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Thread: Gob-smacked at following too close

  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs

    Gob-smacked at following too close

    On all the Ride Forever courses I deliver I roll out my tape measure and show people what the Road User Rule says about following distance.

    After the gasps and sniggers have abated we generally agree that bugger all people, drivers or riders, leave the legally required following distance.

    Just considering a cost-benefit analysis of following too close, I'm yet to see a benefit.

    A decent following distance gives you more visibility, and makes you more visible. You regain control, and get time to deal with things that arise.

    So why do the majority of us follow too close?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    13th June 2010 - 17:47
    Out in the cold
    Well, around ChCh it's to avoid having a car try and insert into the gap....

    I've seen you leading your flock a couple of times now, incl today. I've been tempted to follow and watch. One day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th May 2012 - 10:41
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    been to town lately?

    I lol at those cunts.

    2 second rule and shit.

    Also supposed to stop so as you can see the road markings / rear wheels of the vehicle in front. Rarely see that.

    I lol at those cunts.

    And then they drive into each other. daily.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
    Pigs back.
    Well, I think road users are every shade of grey between black and white. Those who are thinking about where they're going and those who think about where they are.
    Following to close is a symptom of not thinking about the immediate future.

    Just sayin. It's how I look at it. Always have a plan B.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumph View Post
    Well, around ChCh it's to avoid having a car try and insert into the gap....
    townies/morons apparently dont realise that giving way improves traffic flow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thursday night before easter I was riding back from AKL to TGA via the SH2 Gorge route. Was absolutely peeing it down. Holiday traffic so all just heading along at about 10-15 under speed limit (ie 60-90hph). No-one was going anywhere as it was long train of vehicles. I was 2.5 seconds gap from the car in front after having a nasty fright a few Km back where we came to a sudden halt and the car behind ended up in front of me as I was in the shoulder.... Guy was full on tailgating me, few foot behind. Admittedly round some of the 'high speed (85/95) bends I was down at a few km below the advisory, but then was back 2.5s behind before the next bend. I politely waved my hand to suggest he drop back a bit. Few km later he overtook on solid yellow to pull into the gap and then tail gate the car in front for the next 70kms with me behind until I turned off...... Actually was OK as the driver behind was a bit more aware and hung back a sensible distance.

    Attempting to ride / drive with a 2s gap on the Southern motorway is a recipe for disaster.....

  7. #7
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    "... because that ABS and ESC and PDQ and NZQA are going to make me stop even faster than before... "

    In the days of drum brakes and crossply tyres you had to leave the room or impale your car on the towbar of the car in front. Today if you slam into the vehicle in front the insurance company pays out for the company car you have just written-off, the boss doesn't care and neither do the drivers. Easy come, easy go... Or am I just being a cynical old barstool?

    Rastus, I do wonder if drivers tailgate because they have never had a nose-to-tail and if they do, then it is everyone else's fault... how you can blame someone else for following too close I not sure. Plus, if you leave a reasonable gap then there's always some muppet who just has to fill that gap. Or have they not been taught to drive correctly?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Bikes are shocking for this. I keep checking myself as it is easy to get too close.

    Why? Bikes brake so well and accelerate so hard we get a bit complacent, plus if we admit it, we are always just a twist away from passing that car in front .......

    I'm more concerned about the brain-fart blind corner wrong side of the road passing I'm seeing motorcyclists do. WTF.

    On the passing game - my decider is always 'what if there is another bike just around that corner cranked over at speed?' Will I (we I guess) make it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    On all the Ride Forever courses I deliver I roll out my tape measure and show people what the Road User Rule says about following distance.

    After the gasps and sniggers have abated we generally agree that bugger all people, drivers or riders, leave the legally required following distance.

    Just considering a cost-benefit analysis of following too close, I'm yet to see a benefit.

    A decent following distance gives you more visibility, and makes you more visible. You regain control, and get time to deal with things that arise.

    So why do the majority of us follow too close?
    Duh. save petrol by drafting you. Simple
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  10. #10
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Thing is, following distance is only partly about stopping distance. It's primarily about awareness, visibility, conspicuity and control.

    Here's some interesting facts.

    The Road User Rule only requires 20 metres at 50 kmh. The 2 second rule (Road Code) wants 27.6 metres. When I roll the tape measure out everyone agrees that the Chur Chur standard is 8-10 metres at 50 kmh.

    When I had a troll bike I'd stop someone who had been following at maybe 6 metres at 50 kmh, and they'd tell me they were following the 2 second rule. Shite.

    If I follow at 20 metres at 50 kmh and someone drives onto my gap, I can choose to get grumpy, or just see it as another chance to improve my safety by giving them 20 metres.

    Actually, most people raise that; following so close to stop people taking your space. Really? Like driving is some sort of competition. Is life really that sad, that we have resorted to competing for a space in traffic? And we will risk our safety to make sure no bastard steals "our" space?

    Do the cost benefit. Significant reduction in visibility, conspicuity, awareness and control, given away for the sake of stopping someone from taking what is perceived as our space.

    Not seeing too much benefit in following too close.

    And it's only a little bit about stopping distance.

  11. #11
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    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumph View Post
    Well, around ChCh it's to avoid having a car try and insert into the gap....

    I've seen you leading your flock a couple of times now, incl today. I've been tempted to follow and watch. One day.
    No flock for me today. Basic Handling day today.

    I think I'm the only one on an RT. If you see me out flip me the bird. I'll think it's Azkle

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post

    If I follow at 20 metres at 50 kmh and someone drives onto my gap, I can choose to get grumpy, or just see it as another chance to improve my safety by giving them 20 metres.

    Actually, most people raise that; following so close to stop people taking your space. Really? Like driving is some sort of competition. Is life really that sad, that we have resorted to competing for a space in traffic? And we will risk our safety to make sure no bastard steals "our" space?

    20 m, in Christchurch. Shit you'd never get home - every bastard and their dog plus a peloton of Lycra clad crotch exposing after work cyclists would grab the gap in front of you. One pulls back. More move in..........

    Christchurch has a legal exemption on follow distances. If you are further back that the length of your vehicle then you sexuality is up for question.

    Actually that technically does not read correctly. After all if you think about the male driver who rides up the rear of the male driver in front of them may be reenacting a bedroom scene.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Doesn't matter how much of a gap I leave on the vehicle in front some arse wipe always wants to get in it, apparently I'm going too slow! Not going any quicker than the guy /girl in front, just leaving such a big gap that I must be going too slow.
    Have to keep telling the wife not to be so close behind other vehicles when she's riding with me, she doesn't get it. They stop, you don't they Ok, you might walk away, your bike won't.
    I'm seeing more and more 2fiddy sprot bikes and BIGGER ones right up the tail pipes of the cars in front of them and I do wonder while leaving them much bigger gaps cause I ain't getting involved in their accident???
    Every day above ground is a good day!:

  14. #14
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllanB View Post
    20 m, in Christchurch. Shit you'd never get home - every bastard and their dog plus a peloton of Lycra clad crotch exposing after work cyclists would grab the gap in front of you. .
    I'd just love to have an hour with you so we can discuss this.

    My perception of this is quite different.

    Fancy going for a ride for an hour in traffic with me? I'll buy you a donut.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
    Doesn't matter how much of a gap I leave on the vehicle in front some arse wipe always wants to get in it, apparently I'm going too slow!
    I used to get dark about it too, but these days I just allow myself to drop back.

    I reckon if I ride across Christchurch in heavy traffic I might get 3 people drive into my gaps.

    It's not worth it to me to follow too close just to "beat" 3 tossers.

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