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Thread: Windows 10

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    Does linux have popular and useful programs yet?
    popular, most certainly.
    useful, for probably ~95% of what needs doing. IME, the nix analogues are better that the winblows ones. (office, i'm looking at you)

    i find windows a fucking headache, simple things like mounting isos, or file systems for that fucking matter, are unavailable/ buried (respectively) in winblows.
    hdparms even possible? file permissions? - fucking horrendous. nic configuiration? ten different fucken commands to do what nix does with one.
    installing software for crissakes, unpacking an exe from the command line so it doesn't install ten kinds of spamware shit i didn't want in the first place?

    and whats with having all the fucking slashes backwards?
    moving the "show desktop" icon from the bottom right hand corner where my mouse fucken never goes? good fucking luck... enabling a true admin account? elevating privileges from the cli? fucksakes.
    cli man > windows help centre.
    only in what, 7? (after 10 years) they deigned to give users the ability to remove the recyclebin from the desktop namespace without hacking the fucking registry (which is still afaik the only way how to get windows to fucking DO anything)
    ...and the registry, ho my that horrendous piece of fucking shit. can it clean itself yet?

    i want shit that works, where and when i want it working.
    (sadface, i'm due for a kernel/distro upgrade cos my cad doesn't have isometric grid )

    winblows is consistently > 5 years behind in implementing useful shit.

    asides from gayming, what do you believe it falls short on? more, have you tried any of the latest flavours. they're slick (lighter on resources and quicker to the desktop in most cases )

    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    So I've upgraded the test partition on my work laptop from 8.1 to 10 (still using 7 for all my actual work, the test is for checking an issue a client might have, checking how something works etc).

    Anyway, no plans to use 10 in production, but I can show clients if they're interested... I'm surprised at the number of consumers leaping to upgrade, but then, they've been forced into buying 8 for a few years (we've kept supplying 7 and I just purchased two more laptops a week ago and continued to buy with 7 installed) so I can see why I guess... it can't get much worse than the 8 experience.
    i hear they're giving it away (if you bought their other abortions >xp ) but *for a limited time only* (1 year)
    interesting, from M$.

    that said. well. fuck. had a mate running 10 alpha on mac hardware (Microstosh >< ). i berated him soundly.

    do they just recycle all their fucking code all the time? it's like they've skinned half of the os and called it new. the CP in 10 is the same as 7. tiles? same, task bar/tray? same. file explorer, same. (FUCK that "favourites" bar, give me a tree. and fucking just try and remove it)
    what do any of the mscs look like? windows nt with an XP skin, huh? FOR FUCKS SAKE. fifteen plus year old code...

    and fuck desktop widgets. all day long.

    but oh fucking joy, they finally got rid of IE

    i suppose if morons are willing to pay for their shit they'll keep making it.

    and "apps"? on a desktop what the fuck. i suppose it's the way the world is going, but it's pretty shitty.

    M$, you may continue to eat dicks.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by awa355 View Post
    My new laptop will stay in the cupboard then.
    give it to me

    Is it possible for a computer shop to install windows 7 over the 8.1 system?.
    it's possible for you to do it.

    if you can still drop to a cli from the win7 install disc then format c:\ and you'll be right. take a whiley but, if you've got a bigun.

    start with nix though. or a ubcd for maximum bestness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    Well guess that confirms how MS plan on making their cash moneys... Data mining; Shouldn't be a problem for most people tho, they're already on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Chrome, YouTubes etc etc
    yes, and now you can "keep all your accounts in one place" and "manage keyrings" (in windows? maybe, maybe not?) so all your passwords are conviniently stored on M$ servers...

    yeah, right.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    ((attached thumbnails))
    bsod. lol.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim.cox View Post
    I'm running XP and win7 at home, so I've been doing a bit of research into Win10.

    Apart from that awful new user interface, it looks to me like the only major new feature is Cortana - a digital assistant like Apple's Siri. But it doesn't work in NZ yet, and probably wont for a year or more.

