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Thread: Nicky Hager

  1. #1
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    Nicky Hager

    Been a busy day on the political front .. Hager doing what he does best, stirring shit .../

    Prime Minister John Key has dismissed Nicky Hager's book Dirty Politics as "a bunch of baseless allegations" as opposition parties demand answers and lay complaints with the police.

    The book, launched on Wednesday, implicates Mr Key's office in covert smear campaigns against National's political opponents.

    It reveals email correspondence between blogger Cameron Slater and Beehive staffer Jason Ede, as well as with cabinet minister Judith Collins and National Party insiders.

    "The National Party is doing everything above board and it's totally fine," Mr Key told reporters on Tuesday when he faced the media for the first time since the book launch.

    "Mr Hager's making claims he can't back up and they're not factually correct."

    Mr Key denies his office had anything to do with Slater's online attacks against the Labour Party and says the book is "dirty politics from the left".

    Labour, the Greens and NZ First are taking Hager at his word.

    "The National government is up to its neck in dirty politics and may have broken the law while smearing opponents," said Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei.

    The Greens are laying complaints with the police and other agencies over Mr Ede's alleged involvement and other claims in the book.

    Labour leader David Cunliffe says the book reveals "a very nasty turn in New Zealand politics" and Mr Key should address the allegations, not just dismiss them.

    "This leaves the prime minister with some very serious questions to answer," he said.

    NZ First leader Winston Peters has drawn comparisons with the Watergate scandal, saying the trail leads to the prime minister's office.

    The PM's office used its knowledge of secret SIS documents to tip off Slater to attack the Labour leader in the 2011 election campaign

    Mr Ede drafted Official Information Act requests that were passed on to Slater

    Political strategist Simon Lusk was also involved on many of the plans that were laid

    Justice Minister Judith Collins emailed Slater an account of Labour's Trevor Mallard making a fool of himself

    Slater boasted Mr Key had called him after the blogger was attacked over his comments about a West Coast man killed in a road crash.

    "Nicky Hager has been drawing pictures, drawing dots, thinks that he's got a picture of a conspiracy, but he's actually got a bunch of squiggly lines, it's something a four-year-old at kindergarten would draw" - Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater

    "Dirty politics is legal, hacking my private computer is not. Your book is based on the product of a criminal act" - Slater, again

    "Funnily enough it's exactly what it says on the cover: it is a dirty politics book" - National's Steven Joyce

    "We've had a gutsful of this kind of politics and think New Zealanders have too" - Labour leader David Cunliffe

    "I think this is an over-hyped, under-delivered book from a left-wing conspiracy theorist five weeks before an election" - Justice Minister Judith Collins

    "Sadly for the prime minister it goes to his office in the same way it went to Nixon's office during the Watergate scandal" - NZ First leader Winston Peters

    "Nicky Hager has discovered that politicians talk to the media. I feel I should confess that I too am guilty" - ACT leader Jamie Whyte

    "This (information) shines a light on something which otherwise might have been secret for the rest of time and the public has a total right to know this" - author Nicky Hager

    "National is trying to dismiss dirty and dodgy behaviour as business as usual. It is not" - Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei

    "This is not normal political behaviour and must not be seen as such" - Internet Party leader Laila Harre

    "This book is a damming expose on how the prime minister's office operates and shows the true side of National's 'attack politics' that gives real weight to the description of Key as the 'Smiling Assassin'" - Mana leader Hone Harawira.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th August 2005 - 19:57
    Yamaha MT09 Tracer
    cheers stylo

    ive been wanting to get the skinny on that saga and youve laid out the main points for us. its a bit of a giggle, nothing the act bloke
    said 'niki hagar has discovered that politicians talk to media sources' next he'll be writing about scandalous police have 'criminal enformants'
    big fucken deal, you can rest assured ian wishart wouldnt publish any dishwater like this
    'the stickiest situation since sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun'

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylo View Post
    "I think this is an over-hyped, under-delivered book from a yawn fucking yawn fucking yawn fucking yawn" - Me.

    What do people expect from New Zealand politicians?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    3rd May 2005 - 11:51
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    Much as I cannot warm to Nicky Harger or indeed Ian Wishart, we need these people who tilt at windmills because occasionally they will find a real dragon. It is important for an open society that investigations be done and questions be asked.

    Fortunately - and its confirmation of our lack of corruption - nothing significant has been discovered.

