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Thread: Compulsory Stop Signs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
    Its a Boat

    Compulsory Stop Signs

    Do you stop at compulsory stop signs while on your bike?

    Personally, I would do that rolling stop thing where ever possible.

    :Edited to easy Gremlins confusion

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    edit: You asked the same question twice in 2 different ways. I always stop at Stop signs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th December 2012 - 21:49
    Quiet plodder
    South Akl
    yes, habit from having a stop sign intersection that has one of those optical illusions, where the oncoming vehicles look further away. Another one has cars with random indicators.
    From experience I always stop. boring but it has saved me several times.

    I have also been 'overtaken' on a stop sign by a person who couldnt see any oncoming cars cut me off, so now i own the intersection. so much better.

    Maha come and live in Papakura/Manurewa and thes rest of south akl and you will see why i stop at stop signs

    sometimes i would love to be a traffic cop, yeah nah

    On the way to work this morning I realised that my above answer wasn't what Maha was referring to.

    I was thinking about complete stop one foot on ground stop.

    Thinking about his question he was referring to a rolling stop, coming to a complete stop, balancing, no foot on ground, having surveyed the surroundings then proceeding.
    I do this at give ways, but have been warned that foot on ground is the only way of avoiding the blue disco lights.

    Although trained at 2 places to place left foot on ground, I place right foot. reason some roads in akl have so much camber that I cant reach the ground with the bike balanced.
    Right foot on ground means I can engage clutch/gear if I think appropriate (at the lights) Sorry haven't done too many hill starts, but I can put left down too for that and use right for rear brake if required.

    I think this ROLLING stop is what he refers to. I think its ok myself but the overkill legal brigade will disagree, I put my foot down so people behind me don't think I will take off and they run into me - just avoided this a few times.
    Last edited by eldog; 2nd September 2015 at 07:24. Reason: ROLLING vs FOOT DOWN stop


  4. #4
    Join Date
    13th November 2011 - 15:32
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    I only stop to give way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
    Pigs back.
    Yup. I stop. It's a simple concept and my nearest one is often policed, ironically, by officers who roll through it. I'm so anal I even have a technique to stop me from doing a rolly. I look at the yellow line to mark my stopping spot, check my mirrors for the umpteenth time, stop, foot down, check the junction and roll. This junction is on a highway and traffic regularly miss the 50k sign about 100m from the junction and blow through at warp speed.
    I look upon it as a cost saving exercise. A mates daughter recently got fined $300 for rolling a stop sign. I'm also trying to set a good example for my better half. Which is a bit pointless, she just got her 6f and I have to contravene other laws, at times, briefly, on private roads, to keep her in sight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    12th September 2009 - 16:14
    Not when it's solely for the sake of following the rules. I do stop for plenty of low visibility Give Way signs though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    yep .

  8. #8
    There is one I sometimes very nearly stop for - it has always been a giveway and has good visability, but last year the paddock to the right was a maize field and there was zero visability so you had to stop...then they made it a stop sign, good call. But now it's in grass and you can see a good km up the road. I'm pretty sure I stop for most stop signs, but it's a call I make at the time.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    Is a compulsory stop sign different to a normal stop sign then?

    Too many stop signs have been put in for reasons that are not based on visibility - knee jerk responses to a high profile crash, to placate some moaning resident or just because some people are so shit they cannot work out what to do if they are on a give way and the car opposite is on a stop. I know, make them both stop to make it easier and cater for the retards.

    A stop sign should only be used if the visibility is below a certain amount. You generally find that the ones where the visibility is not bad are the ones that get poor compliance and thus the ones that get enforced. A vicious circle. And bikes are handicapped further because at some intersections the visibility may only be a problem if you are in a car, in a truck or on a bike you can see over the obstacle. This is the case where I got my ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign. You can't argue, a stop sign means stop, but the fact many of them are bullshit means people treat them as such.

    I have said it before on here, the offence should be failing to give way at an intersection - that actually causes crashes. Failing to come to a complete stop has never caused a crash and it never will, it is the failure to give way that does that.

    So yes. Or no. Sometimes, if nobody is watching.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Yeah I try and make a habit of putting a foot down to make sure I do stop and it's solely for the purpose of not getting a ticket, it doesn't make me look any more cautiously than I would rolling slowly or otherwise.

    As above I think some stop signs aren't needed where they are, but then some Give Ways should be Stop signs too (usually some of those odd angled country intersections).

    They Police one here on Waikawa road often which I have seen them roll through a fair few times too. Always tempting with those left hand turns, even for the fuzz.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    23rd March 2013 - 12:52
    Yes Always, and since being knocked off my TLS by a drunk speeding cager at a give way I stop at these now also,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    9th May 2008 - 21:23
    Yes, always. Just a habit from driving for a living.

    Sometimes it's hard to work out the logic that's used to apply the STOP or the GIVE WAY sign in particular locations

    In essence, why give a Roadside Revenue Representative an easy catch if he/she is lurking in the bushes nearby?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    4th June 2013 - 17:33
    yep I always stop. "ride like everyone is trying to kill you" is a mantra I try to remember, it has saved me a few times I am aware of and probably more I am not aware of. When I stop, one eye is on my mirrors watching for the muppet coming up behind who has decided the rules don't apply to them and I am ready to move away.
    There is a chap in Wellington who has been tossed from his bike twice is short succession after being rear ended at stop signs. Cagers on both occasions.
    Before anyone rants about cagers, read the comments above, some providing reasons and explanations why they don't stop at stop signs, pretty sure the people who rear ended (and hurt!) the guy in Wgtn could have come up with similar types of reasons and explanations why they don't or should not be expected to stop at stop signs.
    Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but how many times you have your breath taken away

  14. #14
    Join Date
    17th June 2010 - 16:44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tazz View Post
    Yeah I try and make a habit of putting a foot down to make sure I do stop and it's solely for the purpose of not getting a ticket, it doesn't make me look any more cautiously than I would rolling slowly or otherwise.

    As above I think some stop signs aren't needed where they are, but then some Give Ways should be Stop signs too (usually some of those odd angled country intersections).

    They Police one here on Waikawa road often which I have seem them roll through a fair few times too. Always tempting with those left hand turns, even for the fuzz.

    Same ... I stop to avoid a ticket ...

    The only way to get caught not stopping is not to look properly. If you roll a stop sign and a cop sees it and gives you a ticket then you have not seen the cop ... if you did not see the cop, what other traffic might you have missed? Those are the ones that will take you out. SMIDSY is not an excuse for a car driver - and neither is it an excuse for any of us ...
    "So if you meet me, have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste ..."

  15. #15
    Join Date
    16th January 2010 - 17:09
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    Not in Montreal. They don't have give way signs in Quebec so every intersection is a 4 way stop sign. Was feking awful on a massive Diavel with a heavy clutch to stop every time, so I just sorta rolled through slowly.

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