Malcom Turnbull,the Prime Minister of Australia,takes a day off to escape the pressures of the job.
He decides to go sailing off brisbane,after a few hours on the ocean he spies an enormous mega-yacht at anchor and is curious so he sails close to it.
He is absolutely astounded to recognise 3 figures on deck:US President Donald Trump,the Duke of Edinburgh and Nigel Farge.
Between them they are pulling an Aboriginal man out of the water on a lenght of rope.
Prime Minister Turnbull grabs a loudhailer and calls across to them.
"Gentlemen I am profoudly moved by your act of compassion.I have read much in the press about you being racists.
I will never believe any of these stories ever again. Good luck!"
As he sails away into the distance Nigel Farge asks,"Who the hell was that?"
Donald Trump replies,"I have no bloody idea."
Prince Phillip observes,"One things for sure,he knows bugger all about shark fishing!"