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Thread: Friday Night Rants?

  1. #5056
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Here we have everything that is wrong with modern society pen pushers.

    Apparently the defence force is not an accredited water supplier so thousands of litres of water sat unused on a navy vessel during floods.
    It’s a worry when one human being is not willing to trust water supplied by another human.

    Obviously our state of emergency legislation needs to be amended to make it clear there is no restriction on supplying aid and anyone who obstructs because of box ticking should be jailed.

    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  2. #5057
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Here we have everything that is wrong with modern society pen pushers.

    Apparently the defence force is not an accredited water supplier so thousands of litres of water sat unused on a navy vessel during floods.
    It’s a worry when one human being is not willing to trust water supplied by another human.

    Obviously our state of emergency legislation needs to be amended to make it clear there is no restriction on supplying aid and anyone who obstructs because of box ticking should be jailed.
    On occasion I agree with you. This is one of those occasions
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  3. #5058
    Join Date
    13th June 2010 - 17:47
    Out in the cold
    Agree in principle. Disagree from experience.

    2010 earthquakes around Darfield. The 7.2 on the Greendale fault. We were living on the western end of the fault and lost water supply temporarily.
    Water was available from a SDC tanker on specific days. There was also a private individual supplying who could be rung for a delivery.
    Word quickly got around that the private individual was supplying water fit for stock, not drinking.

    Buyer beware. Certified drinking water is a known quantity.

  4. #5059
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumph View Post
    Agree in principle. Disagree from experience.

    2010 earthquakes around Darfield. The 7.2 on the Greendale fault. We were living on the western end of the fault and lost water supply temporarily.
    Water was available from a SDC tanker on specific days. There was also a private individual supplying who could be rung for a delivery.
    Word quickly got around that the private individual was supplying water fit for stock, not drinking.

    Buyer beware. Certified drinking water is a known quantity.
    I think its a given that unknown water needs to be boiled if the facility (ie gas barbeque) is available, treated with Janola if not. My rainwater tank might be as pure as the driven snow but no way I'd drink straight from the tank.
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  5. #5060
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    There needs to be a multi party sit down to come up with a plan to save our country from the abyss

    You could understand one person being silly enough to be carrying a knife in public place in a fairly small crowd, but multiple youths with knives just crazy, never mind the shooting.
    Couple of work colleagues openly admit to carrying knives for protection which is not best idea as if your opponent takes it off you and is more willing g to use it then game over, kinda permanently usually. And if you do successfully stab an opponent after deliberately carrying a weapon you’re likely to get a decent jail term.

    Where do we go from here this kinda stuff happening to often and we know it goes underreported…
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  6. #5061
    Join Date
    3rd March 2008 - 11:55
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    Oh for fucks sake, just tell people what flavour of sprog you're having, rather than killing wildlife.

    Or alternatively, don't get dragged into the latest american idea dreamed up to extract more money from your wallet for no good reason, which ironically is being embraced by the generation who concurrently preach about saving the planet.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

    Tagorama maps: Transalpers map first 100 tags..................Map of tags 101-200......................Latest map, tag # 201-->

  7. #5062
    Join Date
    1st February 2004 - 11:00
    MG V11 Nero Corsa LeMans
    out west a chch
    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    Oh for fucks sake, just tell people what flavour of sprog you're having, rather than killing wildlife.

    Or alternatively, don't get dragged into the latest american idea dreamed up to extract more money from your wallet for no good reason, which ironically is being embraced by the generation who concurrently preach about saving the planet.
    WTF... were do these ideas come from... we are truly fucked as the more intelligent spices on this planet.

    WHAT I WANA KNOW... the scare tactics this morning all over the news re running out of power cos of the cold... fuck me... dont use ya heaters, dryers... i VOTE FOR DONT CHARGE YA FUCKING ELECTRIC CARS
    cheers DD
    (Definately Dodgy)

  8. #5063
    Join Date
    4th November 2003 - 13:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous View Post
    Make sure you charge your Stark Varg though cause I had a ride on one and for an electric abomination they're awesome
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  9. #5064
    Join Date
    5th April 2004 - 20:04
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    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    Oh for fucks sake, just tell people what flavour of sprog you're having, rather than killing wildlife.

    Or alternatively, don't get dragged into the latest american idea dreamed up to extract more money from your wallet for no good reason, which ironically is being embraced by the generation who concurrently preach about saving the planet.
    That fucken link crashed the browser on my phone, and I had to reinstall it to get running again.

