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Thread: Cycletreads Tyre Guys are the best.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    1st November 2005 - 08:18
    Banana Republic of NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    Not to mention tyres.
    I have some black hoops coming up. Will try my new supplier to see how they compare.
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  2. #47
    Join Date
    25th January 2008 - 17:56
    Africa Twin! 2018 all the fruit!
    New Zealand
    Thursday night I rode the Bandy with the SATNR boys, as we do regularly on a Thurday evening, it didn't feel right, hoped off, kicked the tyres, checked fluids, wriggled bars etc, etc, nope, all Ok.
    Stopped at the Red Fox. You have to have a RED FOX BURGER, don't ask for chips, you won't be able to eat it all.
    Hoped back on bike for return trip, felt OK, good.
    Loaded both bikes for trip down the line on Friday arvo last week, looked at rear tire, Pirelli GT Angel, flattish!.
    Checked pressure, harrumph, down from 42 to 17.
    K, pumped her up, left it for 1/2 an hour, checked again, all good.
    Off to Rotten Rua with wfe on her boulevard (first outing this year for her).
    Got there, to discover rear flattish again.
    Tried all the bike shops and tyre places in Rotorua on Saturday morning,(Closed for DORKLAND ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND, They Live IN Bloody Rotten Rua) no one able to sell me 2 tyres and fit them, pumped her up again, quiet trip to Tauranga, enquired at Suzuki place Nae, Harley, could not rpelace the rear Pirelli, but alternative single tyre was going to be over 450 hundy, told them, thaks for trying, but I was taking a chance on it staying OK, till I got home.
    Looked on Inta Webbie and lough and Behold , lookie here $299 for Michelin Pilot Powers plus fitting at Smiths Motorcycles.
    A well established firm of some 50 years service to Tauranga, they were absolutely brilliant, stripped and fiited the seriously deformed rear and took off a not too worn front Pirelli and replaced ew with nice shiny new Michelins for an incredibly good all up rate of under 4Hundy ( by days).
    Their staff, front of house, parts and service/workshop worked past 12 oclock to get not only my ride but 2 others out, reshod and rolling.
    Many thanks to Smiths Motorcycles in Tauranga.
    Had the added pelaure of meeting up with an old riding and gaming accomplice from way back while we were there, all in all a relatively expensive but good weekend away, 3 days on the bkes, a set of new tyres for me and some K's on the clock for wifey and the rekindling of a good old friendship, cant ask for more than that.
    MOTORCYCLE MANIA (trading as Smiths Motorcycles) Tauranga, take a bow, many thanks team, you're a bunch of Good Barstewards.
    Every day above ground is a good day!:

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