    By contrast similar investigations in Australia and Washington DC almost always uncover political favours and influence.

    And lets not forget Winston Peters Wine Box of documents and Ian Wishart's exposure of the tax dodging details. Lawful as those activities may have been, they were still an eye-opener for the general public.

  5. #5
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    Or if you take the attitude that all politicians are lieing weasels, and assume that they are always weaseling, then you are not in the least bit surprised when it comes to light that they have been acting like lieing weasels.

    As much as I hate to agree with the twat on 7# - Politicians being dirty and leaking information is nothing new, nor is it something that we should suddenly be offended by.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    So baseless allegations but then they go on to say he's quoting stolen emails ie written statements
    NZ has very strict libel and defamation laws, if anything untrue was said in print, first off the publishers lawyers would never allow it and secondly Nationals legal team would be all over him...

    I don't worship either of the main political icons so its no drama for me but quite funny to watch people freak out about what they claim is nothing...
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  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Or if you take the attitude that all politicians are lieing weasels, and assume that they are always weaseling, then you are not in the least bit surprised when it comes to light that they have been acting like lieing weasels.

    As much as I hate to agree with the twat on 7# - Politicians being dirty and leaking information is nothing new, nor is it something that we should suddenly be offended by.
    Yeah .. that's about it ... amusing and all ... but just proof they are shucking and jiving to the max ..
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    9th January 2005 - 22:12
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    I am far more prepared to believe ill of Key and his lumpy minions than I am of other politicians, because I think that other politicians would be hopelessly incompetent at the sort of wet ops that Hager is alleging. I do not doubt for a second that all of the filthy dirty conduct alleged, and in particular the involvement of the AWFUL cameron slater is absolute fact.

    Why am I not that angry about it? Because I (and I suspect many others) "knew" in the back of our minds that this sort of shit goes down day in and day out. So having it confirmed is not a surprise.

    all it does is further disengage the governed from their overlords.

    It is a hateful, terrible business, one best avoided.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winston001 View Post
    Much as I cannot warm to Nicky Harger or indeed Ian Wishart, we need these people who tilt at windmills because occasionally they will find a real dragon. It is important for an open society that investigations be done and questions be asked.

    Fortunately - and its confirmation of our lack of corruption - nothing significant has been discovered.

    By contrast similar investigations in Australia and Washington DC almost always uncover political favours and influence.

    And lets not forget Winston Peters Wine Box of documents and Ian Wishart's exposure of the tax dodging details. Lawful as those activities may have been, they were still an eye-opener for the general public.
    nu zillun generally, and politics specifically is a very small shallow pool.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    NZ has very strict libel and defamation laws, if anything untrue was said in print, first off the publishers lawyers would never allow it and secondly Nationals legal team would be all over him...
    Yeah, but as Judith Collins noted on the telly this morning, Hager has been very careful to weasel around direct allegations by using "might have" and "could have" etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Lobster View Post
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    9th June 2005 - 13:22
    Niki Who? ....... yawn! The dogs of the left seek out and yap at lame sensation while the rest of the world marches on!

  13. #13
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    Angry perhaps .......

    Quote Originally Posted by Winston001 View Post
    Fortunately - and its confirmation of our lack of corruption - nothing significant has been discovered.

    By contrast similar investigations in Australia and Washington DC almost always uncover political favours and influence.
    I think Judith Collins - Minister of Corrections; moved a prisoner for no other reason than at the request of a blogger Cameron Slater - payback for spreading rumors and shit about her adversaries. Now that is corruption and does need to be looked into

    Hacking Text messages and personal details about the leader of ACT and then bribing him to stand down or you'll make them public
    acting as an agent for the government

    I don't like Hagar but i have to admit that he has yet to be found wrong from his previous books, including Hollow men

    And no one will actually sue him, I think most of whats there is only scratching the surface and they will be very adverse to having the whole story come out

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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    ever wondered .....

    I found it unusual that Cunliff came out weeks ago with his 'keeping it positive' campaign

    he seemed to know what the book was about for sure, and took steps to create the illusion that Labour are above all that
    But he is still surrounded by the same shit as all the rest of them
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    17th February 2005 - 11:36
    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    the involvement of the AWFUL cameron slater
    Can't see much of this interests me a great deal, I expect politicians to be cunts, but that fat retard makes me puke. Hopefully the attention will all become a bit too much and he'll off himself.

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