    There are also no drivers available for a number of my old hardware devices ( Nikon Coolscan in particular)

    It also looks like a number of the email clients don't do IMAP or POP3 properly

    But in particular I actively detest the data harvesting, and the inline advertising and Microsoft's new terms and conditions....

    There is some interesting analysis to be found here.

    and its starting to get noticed

    Thanks, but no thanks - I now definatly do NOT want Win10
    Have copied this extract from the Guardian link.

    'The European digital rights organisation (EDRi) sums up the company’s 45 pages of terms and conditions by saying: “Microsoft basically grants itself very broad rights to collect everything you do, say and write with and on your devices in order to sell more targeted advertising or to sell your data to third parties.”

    In many ways, however, Windows 10 is merely moving closer towards what has become the new normal thanks to mobile operating systems. Both Siri and Google Now require access to the user’s personal information to personalise responses, while both Apple and Google offer developers the ability to deliver personalised ads to users based on information such as app installs'.

    Think I am with Jim on this one.
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  5. #20
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    Was thinking of looking at 10 a bit more seriously after people were saying they got decent performance boosts with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    popular, most certainly.
    useful, for probably ~95% of what needs doing. IME, the nix analogues are better that the winblows ones. (office, i'm looking at you).
    Solidworks? Photoshop? Steam? Gtav? What are the nix analogues for those?

    Cli is fine for power uses (who also tend to require windows for other power-software) , but shit for everyone else.
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    Was thinking of looking at 10 a bit more seriously after people were saying they got decent performance boosts with it.
    just turn off all the bullshit that whore memory in windows. Disable 'aero' shit.

    Solidworks? Photoshop? Steam? Gtav? What are the nix analogues for those?
    bricscad, freecad, cycas, varicad, blender, depending on your focus / amazon, gimp, photivo, magix / steam / i dont know gtav

    and theres always wines 'not-emulation' - not perfect, but given the choice, i'd take it over having windows installed. It depends how much of a windows fan boi you are, what you NEED and whut youre willing to trade off.
    I'm not willing to trade off a functional os for proprietary software. Just me.

    Cli is fine for power uses (who also tend to require windows for other power-software) , but shit for everyone else.
    no cli is fine for getting shit done. Why click twenty fucken things when i can type one line and be done?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    just turn off all the bullshit that whore memory in windows. Disable 'aero' shit.

    bricscad, freecad, cycas, varicad, blender, depending on your focus / amazon, gimp, photivo, magix / steam / i dont know gtav

    and theres always wines 'not-emulation' - not perfect, but given the choice, i'd take it over having windows installed. It depends how much of a windows fan boi you are, what you NEED and whut youre willing to trade off.
    I'm not willing to trade off a functional os for proprietary software. Just me.

    no cli is fine for getting shit done. Why click twenty fucken things when i can type one line and be done?
    Doesn't make much difference. Sounds like 10 has a lot of under-the-hood improvements to performance.

    They're all shit; why waste days with substandard software just to be a linux fanboi? Emulation is shit, things never work 100% and you end up wasting time. Windows is a perfectly functional OS, I'm not willing to trade proprietary software for a nix fanboi hat.

    Perhaps if you were better at clicking, the first one would get it done... And of course the answer for non-power users, is that remembering exact names and syntax is more trouble than clicking a thing or two.

    Anyway, don't you use plebain? is that even a custom build? gentoo or at very least arch w/lxde is what any real linux power-user would use.
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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post

    Perhaps if you were better at clicking, the first one would get it done... And of course the answer for non-power users, is that remembering exact names and syntax is more trouble than clicking a thing or two.

    Anyway, don't you use plebain? is that even a custom build? gentoo or at very least arch w/lxde is what any real linux power-user would use.
    im not expecting to change your mind, but recommend you give fedora a try, with wine. Spend a weekend learning/googling config, and see whats what.

    Okay winboi, change permissions of one folder, and 7 of 10 subfolders, except .txt files, to one user in a group.

    How many clicks eh?

    Do you understand the difference between desktop environment and distro?

