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Thread: Tommy Robinson

  1. #151
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    The story behind the uncovering of the scandal.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post

    Dude was pissed after another terrorist attack carried out by a Muslim...

    I remember that well - the Mosque had produced something like 10 different terrorists who had successfully carried out attacks - someone finally got pissed off at the police inaction and decided to go vigilante - I don't condone said action, but it isn't like it's without it's reason.

    And here is the response of the Imam ...

    Mohammed Mahmoud, an imam at the Muslim Welfare House, arrived moments later and was praised for stopping anybody attacking the suspect. “By God’s grace we managed to surround him and protect him from any harm,” Mahmoud said at a press conference on Monday afternoon. “We stopped all forms of attack and abuse towards him that were coming from every angle.”
    By your reasoning he had every reason to join in the attacks on Osborne. He instead demonstrated that Islam is a religion of Peace (with a few actively violent crazies .. )
    "So if you meet me, have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste ..."

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    And maybe if the police dealt with all criminals equally, regardless of race, there might be somewhat less aggravation.
    I absolutely agree ...
    "So if you meet me, have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste ..."

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post

    I finally believe that some of the cultural attitudes (forced marriage, honor killings, acid attacks etc. etc.) that certain groups have brought over from their country of origin are completely unacceptable and we need to give these people an Ultimatum of sorts - If they wish to stay in the UK, that means that have to adopt the bare minimum of UK principals. If they want to continue with their traditions that are in conflict with those bare minimum of principals - they can fuck off.

    Edit: Furthermore - I believe there is a STRONG causation between the success of the country and the adoption of those principles and the failurea of their country of origin and their continued use of those barbaric traditions.

    I agree - and NONE of those practices are from Islam - or supported by any Islamic text - the Qu'ran and Hadiths ... they are all cultural and some leaders twist Islam to support those practices ..
    "So if you meet me, have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste ..."

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    Can you directly link Tommy Robinson to any of those crimes though?
    Well, I've seen it reported in the British press that it was Robinson's rantings that radicalised Darren Osborne. He who drove a van into people outside London's Finsbury Park mosque.
    Which would tend to indicate that, as sunbed salesmen go, Robinson has the potential to be dangerous. And that's after allowing for the fact that sunbeds can cause cancer.
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  6. #156
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    Katman, I was initially inclined not to read the clip you posted, too many of the clips in Rant and Rave are batshit crazy. That one is an exception. I particularly liked his reference to the corporate owned childcare houses that I mentioned here a while back. You can see why the corporate interest when they are paid something approaching half a million dollars a year to provide care for one kid. Especially when the "care" is almost non-existent.
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  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Katman, I was initially inclined not to read the clip you posted, too many of the clips in Rant and Rave are batshit crazy. That one is an exception.
    It's a very revealing video.

    Anyone who feels they're qualified to comment on this issue should watch it to get the facts regarding the root cause of Tommy Robinson's case.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Sure - all you need to do though is provide some form of proof that a combination of my Religion (oh dear!) and my cultural values permit me to kill people en masse.

    And that, is where your argument falls apart.

    and yet, for the white demographic - it gives us a percent of 0.0000005%

    So from that basis someone of Pakistani descent 2000% more likely to commit that type of Crime. Why do you think that is? There is something unique related to that demographic that is causal. Your refusal to admit it, is the same refusal that lead to the cover-up in the first place.

    Is it all Muslims or all Pakistanis? No, of course not - but you have to come to terms with the fact that of the people that commit this type of crime, it's nearly all Muslims and Pakistanis and furthermore there are reasons as to why this is.

    That's a bait and switch - we aren't talking about all Pedophiles, we are talking about a particular type of paedophilic crime.
    If my argument falls apart its because it was a argument based on your own silly example.
    The bait and switch is you using convictions to say that the percentage of which a crime occurs.
    Point one “British white men they tend to work individually. They tend to work online where they groom and they are the majority of perpetrators.
    Point two In an inquiry by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012, 36 per cent of victims of group or gang child abuse identified their attackers as white, 27 per cent as Asian, 16 per cent as black, with 16 per cent unspecified.
    Point three researchers said their data’s sample size had been too small and more research needed to be conducted.

    AKA quotes that are threats to a whole community that you seem to think are okay.
    Every single Muslim watching this... on 7/7 you got away with killing and maiming British citizens... you had better understand that we have built a network from one end of the country to the other end... and the Islamic community will feel the full force of the English Defense League if we see any of our British citizens killed, maimed, or hurt on British soil ever again.

    Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is fascist and it's violent and we've had enough! They're chopping our soldiers' heads off. This is Islam. That's what we've seen today. They've cut off one of our army's heads off on the streets of London. Our next generation are being taught through schools that Islam is a religion of peace. It's not. It never has been. What you saw today is Islam. Everyone's had enough. There has to be a reaction, for the government to listen, for the police to listen, to understand how angry this British public are.
    Despite platitudes to the contrary, AKA routinely fails to draw a distinction between Islamist extremists and ordinary Muslims. To see akas prejudiced homogenisation of all Muslims in sharp focus, one need look no further than his reaction to the arrival in Europe of refugees and migrants fleeing Islamic extremism in the Middle East. He has completely refused to draw a distinction between perpetrator and victim.
    “I’d personally send every adult male Muslim that has come into the EU over the past 12 months back tomorrow if I could. Fake refugees,” he tweeted in early 2016.

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  9. #159
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    placeholder post for when I can collate all of Bandits and Husas points and respond


    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    I'll deal with this one first - In Islam women hold property ...

    Talaq is a form of divorce - where a man casts away a wife .. Khul is divorce by mutual consent.

    Now, we know that cultural practices frequently differ from the religion - as exampled by the difference benweet Christinity and cultural practices.

    ISLAM does not strip the women of rights and assets.

    And of course, there are different legal schools in Islam - i is NOT a unified system of thought.
    I'll be honest and say that I'm going off the reports by UK civil liberties groups as to the violations of Womens rights by Sharia courts. I'd offer a mild rebuttal - if you look at Saudi Arabia - it's clear women don't own shit - as they require a male guardian for everything - I'll agree though that Islam is complex, however if I could draw a quick distinction - If you were to put an Ardent Catholic and Ardent protestant up against each other - they would both agree on the 10 commandments (which forms the basis of Judeo-christian law)

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    Only 'relatively' good ..

    "US citizens and legal residents have committed 80 percent of terrorist attacks since 9/11"

    SUre - some of these a jihadis . the rest

    And then there are ones like Timothy McVeigh .. 186 people killed in that one ..
    Well, no one's perfect - and interesting the cut-off date that Vox uses, I wonder why... However - we are predominantly talking about the UK and Europe - where most of the serious terrorist activity has a distinctly Islamic flavour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    This is interesting ..

    here's the stats

    The results of these polls show that, in ALL areas, the majority (more than 50%) say Terrorism is NEVER justified.

    I believe that shows the majority of Muslims oppose terrorism.
    From your link:

    published two weeks after the July 2005 bombings in the London Underground, showed that 88% of British Muslims were opposed to the bombings, while 6% (about 100,000 individuals) fully supported them, and one British Muslim in four expressed some sympathy with the motives of the bombers
    Now, indulge me for a moment - an approximated 100,000 people fully supporting a Terrorist act. That's quite a large number of individuals fully supporting Murder. That's like the entirety of Hamilton supporting Terrorism. Hell, even the KKK has a top estimate of 12,000 members - and that's in the US with a larger population than the UK.

    1 in 4 have some sympathies? I'll be quite blunt, I couldn't give a toss what their sympathies are nor how small they might be - There is no justification for Terrorism. Period. It's especially enraging because they are taking full advantage of the freedoms granted to them by our Western ideals, to have those sympathies towards those who would destroy the very civilisation that allows them to openly express them.

    That's like giving a hi-5 to the person who Murdered the Doctor who just gave you a lifesaving operation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    Interesting .. white men groom alone - Asians work in gangs .. Notice ASIANS not Muslims (Asia has a multitude of religions, including Islam.)
    Remember - Asian in a british sense refers to Indian and Pakistani descent - but see what I posted previously - 90% of those involved in Grooming Gangs are islamic - that's not a coincidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    That's some interesting revisionist history, Now - I should point out that I don't read arabic - but in that passage - I believe there is something of a translation issue in what "right hand possesses" to mean - if you take for example:

    Sunan of Abu Dawud, vol.2, #2150

    Which describes good, old fashoned post-battle rape and pillage:

    Abu Sa’id Al Khudri said “The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allaah (ﷺ) were reluctant to have relations with the female captives because of their pagan husbands. So, Allaah the exalted sent down the Qur’anic verse “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses.” This is to say that they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period.

    I believe there are other Hadiths that draw distinction between the rights granted to a believer and the lack of rights to unbelievers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    And here is the response of the Imam ...

    By your reasoning he had every reason to join in the attacks on Osborne. He instead demonstrated that Islam is a religion of Peace (with a few actively violent crazies .. )
    I remember that too - mainly due to the cynical debate around whether it was a true act of compassion or something more deceptive. I gave the Imam the benefit of any doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    I agree - and NONE of those practices are from Islam - or supported by any Islamic text - the Qu'ran and Hadiths ... they are all cultural and some leaders twist Islam to support those practices ..
    I'm not so sure, again - for clarity sake, I'm not a Qu'rannic Scholar, but I understand that the later verses (when Mohammed had an army and was conquering) are somewhat more aggressive than the earlier verses.

