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Thread: Riding tired? Please don't

  1. #1
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    Riding tired? Please don't

    Insp Dave Mangan Lancashire Police launches "Embargoed" motorcycle Campaign
    Motorcycle campaign tells of ‘Mike’s last ride’
    A ROAD policing inspector who tragically lost his father in a motorbike collision has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of riding whilst tired.

    Insp Dave Mangan from Lancashire Constabulary has created a short film about his father Mike’s last ride which will be shown to bikers across the county as well as in Cumbria, North Yorkshire, Avon, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall.

    Mike Mangan, 72, from Bolton, sadly died on 11 September 2013 in Wheddon Cross, Somerset, when he was involved in a collision with an oncoming vehicle whilst overtaking. Mike, a retired electrical engineer, was on the last ten miles of a 320 mile journey and his family believes that tiredness was a contributory factor in his death.
    Insp Mangan, 43, also from Bolton, was with his father at the time of the fatal collision. Mike was riding his BMW 1200RT, travelling from Lands End to Minehead.
    ‘Mike’s last ride’ tells the story of the day of the fatal collision and offers advice on how riders can stay safe on the roads.
    Insp Mangan, who oversees road policing in the county’s East Division, said: “My family and I are still trying to come to terms with what happened. We miss him every day.

    “My dad was a keen and experienced biker. He was a trained advanced motorcycle observer and used to teach other motorcyclists how they could stay safe on the roads.
    “We have decided to use this tragic incident to help educate other riders. If it reminds just one biker of the dangers faced by riding whilst tired, then it will be a success.

    “When bikers are making a long journey, towards the end they may start to feel tired and lose concentration. It is really important that riders recognise this and adjust their riding to the conditions.

    “Even experienced riders can make errors of judgment which can result in serious consequences. Please don’t make this mistake.”

    Officers from Lancashire Constabulary will be going to bike meets across the county to let bikers know about the campaign. The video will also be shown to bikers at these meets.
    A series of messages will appear on Lancashire Constabulary’s Facebook and Twitter accounts with the hashtag #mikeslastride. Adverts will also appear on Facebook and leaflets will be distributed to raise awareness of the campaign.

    Deputy Chief Constable Andy Rhodes from Lancashire Constabulary said: “It is very courageous of Dave to use this tragic event to try to help keep other riders safe.

    “The risks of motorcycling are considerably greater than for other road users. Last year there were 36 fatalities on Lancashire’s roads and six of these were motorcyclists. Another 173 motorcyclists were also seriously injured.

    “I hope this campaign strikes a chord with riders and sends a reminder that it doesn’t matter how experienced you are – riding whilst tired can have serious or even fatal consequences.”
    A ride to Lands End from Preston in memory of Mike will commence on Wednesday 9 April. Insp Mangan will be joined by friends and colleagues as he leads the ride to promote the campaign. A minute’s silence will take place in the village of Wheddon Cross, which is about half a mile from where Mike was killed, at around 12 noon on Friday 11 April.

    Insp Mangan will then attend the national BikeSafe show at Castle Combe race track on Saturday 12 April where the film will be shown to bikers.

    A full inquest into Mike’s death is due to be heard on Thursday 22 May 2014.

    To view the film, search YouTube for ‘Mike’s last ride’.
    A web chat will be hosted by Insp Mangan on Lancashire Constabulary’s Facebook page at 2pm on Thursday 3 April. If you would like to get involved, search Facebook for ‘Lancs Police’. Further information about the campaign can be found at - live from Thurs am.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th July 2003 - 23:37
    Yes, we all push on sometimes. Sometimes to keep up, get out of the rain or just get home.
    If you are that tired it is better to stop, do something else for 15, like a lap of the bike, stop for a coffee or other non alcoholic drink. Your already tired do not compound it with alcohol.

    Better 15 mins late than dead on time.

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  3. #3
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    I've found one of the most telling symptoms when I start to get tired is neglecting peripheral vision and mirror checks.
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  4. #4
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    That's a lot of waffle based on conjecture.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    17th July 2003 - 23:37
    Quote Originally Posted by James Deuce View Post
    That's a lot of waffle based on conjecture.
    There is an awful lot of assumption. But the principal stands.
    Riding tired = slower decisions, sometimes poor decisions.

    The Southern is so long and monotonous I sometimes find I am no longer paying attention. Usually when sleep deprived. This can be a problem along the stretch where the next legal stop is 10 mins away.

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  6. #6
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    Yes. But. The argument has been presented as "Quod erat demonstratum", when it ain't. They've leapt to a conclusion based on evidence we don't have access to, thereby not presenting a plausible analogy let alone convincing argument that the chap was even slightly tired.

    Any old twat can say the same thing. IF it could be demonstrated by blood gas analysis that he was asleep when he began pining for the fjords, the whole case would have a bit of oomph to it. I'm tired of road safety arguments that have a basis in nothing other than opinion and conjecture. It seems to be especially prevalent in motorcycling, from both sides, that "I reckon...and that's why he died and you all have to cover yourselves in pork fat before you put your Government mandated safety gear on to prevent it happening again."

    We rip "the media" a new one for being unresearched twats. Critical thought cuts both ways.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  7. #7
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    I can't say I argue with you regarding the sufficiency of evidence. They do admit early on it is only a theory. I do however support the message.

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  8. #8
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    I've resulted on sleeping on the side of the road once. Nothing like a quick nap to refresh yaself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMOKEU View Post
    Turns out I was just being a n00b.

  9. #9
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    On any given sunday?
    Quote Originally Posted by James Deuce View Post
    That's a lot of waffle based on conjecture.
    Christ almighty motorcyclings become the new knitting since the internet turned up,sad for the sons loss etc but fuck the guy made a bad decision and paid the ultimate price tis nothing new.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 98tls View Post
    Christ almighty motorcyclings become the new knitting since the internet turned up,sad for the sons loss etc but fuck the guy made a bad decision and paid the ultimate price tis nothing new.
    Tired? He was old and not taking it easy! He wasn't having a nap - he simply no longer understood his limits, got it wrong, ended up dead. Fact of riding.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by avgas View Post
    Tired? He was old and not taking it easy! He wasn't having a nap - he simply no longer understood his limits, got it wrong, ended up dead. Fact of riding.
    You don't know that. It's all conjecture.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  12. #12
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    The article implies that riding long (??? .. 350 miles is 560 km's) distance and tiredness are the same thing. Or ... the former causes the latter. 560 km's is two tanks of fuel for most bikes ... not that big a ride.

    Knowing your own current limits ... not taking into account we have got older and may tire easier. (Who likes to admit that .. ??)
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FJRider View Post
    The article implies that riding long (??? .. 350 miles is 560 km's) distance and tiredness are the same thing. Or ... the former causes the latter. 560 km's is two tanks of fuel for most bikes ... not that big a ride.

    Knowing your own current limits ... not taking into account we have got older and may tire easier. (Who likes to admit that .. ??)
    I dunno, they didn't really specify a long distance? More just, long trips could make you tired, not that it's exactly surprising.

    320 miles is 515km. Ultimately, everyone has to know their own limits. For some, 2-300km is their limit. Fair enough. For others, more like 1000km. For me, I find it varies. 3-500km can be done no problem, but doing 1000km+ days usually requires a bit of build up and getting ride fit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  14. #14
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    So many variables, 320 miles after an epic night with a terrible hangover is different to a quick motorway blast down the M1 for 4 hrs on a fresh brain...

  15. #15
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    The conjecture seems to be snowballing.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

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