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Thread: NOT GOOD, Worst deaths in 19 years

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th June 2004 - 17:27
    So old you won't care

    NOT GOOD, Worst deaths in 19 years

    Oh dear this isnt great news is it...

    To be fair the head coppers trying to look at both sides but the numbers are not GOOD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th May 2008 - 21:23
    Sobering stats, and no doubt some of us will get the "bikes are dangerous" lecture as a result...

    Not that we'll get a breakdown of the numbers of course, but would be interesting to see how many of the fatalities were new or returning riders, occasional riders, or those who'd chosen not to partake in any form of ongoing training?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 16:29
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    These stats are from 2015 funny how it takes a year to get them out to the public or is it just sensationalizing journalism again

  4. #4
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    " kittykat to the call phone...............

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I thought it was as a pretty good article, and did present a fair assessment from both riders' and non-riders' perspective. Particularly nice was seeing confirmation in print that we are not second class citizens on the road (although it doesn't automatically mean that it will sink in to all other road users).
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  6. #6
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    Watching the mad cunts in cars passing on BLIND corners yesterday ........ Oh and again today ......

    Me on the bike pulling wayyyyy back expecting a fall-out of metal and glass.

    Either way - keep alert and if you are thinking 'yeah - maybe' DON'T.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Quote Originally Posted by caspernz View Post
    Sobering stats, and no doubt some of us will get the "bikes are dangerous" lecture as a result...

    Not that we'll get a breakdown of the numbers of course, but would be interesting to see how many of the fatalities were new or returning riders, occasional riders, or those who'd chosen not to partake in any form of ongoing training?
    I posted but deleted it again because I've whinged about shit journalism enough for the year, but where are the numbers of total riders to make sense of the number of crashes anyway?
    Are there a fuckload more on the road? Are there less? Are more and more being caused by cars or are 'solo' bike accidents on the rise? Why is the office wondering anything when his employer and himself have access to all the crash data they need to see exactly where and who is crashing into what. Plus add to the list among others the points you raised above. Again, they have all this data so why is he wondering!

    Last question, why write an article if you are not going to cover the topic fucking properly?


    Either way, the numbers won't cross my mind when I throw a leg over this summer. Shit happens.

  8. #8
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    I find it interesting. would love to see the comparison stats back to the early 1970s when there seemed to be many more bikes on our roads, both of the pedalled and engine variety and remembering to the no compulsory Helmet rules until 1974.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    One problem with those statistics though is they never say what percentage of the crashes was the riders own fault....
    I think you would be disappointed.

  10. #10
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    14th January 2013 - 18:39
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    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    Maybe they need to make motorcycle licensing continuous and if you stop riding your license is cancelled and you have to resit again. If you want to go back to riding be made to start off on a low cc bike rather than being able to start out on a bike as big as 650cc. One problem with those statistics though is they never say what percentage of the crashes was the riders own fault and for a percentage of crashes all the riding schooling in the world will not save them if the fault is due to another party.
    I don't agree, A lot of drivers, even those who do it full time for a living can make mistakes. I think I ride with much more caution and awareness today than I did 45 years ago when riding was my only means of transport.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I think the report that they are using can be found here.

    Edit: 55% motorcycles have primarily responsibility.

    When it involves multiple vehicles that drops to 35%.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Bullshit quotes from the cop, as usual. Vastly safer to carefully lanesplit in heavy traffic than sit between two people who are both technically tailgating. Getting caught between two large side by side trucks indicates a poor choice by the rider. Not ALL riders. Just that one, that one time. Fuck off with the generalisations.

    In terms of owning more of the responsibility for motorcycle accidents. Fuck off. Sick of listening to bullshit from people who don't know the lengths most motorcyclists go to to keep themselves safe and review their own skills and work on them.

    There are a FUCK LOAD more people riding. The bike park at work has gone from under subscribed to bikes parking in every opportunistic space available. I GUARANTEE that the accident RATE is a fraction of what it was in 1989. We talk about our issues informally and offer advice and how to find quality training. I don't give anyone advice on how to ride, I tell them to ring ANdrew Templeton for that, but we do sharpen each other's attitudes up. Don;t get angry with people who made a mistake, don't put yourself where people can't see, etc, etc. You can get a copy of Roadcraft here, Andrew Templeton's number is (insert here).

    In 30 years of riding, I've not hit anything. I've been hit by all manner of fuckwits up to and including a suicide sheep. Drunks, trucks, school mums, and all in ways that I had no fucking chance. You can argue that I could have had more sleep, used ESP to see around a corner, grown eyes in the back or top of my fucking head all you want. We're not robots. EVERYONE needs to sharpen up. EVERYONE.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo_akl View Post
    I think the report that they are using can be found here.

    Edit: 55% motorcycles have primarily responsibility.

    When it involves multiple vehicles that drops to 35%.
    Why is there not one for cars I wonder? I wanted to compare but only motorbikes, cyclists and trucks are singled out.

    Edit: It's not consistent either. Pie graphs for at fault for some, line graphs for others, different titles. Are they hiring journalists part time for this shit?

    Edit 2: FFS it gets worse. A rainbow of colours to choose from and they go for 2 shades of grey and 2 shades of blue on the same line graph. I am getting old and cranky or are people just getting really shit at doing simple jobs.
    Anyway, motorcycle fleet has increased 100% since 2000 (and the bus fleet), however, being the inefficient dickheads they are there is no mention of what the number was in 2000 in the same area (in a way that you can actually see a number and not some useless stacked histogram).

    I'm too lazy to look anymore when I could be having a beer instead. Ride safe mofos!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul in NZ View Post
    Oh dear this isnt great news is it...

    To be fair the head coppers trying to look at both sides but the numbers are not GOOD
    Scooter riders count towards motorcycle injuries. Aside from a half-shell helmet most of them don't wear any protection. I don't think many go out of town so they are probably not contributing to the death toll.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    24th June 2004 - 17:27
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    I think we are all missing the point....

    A policeman has said things, bad things... hes a policeman, its in the press - its true....

    So - wheres the motorcycle spokesman.... oh - thats right we all hate each other... OK as you were

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