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Thread: Tech issue, upload image window?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th November 2005 - 18:45
    2005 Z750S

    Tech issue, upload image window?

    Just had issues uploading an image, using the pop-up window you get from the "manage attachments" button on the advanced edit screen.

    After clicking "upload", just got spinning wheel. No result.

    Tried again, after clicking the "compatibility mode" button, and it worked.

    I've seen the same thing on a different forum that uses what seems to be the same underlying software. Basically, something in the manage attachments window is assuming that any IE must be stinky old IE, and is doing something that modern IE (which is way more standards compatible) doesn't like (as it shouldn't).

    (Compatibility mode makes IE work like an older version of itself.)

    Using IE 10 on Windows 8.

    No biggie, and maybe not even something the KB folk can do anything about.

    Just noting it.
    Measure once, cut twice. Practice makes perfect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st March 2005 - 02:18
    CB919, 1090R, R1200GSA
    East Aucks
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    Could be a browser or browser vs forum software compatibility problem.

    Try another browser like Chrome or Firefox and see if you experience the same issues.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th November 2005 - 18:45
    2005 Z750S
    Well, yes, that's what I said.

    That page isn't compatible with modern IE; that's shown by compatibility mode being needed. Thus that page is out of date.

    The issue isn't about using a different browser. (Though that is, in effect, a solution).
    Measure once, cut twice. Practice makes perfect.

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