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Thread: King of Ruapuna Rd3 Sidecars

  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th November 2003 - 13:00
    BSA A10

    King of Ruapuna Rd3 Sidecars

    King of Ruapuna Rd 3

    The forecast was saying the weather was meant to turn bad later in day so we were hoping to get though the three races before that hit
    Set up and ready to go we filed out onto the track for practice, we’d made some suspension changes while at Hampton downs and while they felt good up there it really felt like crap at Ruapuna

    It was squatting in the back as we turned into the left handers and picking the chair up a lot more than normal and didn’t want to turn and I was wasn’t expecting a good spot on the grid
    Practice over and we found we’d lapped about the same pace we normally do and were off P2 with Alex/Andy off P1, Goober/Matt P3, Phil/Steve P4 and Kai/Ella P5
    While we waited for race 1 it got hotter and hotter and hotter with Goober saying the temp gauge in the ute topping out at 31 degrees

    Race 1
    We decide to leave the suspension as it is as the qualifying time was ok and try it for the race where we’ll push harder
    Alex/Andy decide to give us a sporting chance and go off the back

    We get a good start and lead for three laps; we can see Goober/Matt and Alex/Andy a bit behind us although Alex/Andy pass Goober/Matt and start catching us
    Alex/Andy make the pass on the left behind the infield sweeper and give us a bit of a rub on the way through and then suddenly slow as they exit the corner, I’m thinking he’s just playing with us but it turned out his throttle was loose and rotated on the handlebar

    We shoot back past and with the white flag out think we might have a chance but with a few corners to go I can hear them behind us
    We come up out of the dipper in front and I push it into the sweeper a bit harder but run out wide and can’t get it turned and Alex/Andy go under us to beat us to the line by a couple of bike lengths

    Race 2
    We dial a bit more preload into the rear shock before we go out which turns out to be a good choice

    Off the line and we lead lap 1, Alex did a slow 6 count before he launched so he’s back a bit but coming through the field

    Alex/Andy gives Phil/Steve a bit of a nudge at one stage when as he comes past they close the gap when he’d already committed to it and they have a bit of a moment when they go around Goober/Matt into the dipper and Andy moves a bit early and gives them a little off track excursion

    I can see Alex/Andy slowly gaining on us and Goober/Matt off their usual pace and a bit further back

    White flag out and Alex/Andy haven’t made the pass yet, I can hear them behind us coming out of the dipper but make sure I get the sweeper right and lead them to the flag for a win and our fastest ever lap so far of 1.48.1

    Race 3
    We lead off the line again but after beating them in the last one Alex decides he’s not playing the handicap game anymore and ½ way through the first lap comes past us
    We going as quick as we can but can’t peg him back and chase him for the 5 laps until the flag come out for another second place

    Goober/Matt are even more off the pace after a gearing change and can’t even mount a challenge and Kai/Ella and Phil/Stev are having fun together down the back of the field

    A few positives for the day
    1) Now running consistent 1.48 bracket (6 months ago it was 1.52)
    2) Giving Goober/Matt the thrashing they deserve (that’ll come back to bite me)
    3) Ella not having to shout more beer
    4) Beating Alex/Andy in race 2 (ok he did handicap himself)
    5) Kai/Ella doing a complete meeting with no machine problems

    Now it’s time to prep for Wanganui with 4 South Island Teams coming up which is the most I’ve even seen go North in the last 14 years
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th August 2005 - 19:52
    Blog Entries
    Sweet .
    Zen wisdom: No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. - obviously had KB in mind when he came up with that gem

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

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