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Thread: Tommy Robinson

  1. #1
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    Tommy Robinson

    So does anyone have any views on this Tommy Robinson issue or has the media black out been slick enough that no-one knows what the fuck I'm on about?

  2. #2
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    I presume you are referring to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson. There has been an awful lot of rubbish written about him and his adventures and I don't want to add to it. He is in the right place. The people who think it is a free speech matter are tragically misinformed. I did read a Brit barrister's take on it and if I can find it I will post it here.
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  3. #3
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    Is he Mrs Robinsons son?

    Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    I presume you are referring to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson. There has been an awful lot of rubbish written about him and his adventures and I don't want to add to it. He is in the right place. The people who think it is a free speech matter are tragically misinformed. I did read a Brit barrister's take on if and if I can find it I will post it here.
    I know very little about him but if what I'm reading is correct, if he should be killed in prison we could see violence on the streets of England like we haven't seen before.

    It would be foolish to think that this is going to blow over just by keeping him imprisoned.

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    I read the forum on trademe so I can see what "the people" are talking about, and this is a topic over there.

    Latest is claims of civil war breaking out if he dies in prison.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pzkpfw View Post
    I read the forum on trademe so I can see what "the people" are talking about, and this is a topic over there.

    Latest is claims of civil war breaking out if he dies in prison.

    There is certainly sizeable support for him in England - as well as mainland Europe.

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    And a sizeable chunk of that support is from the staunch soccer hooligan type. They're probably quite comfortable with the rioting side of social politics - but they're only the front line.

    Plenty of English mums and dads would be supporting from the comfort of their armchairs.

    That's how radical movements start though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    There is certainly sizeable support for him in England - as well as mainland Europe.
    True, but not by anybody with a clue. Although there is a very impressive London crowd photo doing the rounds of social media allegedly a protest at Robinson's/Yaxley-Lennon's imprisonment. Except that The London crowd (wearing an awful lot of red) is in Liverpool, the crowd is welcoming the FA Cup to Liverpool a few years back.

    Here is an opinion by someone who does know what he's taliking about. It's long but if you read it you will understand what is happening.

    For anybody who lacks the required attention span, may I just point out that Robinson (which is just one of several aliases that he uses), isn't being disappeared or silenced or any other bollocks, he pleaded "Guilty".
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    he pleaded "Guilty".
    And was sentenced to 13 months imprisonment for doing what others were apparently doing at the same time.

    Does the sentence fit the crime? (Even considering his previous convictions).

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    Do we know what the fuck you're on about? I think most people here have heard the odd news item over the years, on him or the violent far right groups he is involved with. Google says he is currently getting a mention on all the major news outlets in UK, so obviously not a media blackout.
    Sentenced to 13 months for contempt? Oh well, judges will often base the sentence on their view of the offenders willingness to reform. Obviously the judge felt that this guy is a fucken ratbag who has no respect for the law.
    Placed in a prison where the prisoner population is more than half muslim? I don't see why that is an issue except for sensationalism. There isn't a prison anywhere in the world that doesn't contain a few of the various races and religions he's vilified and pledged violence to over the years.

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    Hardly a media blackout is it?
    Well I'm not aware on any mention of it in the mainstream media here and sadly, a large proportion of society is probably too lazy to even learn to spell google.

    I'm not sure to what degree the story has been presented in the Northern hemisphere media, but I'd be interested to hear what the general murmurings in the cosy little sitting rooms of sunny England might be.

    Do you think that this has the potential to blow out of control if something happens to Tommy Robinson while he's inside?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    WellDo you think that this has the potential to blow out of control if something happens to Tommy Robinson while he's inside?

    Not even a little bit
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honest Andy View Post

    Not even a little bit
    An online petition calling for his release has gained over 600,000 signatures.

    That's not insignificant support.

  15. #15
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    Tommy is an interesting Fellow.

    I don't agree with the EDL, but I've watched Tommy's Oxford Union address - I'd suggest that for ANYONE who is interested in this subject, to listen to that first. I've watched instances of Tommy's activism and then read the reports on it - at best it's a very bad misrepresentation, at worst I've seen reports on him be flat-out lies.

    It seems that as he's matured, he's become more focused on what he believes the issues are. I happen to agree with him on some points - that parts of Islam are fundamentally incompatible with Western values. Now, this does not mean ALL of Islam is incompatible, just some of the more archaic parts - just like Christians of today don't stone people to death for eating Shellfish, or wearing clothes made of 2 fibres.

    He also talks that because of a fear of being labelled "racist" parts of the UK law enforcement have failed to properly investigate serious crimes, In the name of Multi-culturalism, Politicians have failed to honestly and openly discuss the problems of a particular strain of Islam.

    He points out that the Politicians, TV Pundits etc. do not live in Working class neighborhoods where most of the problems are occuring, they are instead sitting in their ivory towers and insisting nothing is wrong.

    I don't agree with everything Tommy says or does, but to quote Douglas Murray on the matter (from memory):

    Mortgage Fraud is a crime and should be dealt with, but it seems clear to me that if we looked into some of these Mosques and Imams, like we did with Tommy Robinson, how many cases of Mortgage fraud might we find?
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