This will be my third bike / post build. For many it will be hello, for some it will be… Sh!t this shit again worse then the TV show Seven at Seven - shit on TV one at 7.. funny that.!
OK fact is, had a few beers and a… yeaaaaa man. :_ smile thing failure.
So leaning back and thinking about how the extensive cleansing of my RG should go..
To my old friends.. yip..still loving the CRC…. Not just for bed springs.
So first off… build work shop bike stand, followed by engine stand. Oh and save heaps of money, while depriving the kids of clothes and food. Don’t forget the misses. Yep deprive her too of food and clothes to fund the cleansing of the mighty RG500.. you guessed it.. no undies for the misses..
My guess this blog will take quite some time…. There maybe a beer or two consumed so if that offends you best to be moving on… and thanks for your time.
Build motorbike work shop stand.
Build RG motor stand
Accumulate parts while still allowing the kids to eat and Sallies undies.
Expected time frame..
Depends on… beer, money and time.