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Thread: Police getting tougher on speed tolerance

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    some waffle about bubble wrap, and you poor people being a risk to the richfolk again, yadda yadda

    oh and a 20min vid from NZTA outlining the system to remove most of you serv's off the roads...after milking you of course

    ...that was some of the most beautiful PC nancy bullshit I have ever seen

    ...thank you!

    I just can't wait for the Govt and Police to make my ENTIRE life "safe" we get to pick what color bubble wrap we all get in the boring but "safe" future?

    vehicles, roads, speed and road users eh

    Vehicles!...Soooo fucking sorry the majority of Kiwis are too poor to own the latest god damn range rover built out of Iridium carbide!

    Roads!...yeah, fixing them and designing them properly could help alot aye, shame it took the pricks this long to notice!..and fire the prick with the ruler!

    Speed!...That thing that kills!...even tho most fatal accidents happen below the posted speed limit? will they just keep pushing the speed limit down till we all walk!...with helmets!

    Road users!...Ya know, we could just teach people to actually drive safely in the first place...instead of just giving them a basic test and wishing them luck as they learn the rest as they go

    I do actually like the goal of safer roads, just not the way they are going about it....speed isn't the biggest killer on our roads...substandard roading and poor driver skill sets are.

    1k over?...common!, 4k limit was pushing it as far as driver and mechanical "standards" would reasonably allow...forcing road users to go 5k under or more?, "CHANGE YOUR HABITS DURING YOUR TIME OF REST NZ...OR PAY!"(Sure hope they explained it all to the tourists!...a campervan going 100kph + up the arse will bloody hurt while were fucking around trying to stay 5-10k under and hovering over our speedo's)

    ITS CALLED LIFE! can't take ALL the sharp pointy things away ffs

    ps...loving the debate!'s the lot!...friggin awesome! (ps...we all love our fellow Kber's...But were also allowed to rant, disagree and talk complete an utter shit!...while drinking...because KB!

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  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mom View Post
    So, we should keep our eyes on our speedos at all times to ensure we are under the posted limit? That is a great safety message to send a biker. Don't watch the road, watch your speedo so you don't go over the limit, which will no doubt be reading incorrectly. This is outrageous!

    I reckon we should all just sell our bikes and walk... (sarcasm for those that missed it).

    FFS! I wish I had a bit more time to devote to making some noise about this shit.
    PS. It's against the law and an offence punishable by infringement if you are going under the limit and holding up the traffic.

    WIN/WIN for $$$$

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Interesting stat. More pedestrians have died on roads this year than motorcyclists.... Are they walking too fast?

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by mada View Post
    PS. It's against the law and an offence punishable by infringement if you are going under the limit and holding up the traffic.

    WIN/WIN for $$$$
    Good point and fucking annoying,have never heard of anyone pulled for it sadly.
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  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by haydes55 View Post
    Interesting stat. More pedestrians have died on roads this year than motorcyclists.... Are they walking too fast?
    Raise the ACC on the cunts. ALL pedestrians should have to wear a number plate accross their arses and pay a suitable ACC heavy rego fee each year.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by haydes55 View Post
    Interesting stat. More pedestrians have died on roads this year than motorcyclists.... Are they walking too fast?
    More likely heard a loud pipe couple of clicks away and hauled ass across the road before that dangerous biker got any closer.

  7. #52
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    The other thing is.

    It would be a better worls IF NZ police took 'donations' - you know the old hand over your papers attached to a $50 .........

    'Nothing to see here sir, have a nice day and please keep a eye on your speed'

    'No problem officer, thanks for keeping the roads safe'

  8. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 98tls View Post
    Good point and fucking annoying,have never heard of anyone pulled for it sadly.
    I did in UK.
    Had picked up the misses from her job at pub, driving home through a 30mph zone a car with its lights on full slowly catch up and tailgates us.
    We get to 60mph zone I stay going slow to prompt what I think is a dodgy driver to overtake.
    Neck minnit blue lights, cheeky bugger pulls me for going to slow and possible DUI.
    Gave him serve up about lights to bright which he didn't deny, and passed the DUI check.
    Then he ran away to station
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  9. #54
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  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Interesting, but I actually give a shit. Any tickets I write are because I believe they help to change behaviours that contribute to crashes, or make worse the crashes that happen.

    Just sayin.
    Why I have respect for you... That & the fact you'll actually answer questions rather than tow the company line of "Not saying cause I'm the Police"

    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    A good earner for the government. What the police don't really educate the public about (excluding the poor cat typing to KB), is that issuing a ticket costs the police. The money generated from the fine goes to the government. If the police write out tickets costing $1m, then $1m has to be found from the police budget.

    The whole reason behind lowering the tolerance is that it achieves aims within the Safe System approach they're adopting. While we all bitch and moan, the police aren't looking at specific individuals speeding. They look at the whole roading network, and these policies reduce the average speed across the network, which is exactly what the police are after. Under the Safe System, there are 4 aspects (vehicles, roads, speed and road users). It is accepted that accidents will occur, but by working within the 4 aspects, the result of each accident can be reduced. A safer vehicle will reduce the severity of an impact, exactly the same as a reduced impact speed (this includes say, an innocent oncoming vehicle doing 90kph instead of 100kph).

    So, reduce the average speed across the roading network, and reduce the average severity of a given accident, potentially saving lives. The stats support the approach... so they're continuing with it.
    So continuing to completely ignore the fact without the speed scam & even speed limits people would be less likely to crash & you can't have a fatal crash if you don't have a crash... sure there's the possibility that more of those crashes result in fatalities but if there's much less crashes overall we're still MUCH better off
    And stats support the opposite approach more

    And because this is another speed thread might as well reuse this
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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
    Tag: Runner season begins!

    Highest speed quoted in the newspaper wins.

    Rules, you must not claim it was you doing those speeds on this forum (cough cough Shaun/MNZ debacle).

    Bonus points wheel stands.

    Lose all points for crash.

    Double points if cop crashes in pursuit.

    Let the games begin!

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by haydes55 View Post
    Highest speed quoted in the newspaper wins.

    Rules, you must not claim it was you doing those speeds on this forum (cough cough Shaun/MNZ debacle).

    Bonus points wheel stands.
    Length of the Waitaki bridge followed by a long walk home.
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  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by 98tls View Post
    Length of the Waitaki bridge followed by a long walk home.

    Allegedly of course.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by haydes55 View Post
    Allegedly of course.
    Na,made the papers.
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  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    ...that was some of the most beautiful PC nancy bullshit I have ever seen

    ...thank you!
    I understand why they are doing it, and I think attitudes would shift slightly due to understanding. However, this doesn't mean I agree with it, and would encourage everyone to contest the 3kph over ticket type stuff. When the courts (which are already heavily loaded) are inundated and police staff are spending half their time in court, I think it would encourage the policy makers to think of another fancy idea...

    Quote Originally Posted by haydes55 View Post
    Interesting stat. More pedestrians have died on roads this year than motorcyclists.... Are they walking too fast?
    I think it's mostly because they insist on walking out in front of objects harder than themselves (like those tiny, hard to see buses).
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

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