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Thread: Personal attacks and use of Personal Information.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 17:30

    Personal attacks and use of Personal Information.

    For a while now the moderators of the site have backed off in regards to personal attacks on other members, KiwiBiker has never really been about heavy handed tactics from the Mod team. However recently it has become apparent to anyone using the forum that this approach is not working. There are several members here who don't seem to understand that this forum is not just here for them but for all users, both new and old. People are getting tired of threads being derailed by certain members issues with other users and turning into a pathetic shit fight of name calling and accusations.

    You have four choices if you have an issue with any other member here:

    1/ Ignore them. Use the ignore function if you can't ignore them yourself.
    2/ Report their post to a moderator (but be prepared for an infraction for wasting Mod's time if your complaint has no substance).
    3/ Respond to them in an appropriate manner regarding the topic being discussed in the thread.
    4/ Man up and talk to them face-to-face instead of behind the safety of your computer screen.

    If however, you choose to engage in personal attacks online then you will be infracted. Keep it up and forum privileges will be removed as a result of incurred infraction points. Keep it up and eventually you'll find yourself unable to log in. Sorry, that's not our problem. KiwiBiker is here for all to use, but not if you are going to use it to attack other members online. Our hand has been forced and we will come down hard on any abuse. We do not view every post on the forum (we have our own lives to live) so if you see any abuse then use the 'Report Post' button. If you don't like our tactics, then you'll find the 'Log Out' button in the top right of your browser.

    There are a group of users here that need to take special notice of this post, Madness, Katman, Husaberg, Akzle to name just a few. You and the others have a lot of great input into the forum but you stand out to us and other members as instigators of a lot of the abuse. Take note and sort it out. This also applies to the use of the "Rep System'. You can use it to vote up or vote down someones rep but it is not to be used for abuse.

    Two more issues are posting of private messages or rep comments. This is banned (and always has been) unless you have permission from the other party. Otherwise be prepared to be infracted. The second issue is posting of personal information. We feel the use of a first name is fine. However we draw a line at the use of surnames and most definitely phone numbers, places of employment or residence. If you post up any personal info like this your post will be edited and you will receive an infraction.

    Get the idea? This site has had its ups and downs, has created many great friendships, helped people with many questions regarding all facets of motorcycles. There's some great humour, a wealth of experience to be shared and some plain old good banter. But the excessive amounts of abusive crap posted is ruining it for many.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madness View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
    Its a Boat
    Why have the Moderators ceased using the Sin Bin option? Thought about getting rid of the rep system? KB is probably the only website using such a function...and for what purpose? A couple of those members mentioned actually believe it has a special powers.

    Infractions are seriously pathetic and any Mod issuing one from time to time is also seriously pathetic..they (infractions) do absolutely nothing.

    ''Two more issues are posting of private messages or rep comments. This is banned (and always has been) unless you have permission from the other party. Otherwise be prepared to be infracted. The second issue is posting of personal information. We feel the use of a first name is fine. However we draw a line at the use of surnames and most definitely phone numbers, places of employment or residence. If you post up any personal info like this your post will be edited and you will receive an infraction.''

    haha go Fraser

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th February 2005 - 08:47
    a red heap
    towel wronger

  4. #4
    Join Date
    28th October 2012 - 13:59
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    thata way
    Amen, hope this revives the site, miss Hitchers reviews and meanderings.Plenty of others dropped off the radar.
    Political Correctness, the chief weapon of whiney arse bastards

  5. #5
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 17:30
    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    Why have the Moderators ceased using the Sin Bin option?
    Can't answer that one myself, another Mod may be able to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    Thought about getting rid of the rep system? KB is probably the only website using such a function...and for what purpose? A couple of those members mentioned actually believe it has a special powers.
    There's no reason to get rid of rep, don't like it, don't use it. But like anything it's open to being abused. For what purpose do we have it? I'm guessing it came with the software, and some people like to still use it. Think of it as a 'Like' 'Unlike' option. If some believe it actually has special powers, I've tried using it in everything from getting discount petrol to a defense in court. Without success.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    Infractions are seriously pathetic and any Mod issuing one from time to time is also seriously pathetic..they (infractions) do absolutely nothing.
    If that's how they are viewed then maybe we should make it have more of an effect. 3 strikes and you're out? And we don't like handing them out, the mod's are not here because we enjoy 'pinging' people, we're here because we like motorcycles and TPTB asked if we would like to help manage KB so it can be enjoyed and used by all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    haha go Fraser
    Thanks. BTW sorry if you felt offended that I had left your name off of the list, I'd totally forgotten about you.

    Quote Originally Posted by nodrog View Post
    NO, Fraser. Dick is my uncle, but he prefers to be called Richard these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by buggerit View Post
    Amen, hope this revives the site, miss Hitchers reviews and meanderings.Plenty of others dropped off the radar.
    Thanks. I for one was getting sick of new members being harassed, and worthy established contributors walking away because a few want to ruin things.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    Why have the Moderators ceased using the Sin Bin option?
    That option isn't available to all mods on a regular daily basis. We only have access to infractions, but can give a single infraction which will ban you from the forum (basically used for spammers), so it's infractions which slowly remove priviledges, or outright permanent ban.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    23rd October 2013 - 18:30
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    The moderation of this site is pathetically poor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
    Its a Boat
    Quote Originally Posted by onearmedbandit View Post

    Thanks. BTW sorry if you felt offended that I had left your name off of the list, I'd totally forgotten about you.
    If you're directing this at four members in particular, why even start a thread about it? why not just pm all four with the concerns?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Fair call.

    Support it.

    Bitchy we can get.

    I like the rep system - never bother with red - figure if it pissed me off just move on or turn the computer off. Green is good - there are some fucking classic comments made on KB

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    If you're directing this at four members in particular, why even start a thread about it? why not just pm all four with the concerns?
    We, of all people, should realise while those four may be the primary instigators, they're not the only contributors to the problem.
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    We, of all people, should realise while those four may be the primary instigators, they're not the only contributors to the problem.
    Indeed. For those whose kneejerk reaction is to bitch about it feel free to piss off. Shut the door on ya way out with a "I'm leaving" waaaaah session.

    Said in the most caring and sharing way of course
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I'm quite happy with light touch moderation. Don't spoil the site by getting too hard.


  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by merv View Post
    I'm quite happy with light touch moderation. Don't spoil the site by getting too hard.
    +1 Same here.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by onearmedbandit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg
    just stab some holes in it with a No.2 philips.

    but srsly. which wanker's baaaawwwwww set all this off? i bet i could guess.

    personally, i wont stand for internet faggotory. and you should make me a mawd. for the lulz.

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