Gidday guys and gals. A summary of the season from Marc-Antoine. A lot of praise and all that, but he wrote it, not me.

See youse at NZSBK.


2013 racing season summary - Marc-Antoine Jacquet

My Experience with Moto Academy

I started riding a motorbike only when I entered university, I purchased a Hyosung 250 for the daily commute I didn’t know at the time that it would lead me here. The moment I hoped on the track I caught the bug and never looked back. For my first race season I entered in the Hyosung Cup and managed to finish in the top 15, looking to improve my skills I got in contact with Steve and Moto Academy NZ and so my journey began.

VMCC Winter Series

I was to compete in the VMCC winter series onboard the newly developed IMD250 and my Hyosung. Things got off to a shaky start as we were having technical problems sorting out the IMD250, but luckily Steve had the NZ Grand Prix winning Honda RS125 I could jump on. Moving from a 250 production motorcycle to a full race machine was difficult to say the least, learning to ride these machines fast doesn’t happen overnight I learned and so I started well of the pace at the back of the field. With perseverance and Steve’s coaching I began making small steps in the right direction, learning as much I could about racing, setting up a motorcycle, off track training. Come Round 3, I could feel myself getting the hang of riding the IMD250 and the RS125 and what a great feeling it was! Onboard the Hyosung I was improving too managing to ride more smoothly lead to faster and faster lap times. I missed round 5 as I was competing in the Hyosung Cup at Hampton Downs. Round 6 of the VMCC was at Taupo and what a great end to what was an experience of a life time. At this stage my focus had shifted to mostly to racing the motorcycle rather than riding it, a real complement to Steve and the Moto Academy NZ coaching programme. The series ended and I managed to set a short lived track record onboard the Hyosung and riding somewhat competitively onboard the IMD250. I couldn’t be happier with the progress I have made.

A year has passed what have I learned?

I’ve learned how to race. Steve had told me countless times that “this is a sport, you can’t just show up and expect to go fast”. You have to put in the effort; train, look after your equipment and especially yourself. Setting up a motorcycle was completely foreign to me, but by the end of the winter series I could comment on suspension settings, power delivery and the ‘feel’ of the bikes. Lastly, I’ve learned that in this sport it’s all about the small things, mechanical issues or even personal issues can affect your riding.

Why is Moto Academy NZ necessary?

Steve puts you on machines that all the modern GP stars started racing on; “if you can ride a 125 fast, you can ride any bike fast” I truly believe this. Riding these types of bikes really should be imperative for any inspiring racer as they are the stepping stone for bigger and faster things. Steve’s coaching is second to none. He took me, a 22 year university student with no experience to become a competent racer who set a track record! Steve gives you the facts, not what you want to hear and that for me was on-going motivation to carrying on trying.

I am so happy that I met Steve and Moto Academy NZ and that I will sign to race in the NZSBK with him. The NZSBK will be a great challenge for me but I could not be any happier!

See you at the Nationals!

Marc-Antoine #57