    And, because it matters to you? Yes, i run debian7 on the 3.2 kernel, primarily with lxde (openbox, mate, xfce, kde also installed. i regret kde, but fear a purge.), custom fm, wm and de.
    Only upgraded from 5 and the 2.8 kernel in may...

    But yeah, i've been thinking about arch. I've limited bandwidth, but, and frequently forget to install everything i need on day 1.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    im not expecting to change your mind, but recommend you give fedora a try, with wine. Spend a weekend learning/googling config, and see whats what.

    Okay winboi, change permissions of one folder, and 7 of 10 subfolders, except .txt files, to one user in a group.

    How many clicks eh?

    Do you understand the difference between desktop environment and distro?

    And, because it matters to you? Yes, i run debian7 on the 3.2 kernel, primarily with lxde (openbox, mate, xfce, kde also installed. i regret kde, but fear a purge.), custom fm, wm and de.
    Only upgraded from 5 and the 2.8 kernel in may...

    But yeah, i've been thinking about arch. I've limited bandwidth, but, and frequently forget to install everything i need on day 1.
    I use already arch for a work job,. It works in the role I need it for, as does windows. I've use other flavors too, just because I choose windows doesn't mean I'm not familiar with linux.

    None, who needs that shit. But it could be done with many if you had too. How many commands does it take in nix to open solidworks?

    Ofc, that's what makes windows so good, there is none.


    Linux is largely for hipsters who get a buzz out of typing in commands, professionals tend to go for the other OSs (tech/engineering to win7, arts to mac) for the powerful software you can get with em. Efficiency of repetitive minor processes will just never outweigh functionality.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    just because I choose windows doesn't mean I'm not familiar with linux.
    do it faggot

    How many commands does it take in nix to open solidworks?
    once your shits configd. One.
    that's what makes windows so good, there is none.
    errr, yeah. Right.
    Linux is largely for hipsters who get a buzz out of typing in commands, professionals tend to go for the other OSs (tech/engineering to win7, arts to mac) for the powerful software you can get with em. Efficiency of repetitive minor processes will just never outweigh functionality.
    uh yeah. Except for the fact that thats horseshit and nix does most things better than windows.
    And mac is nix.

    Linux runs pretty much everything that matters. Like, the internet.

    Small, small world you live in. And some pretty ghey fanboi 'professionals'.

    Ime, the ONLY thing tying professionals to windows, like you, is proprietary software.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post

    They're all shit; why waste days with substandard software just to be a linux fanboi? Emulation is shit, things never work 100% and you end up wasting time.
    you've tried them all? I'm impressed. Thats a hefty time commitment.
    I'm sure the devs will have taken on your feedback, too.

    Wine is not emulation. Thus the 'non-emulation' part of the name.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    Linux runs pretty much everything that matters. Like, the internet.
    fucking plebs
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  13. #28
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    ...and the large hadron collider


  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    Linux is largely for hipsters who get a buzz out of typing in commands... Efficiency of repetitive minor processes will just never outweigh functionality.
    That's sounds a whole lot like Powershell on Server 2012
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by awa355 View Post
    Is it possible for a computer shop to install windows 7 over the 8.1 system?.
    Right, getting back to a semblance of the topic, rather than arguing over something completely unrelated...

    Yes, it is possible, but there could be some hitches. First up, you'll want to wipe the 8 OS away completely, so you'll need to backup anything on the computer you want, files, software etc. If you have any particular software installed, make sure you've got the installation disc (or it's available on the Internet), any activation keys etc. It's like buying a new computer from the store... it's blank.

    The most common hitch is interacting with hardware. Are drivers available from the manufacturer in Win7 for your laptop? If it has a touchscreen, fingerprint reader etc, it's possible you'll lose that functionality going to Win7. If the laptop was designed and manufactured after Win8 launched, it's possible the manufacturer never made Win7 drivers for it. It's possible Win7 will sort something out automatically... but you won't know until you're trying.

    Secondly, what items are you trying to connect to the computer? This is usually more of an issue going to a newer operating system than older, but you never know. Printers, cameras, microphone, webcams etc etc, can all trip you up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

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