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Thread: I've had enough!

  1. #136
    Join Date
    3rd May 2005 - 11:51
    Invercargill - Arrowtn
    Quote Originally Posted by mossy1200 View Post
    ACC levy should be paid on licence type held not on the vehicle.
    Your either licenced or not.
    Yes some sense in that. Somebody calculated the cost would be $1500 per person to get the same amount of funds. In the UK thats what they pay on road tax (registration) per vehicle so it would be cheap here.

  2. #137
    Join Date
    7th December 2007 - 12:09
    Valkyrie 1500 ,HD softail, BMW r1150r
    New Plymouth
    All relative of course......
    ( paid 6 months rego for 3 bikes last month.....
    plus own 5 cars.....2 on exemption, so trust me its not cheap)
    problem is unfairness of present system......
    20 demerits for no rego?
    how the fuck is no rego "dangerous "?
    exemtion system is set up to make you fail and forget....
    I am a sailor and spend at least half my life at sea,
    like to be legal when on the road,
    no format available for people like me...

    so call it what you will,
    but present sysrem is neither fair nor cheap
    Opinions are like arseholes: Everybody has got one, but that doesn't mean you got to air it in public all the time....

  3. #138
    Join Date
    7th December 2007 - 12:09
    Valkyrie 1500 ,HD softail, BMW r1150r
    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by Winston001 View Post
    Yes some sense in that. Somebody calculated the cost would be $1500 per person to get the same amount of funds. In the UK thats what they pay on road tax (registration) per vehicle so it would be cheap here.
    I wish I could pay $1500 to any outfit and be legally registered.......
    to get that cover for my "toys" in NZ costs me twice that....

    with my job that would mean $3000 ish in regos for being 6 months on the road....
    oh....and accidents on bike.... 0
    accidents in car......0

    I wish I could go private.....sign away my acc rights
    I would happily do that.

    had 1 accident at sea once....
    acc doesnt understand my trip on/ trip off payment system,
    so I lost more then half my pay with them....
    Opinions are like arseholes: Everybody has got one, but that doesn't mean you got to air it in public all the time....

  4. #139
    Join Date
    5th March 2007 - 18:08
    Quote Originally Posted by awayatc View Post
    I wish I could go private.....sign away my acc rights
    I would happily do that..
    Take a look at the health care systems in "first world" countries that have privatised healthcare.

    I for one enjoy not having to think twice about calling an ambulance when someone is seriously injured or falls violently ill.

    The system we have is not perfect, far from it in-fact, but it is a damn sight better than the trouble privatised stuff causes.

  5. #140
    Join Date
    29th July 2014 - 10:18
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by breakaway View Post
    The system we have is not perfect, far from it in-fact, but it is a damn sight better than the trouble privatised stuff causes.
    I lived for 15 years in the states and much prefer private. With my insurance in the states I could see a doctor normally the same day, a specialist within a week and a out-patient procedure in under 2 weeks. Here it's more like six months to see a specialist or get an outpatient procedure.

    Emergency treatment was always available, they didn't let you die while the figured out the insurance you may or may not have.

  6. #141
    Join Date
    5th March 2007 - 18:08
    And how much was your insurance? What if you had a pre existing condition the snakes refused to cover? What if you couldn't afford insurance?

    Also just because you have insurance doesn't mean your covered. Insurance companies weasel out of shit all the time. I recently read about someone who was critically injured, taken to the closest hospital but the hospital wasn't on the insurance co's list of approved hospitals and as a result the woman was facing a six figure bill.

    The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 49.9 million residents, 16.3% of the population, were uninsured in 2010 (up from 49.0 million residents, 16.1% of the population, in 2009). A 2004 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report said: "The United States is among the few industrialized nations in the world that does not guarantee access to health care for its population." A 2004 OECD report said: "With the exception of Mexico, Turkey, and the United States, all OECD countries had achieved universal or near-universal (at least 98.4% insured) coverage of their populations by 1990." Recent evidence demonstrates that lack of health insurance causes some 45,000 to 48,000 unnecessary deaths every year in the United States.[8][9] In 2007, 62.1% of filers for bankruptcies claimed high medical expenses. A 2013 study found that about 25% of all senior citizens declare bankruptcy due to medical expenses, and 43% are forced to mortgage or sell their primary residence.
    That's messed up. I'm glad we don't have such issues here.

    There are a shit ton of benefits to everyone with the kind of health care we have here in NZ.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSheepLogic View Post
    Emergency treatment was always available, they didn't let you die while the figured out the insurance you may or may not have.
    So you live, but with crushing debt that will take you close to a decade to recover from provided you don't have any long-term effects from whatever hospitalised you.

    Privatising healthcare will result in shady practices like this also.

  7. #142
    Join Date
    2nd December 2009 - 13:51
    A brmm, brmm one
    Upper-Upper Hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSheepLogic View Post
    I lived for 15 years in the states and much prefer private. With my insurance in the states I could see a doctor normally the same day, a specialist within a week and a out-patient procedure in under 2 weeks. Here it's more like six months to see a specialist or get an outpatient procedure.

    Emergency treatment was always available, they didn't let you die while the figured out the insurance you may or may not have.
    You do know you have the option of private insurance here too ay? only here it's an option, & a fuckload cheaper
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