    There is also the practice of short-term marriages - which is basically a loophole to get around prostitution being illegal.

    We also have to contend that within countries that practice Sharia, some of the protections granted to women against rape don't seem to exist (there's been quite a few instances of women being stoned to death as adulturers for being Raped), given what we know of Fatwas (islamic legal opinion) and how they differ from English Common Law precedent - I don't think you can say with certainty that the prohibitions exist as you describe them.

    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    If my argument falls apart its because it was a argument based on your own silly example.
    The bait and switch is you using convictions to say that the percentage of which a crime occurs.
    Point one “British white men they tend to work individually. They tend to work online where they groom and they are the majority of perpetrators.
    That's not the same type of crime that we are talking about... There's your bait and switch. It's deplorable for certain, but in almost all cases it's the work of one or two people - not an interconnected group of multiple people.

    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Point two In an inquiry by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012, 36 per cent of victims of group or gang child abuse identified their attackers as white, 27 per cent as Asian, 16 per cent as black, with 16 per cent unspecified.
    Point three researchers said their data’s sample size had been too small and more research needed to be conducted.
    That inquiry was from 2012 - which is before most of the Grooming Gang cases were fully exposed.

    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    AKA quotes that are threats to a whole community that you seem to think are okay.
    Again - a bit of Context is needed here - FWIW - I happened to be in the UK when Lee Rigby was murdered (on my Honeymoon in fact) People were pissed off, Pissed off people aren't particularly cautious or nuanced in their words. I went through the working class neighbourhoods near where I grew up - Flags were everywhere in tribute. In that same neighbourhood - someone smashed up a mosque and desecrated the Qu'rans there.

    I've said as many times that Tommys working class background means he speaks carelessly (although he is getting better at being more nuanced) - it's not okay to go after an entire community, but it is okay to go after a Religion that not only explicitly allows this, but promises a reward of 77 virgins in Heaven for doing so.

    Edit edit: I think it's also right to talk a little bit about those working class neighbourhoods I mentioned - they are the home of the quintessential Chav - and whilst I could wax lyrical about tales of their antisocial disposition and their ability to be offensive to anyone and everyone - I can't recall any serious religious resentment - TBH I think the Sikhs got a harder time than the Muslims, simply on account of their Turbans - and even then - they weren't social pariahs - mainly because they upheld those bare minimum of british values that I referenced.

    Which is what I think it's right to end on - for all the critical talk of Islam, If someone wants to believe in Allah, pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, undertake the Haj etc. etc. - I've got no problem with that, I'll also be sure not to offer them a Beer and Bacon Sammich - we'll get on like a house on fire.

    Edit Edit Edit:

    A nice little ditty on the subject of Islamic attitudes towards Kafirs

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  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    placeholder post for when I can collate all of Bandits and Husas points and respond
    No rush ...
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  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    Anyone who feels they're qualified to comment on this issue should watch it to get the facts regarding the root cause of Tommy Robinson's case.

    Don't go looking for root causes there aren't any. He was a football hooligan, when that became unfashionable he decided to hate muslims. Don't go looking for intelligent reasons for his behaviour, there aren't any. He's just a cunt.
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  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    placeholder post for when I can collate all of Bandits and Husas points and respond
    All this tension is starting to get to me.........

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Don't go looking for root causes there aren't any. He was a football hooligan, when that became unfashionable he decided to hate muslims. Don't go looking for intelligent reasons for his behaviour, there aren't any. He's just a cunt.
    What a load of shit.

    The root cause is that for years groups of Muslims got away with crimes that would have seen an Englishman imprisoned in a heartbeat - simply because they were groups of Muslims.

    If you can't recognise that fact then you're fucking blind - at the very least.

    I find myself wondering just how much of a useless fuck you'd be if a crime of this magnitude happened in New Zealand.

    You watched a video that spelled the problem out in words of one syllable and yet you're still as fucking clueless as ever.

    Well done you.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    Perhaps you could post up a link about it so we can see how closely matched the issues are.
    Not the book but it covers a fair bit of it.
    I wouldn't normally take much notice of wishart but seeing as t came from a book written by the actual detective which I have read.

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  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    What a load of shit.

    The root cause is that for years groups of Muslims got away with crimes that would have seen an Englishman imprisoned in a heartbeat - simply because they were groups of Muslims.
    Robinson was just a violent thug. Anti-social arseholes often adopt some "cause" in an attempt to legitimise their behaviour. If it wasn't muslims it'd be something else.

    If you can upgrade your comprehension skills you will see that I do understand what went on in Rotherham, and have since it hit the news years ago. What happened there though has little to do with Robinson.

    His circus act could have resulted in pedos going free.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

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