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Thread: Thinking of getting vaccinated?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th February 2008 - 17:34
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    Thinking of getting vaccinated?

    Think about it very carefully.

    Real facts about court rulings that found vaccines have caused Autism and brain damage. Companies fined and forced to pay compensation.

    And a whistle blower (Vaccine creator) who has broken sillence to clear her conscience.
    What is confirmed is that 44 girls have died after vaccination for HPV and many more have suffered serious bizarre side effects: Guillain Barrι Syndrome (crippling and leading to permanent paralysis and suffocation), brain inflammation, blood clots, lupus, seizures. A whopping 15,037 girls have serious side effects as reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.) from Gardasil alone

    Yet another conspiracy come true
    Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th July 2006 - 11:53
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post
    Think about it very carefully.

    Real facts about court rulings that found vaccines have caused Autism and brain damage. Companies fined and forced to pay compensation.

    And a whistle blower (Vaccine creator) who has broken sillence to clear her conscience.

    Yet another conspiracy come true
    So, exactly how many hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved for each life damaged?

    And how many billions of lives would be saved by the extinction of parasitic transmissible diseases?

    You've come over all activistic, dude. Get better numbers, those ones are crap.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bwa ha ha. Didn't even have to follow the link. Just the www name starting '' was all I needed to know (but I had a look anyway just to confirm my impression)

    'Thinking of getting vaccinated?' Been doing it for years. I even arranged flu vaccinations for 15 of my work colleagues last year and 29 of them this year. Aiming for 50 flu jabs next year and it will be done without a moment of doubt.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie View Post
    Bwa ha ha. Didn't even have to follow the link. Just the www name starting '' was all I needed to know (but I had a look anyway just to confirm my impression)

    'Thinking of getting vaccinated?' Been doing it for years. I even arranged flu vaccinations for 15 of my work colleagues last year and 29 of them this year. Aiming for 50 flu jabs next year and it will be done without a moment of doubt.
    Did they save your life?
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    Did they save your life?
    If I didn't reply, would you be worried?
    Grow older but never grow up

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean1 View Post
    So, exactly how many hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved for each life damaged?

    And how many billions of lives would be saved by the extinction of parasitic transmissible diseases?

    You've come over all activistic, dude. Get better numbers, those ones are crap.

    I didn't say not to get a vaccination. I was attempting to allow you to educate yourself with facts that support the concerns raised by many, so that you could make decisions based in knowledge rather than ignorance. Carry on
    Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post
    I didn't say not to get a vaccination. I was attempting to allow you to educate yourself with facts that support the concerns raised by many, so that you could make decisions based in knowledge rather than ignorance. Carry on
    Ignorance is it? I live with someone who did their masters thesis on disease vectors and vaccination strategies. She says to tell you you're an idiot.

    There's a place for those who don't want to vaccinate. Somewhere else.

    Somewhere easily cauterised when the inevitable happens.
    Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie View Post
    If I didn't reply, would you be worried?
    If you had have posted any other response, no.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean1 View Post
    Ignorance is it? I live with someone who did their masters thesis on disease vectors and vaccination strategies. She says to tell you you're an idiot.

    There's a place for those who don't want to vaccinate. Somewhere else.

    Somewhere easily cauterised when the inevitable happens.
    Well Golly gee. You and your mom are almost (but not really) as well qualified as lead researcher-developer of vaccines.. 'Dr. Diane Harper' (the whistle blower) who is telling people that the vaccines she created aren't needed and likely kill a percentage of people for no good reason.

    You can't get any nearer to the horses mouth than that. So I guess as your view is the opposite of hers, you would have to be at the opposite end of the horse. However, that's your informed choice and as the vaccine is related to cervical cancer... Well, Why wouldn't ya?
    Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I've never been vaccinated against anything in my life.
    I managed to skip the TB shots that most high school kids got simply by being bought up mostly in social welfare boys homes an they didn't waste money on people like me at that time,,,oddly enough I still haven't died from TB.

    I have read a lot of both sides of the vaccination argument and what really bothers me is that people that have not been vaccinated will eventually be excluded from some parts of society,,,like children attending schools today.

    It's happening in Australia today but the Australian press is being very quiet about it for some reason.

    That leads me to think that maybe some people don't really have the faith they claim in their vaccinations because if they did then their off spring surely wouldn't be in danger from unvaccinated kids,,wouldn't it be the other way round ?

    Another way of looking at it is that Monsanto will eventually control your food if they get their way,and the American MDA will own your arse.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post
    'Dr. Diane Harper' (the whistle blower) who is telling people that the vaccines she created aren't needed and likely kill a percentage of people for no good reason.
    Well if her vaccine was ineffective and/or dangerous I'd tend to agree with her, but the vast majority of them aren't. And face it, they don't have to be very good to be better than the disease they prevent, now do they?
    Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post
    Think about it very carefully.

    Real facts about court rulings that found vaccines have caused Autism and brain damage. Companies fined and forced to pay compensation.
    ... I think I'd rather be protected against shit like meningitis ta. Oh, and I have Aspergers. You don't catch it through vaccinations. You're born with it.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post

    Real facts about court rulings that found vaccines have caused Autism and brain damage. Companies fined and forced to pay compensation.
    I surely hope you're not referring to Andrew Wakefield and the claims he made that linked the MMR vaccine with Autism?

    As pretty much everything he said on the topic was proved to be false and completely made up. His results were discredited and he had his licenses revoked and, I think charged with fraud.

    As for having never had a vaccine and not getting the disease that the vaccine protects against. Read up on herd immunity.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDOBSSOR View Post
    ... I think I'd rather be protected against shit like meningitis ta. Oh, and I have Aspergers. You don't catch it through vaccinations. You're born with it.
    Hereditary/genetic disorders can be made worse.

    Many children are given so many shots in such a short space of time, whilst young, that genetically compromised/different than normal immune systems cannot cope

    The internet is full of stories of woe from parents of children who were never the same after a vaccination

    An elderly friend of my mums died shortly after the illness that was triggered by his vaccinations he received as he was travelling to India. He never made the journey

    Certain genotypes are more susceptible to vaccine injury.

    Poor immunity in children may also result in harm
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by noobi View Post
    I surely hope you're not referring to Andrew Wakefield and the claims he made that linked the MMR vaccine with Autism?

    As pretty much everything he said on the topic was proved to be false and completely made up. His results were discredited and he had his licenses revoked and, I think charged with fraud.

    As for having never had a vaccine and not getting the disease that the vaccine protects against. Read up on herd immunity.
    Andrew Wakefeilds being discredited only mean he was discredited.

    Its all very political....

    Natural immune boosting/lifestyle should be the priority.
    Churches are monuments to self importance

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