Conspiracy theorists/ Antivaxers tend not believe in science they tend to rely on intuition and may not understand science.
They may also have low levels of trust in science.
Conspiracy theorists tend to believe that truth is intuitive and political, and they also tend to require less evidence to form a judgment.
Conspiracy theorists do not use scientific methods, which involves testing ideas against logic and reasoning.
Trust in science
People who trust science are less likely to believe conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theorists may incorporate elements of pseudoscience to attempt to legitimize the theories they believe in, such as scientific terms, data, and research.
Unusual experiences
People who have unusual experiences, such as delusions, magical beliefs, or hallucinations, may be more likely to believe conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories can have negative consequences, such as influencing people's response to preventive measures during a pandemic. They can also be linked to prejudice, witch hunts, wars, and genocides.
Conspiracy theorist tend to refuse to abandoned their initial beliefs system.
This frequently occurs in-spite of overwhelming evidence that would cause a more rational person to abandon their initial thought process.
When confronted with the obvious shortcomings of their theory they often just launch into yet another unsubstantiated theory as a form of narcissistic projection and focal point deflection.
interesting post .........Many people have a hard time dealing with distant, complex and invisible causes, because from our experience, we are only familiar with everyday causes in our vicinity occurring to medium-sized objects, like persons, cars and vases. The most salient causes we know from experience are human agents, or more precisely, their actions. This is probably the reason why the ancient Greeks regarded Zeus as the one who threw lightning bolts and why members of many ethnic religions still blame demons and witches for inexplicable happenings, for example for their house collapsing or for their child getting sick (Boyer 2001).
Conspiracy theories employ similar reasoning by making a small group of agents responsible for the suffering of the world: the CIA, the Freemasons, the Zionists, or simply “the elites“. For them, agent causation is closer to home than introducing complex and abstract explanations that take into account multiple events as well as the dispositions and powers of the objects that appear in those events.
especially given your posts
Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken
A Japanese study that shows your likelihood of contracting Covid increases with each Covid vaccination received.
BOMBSHELL, Peer-Reviewed Autism/Vaccine Study Draws Disturbing Conclusion
The pro-vaxx propagandists are going to have a hell of a time “debunking” this one.
The result was a shocking, if not surprising, 4.4-fold higher rate of autism among children with 11 or more vaxx visits to the state Vs those with none.
Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.
Millions played Russian roulette with vaccinations for 100% zero good reasons.
Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.
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