevlar rips out and floats away in the brezz and serious injury to the arse and legs acures, oddley ya dont crash lik the add for dragons show.
    cheers DD
    (Definately Dodgy)

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous View Post
    Well mate sorry to say but every situation I have seen the kevlar rips out and floats away in the brezz and serious injury to the arse and legs acures, oddley ya dont crash lik the add for dragons show.
    You may be right, I hope not as I wear reinforced jeans a lot. I sweat profusely inside cordura pants, and sometimes even leather ones are not 'practicable' for where I may be going at the end of the ride. Would be interesting to see the damage sustained to the actual jeans though. I guess that the armour and kevlar is offering something higher in protection than just a pair of levi's like most of us used to wear.
    If the road to hell is paved with good intentions; and a man is judged by his deeds and his actions, why say it's the thought that counts? -GrayWolf

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    All you cunts are pussies. Just ride in normal jeans, and don't fall off.
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  13. #28
    Join Date
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    went to pick up my leathers from Kerry last week. On the way there I stopped at the Garage to pick up the bike. As I was taking the bus to get to the garage and only had a short bit of road to go to meet Kerry I went in kevlar and Leather Jacket only.

    I was relieved when I got to her, I don't think i ever felt so vulnerable ( i usually have kevlar under cordura etc ), and finally got my leathers.....i actually feel properly dressed when riding now. I don't feel anymore safe riding wearing them, but I know at least that my behind and other body parts are still were they are supposed to be should i come off and eat road.

    so know I have cordura, kevlar jeans and full leathers. this hobby is expensive
    squeek squeek

  14. #29
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue rider View Post
    went to pick up my leathers from Kerry last week. On the way there I stopped at the Garage to pick up the bike. As I was taking the bus to get to the garage and only had a short bit of road to go to meet Kerry I went in kevlar and Leather Jacket only.

    I was relieved when I got to her, I don't think i ever felt so vulnerable ( i usually have kevlar under cordura etc ), and finally got my leathers.....i actually feel properly dressed when riding now. I don't feel anymore safe riding wearing them, but I know at least that my behind and other body parts are still were they are supposed to be should i come off and eat road.

    so know I have cordura, kevlar jeans and full leathers. this hobby is expensive
    Did you get knee sliders fitted?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    18th April 2011 - 20:01
    beryl and daisy
    Auckland, New Zealand, Ne
    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    Did you knee sliders fitted?
    this will be for next week
    squeek squeek

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