  10. #5065
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Recently we had a meth addict in the bay try to abduct two young girls using screwdriver as weapon threatening harm. Thankfully he was quickley apprehended.
    For ruining the innocence of two people plus their family he’s got 2 years 11 months jail after a 25% discount for early guilty plea….
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  11. #5066
    Join Date
    1st February 2004 - 11:00
    MG V11 Nero Corsa LeMans
    out west a chch
    WHAT THE actual fuck is wrong with you people... Christchurch urban streets are all becoming 30K limits... thats thirty KPH max... what the hell, like are we so fucking like dumb fucks that we have no idea what steeping put in front of a car will result in, so moronated that we cant drive... ohhh i get it we are alowing for the retards that is us humans on our cell phones while driving while walking... ahhh of course.... what the fucking fuck fuck happend to natural selection...

    serious bekenham cashmere Barrington... all 30k
    cheers DD
    (Definately Dodgy)

  12. #5067
    Join Date
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    The only 30KPH area in town doesn't bother me; on balance it is sensible. It does seem though that the ever expanding 80KPH areas are doomed.
    I'll drink to that.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  13. #5068
    Join Date
    13th June 2010 - 17:47
    Out in the cold
    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous View Post
    WHAT THE actual fuck is wrong with you people... Christchurch urban streets are all becoming 30K limits... thats thirty KPH max... what the hell, like are we so fucking like dumb fucks that we have no idea what steeping put in front of a car will result in, so moronated that we cant drive... ohhh i get it we are alowing for the retards that is us humans on our cell phones while driving while walking... ahhh of course.... what the fucking fuck fuck happend to natural selection...

    serious bekenham cashmere Barrington... all 30k
    The 30k areas are not ones I use regularly. The bigger problem is the multiplying speed bumps/table top jumps at light controlled intersections.
    Where once you could get say 10 cars through on a light, now you're lucky to get 8 through and less if there's a tradie who wants to keep his load unbroken.
    Last week I saw that one of the big table-tops had broken a bus. One lane blocked for about an hour.

    And can anyone tell me why you'd have a speed bump LEAVING a round about ? Entering, yes, there's a case for that. But leaving, WTF.

    Oh, and D, the Bealey will either go to 80k or have extensive no passing zones grafted on. Too narrow, too badly lit.

  14. #5069
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    It’s because the people designing the stuff and approving it are not your average citizen. They live the CBD lifestyle and have no idea how early morning freight/courier/tradie services operate.
    There was a good article about how in Wellington CBD there was literally becoming nowhere for a plumber or sparky to park. When there’s a shortage of skills you’d think the last thing you’d want is to make the poor nuggets walk several hundreds of metres with their tools and materials.

    We’ve had our fair share too of the plastic speed bump virus popping up all over the city like a herpes outbreak. The latest dumbness I’ve seen is deliberate removal of a right turning bay into popular fast food location and narrowing of an already narrow Main Street.
    Not sure of what they are trying to achieve outside increasing congestion.

    It’s quite clear with the Ulez stuff happening in uk that there’s an active conspiracy to slowly force us out of private vehicle ownership for a variety of reasons. Of course they say they are not banning anything just making it too expensive to do it.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  15. #5070
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    ItÂ’s because the people designing the stuff and approving it are not your average citizen.
    The last government pushed the 'safe system' approach so much that councils had no option but to push through these speed limit changes - with legal threats from NZTA if they didn't. Makes me laugh how NZTA held back on dropping the speed limit on most state highways because they knew it would get knocked back by the public.

    You can't argue with physics but the natural end result of that is everyone doing 10km/h, and still people would die because you can at that speed.

    It is all down to what is acceptable, urban speeds, rural speeds, the road toll etc etc etc. We all have different opinions on that and therefore we will never all agree. For arguments sake I'll say 30km/h around schools when children are actually present, 50km/h in urban areas, 70km/h in semi rural areas, and 120km/h on rural roads. Except Chch where everything should be 20km/h to make dangerous more moronated.

    The last government also managed to piss millions of dollars up the wall with high cost improvements on a very short sections of the road network meaning where you live probably won't see any road safety improvements, apart from those achieved by the widespread introduction of 'safety' cameras which, contrary to their name, take photos of speed not safety and somewhat unsurprisingly enforce the same.

    Unfortunately even with a change in government the same people are there at the MOT and the NZTA so nothing much will change.

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