The Guardian, The Independent, The Washington Post. The latter now has a paywall but it is not currently much of one.
The Times is apparently Britains biggest paper but I haven't used it much. There's also "The Scotsman" which will send a daily email with links to stories.
The Telegraph leans rather further to the right but has a better paywall so will limit the number of items you can read unless you cough up.
There is a Brit email called "The Spoon" which links to news items that the journos behind the email consider are worth reading.
The Intercept is an independent source of news. There is an associated podcast: "Intercepted" which is fairly new but interesting.
Another podcast worth a listen is The Drycleaner Cast which deals with terrorism related topics.
I use Twitter as a news source as there are often links to interesting magazine items in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Spectator, etc.
For marginally unhinged right wing views there is Brietbart. For the completely unhinged there is Info Wars. Both the latter are watched by Trump which explains a lot.
I stopped reading the Huffington Post, so many news sources, so little time.
There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop