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Thread: MotoCAP Ratings For NZ Gear - Media Release

  1. #1
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    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    MotoCAP Ratings For NZ Gear - Media Release

    ACC today announced the launch of a world-first rating system for motorcycle clothing known as MotoCAP.

    “The Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Programme (MotoCAP) is the first of its kind, and will give the motorcycle community more information when they are making choices about the clothing they wear when riding,” says Motorcycle Programme Manager, David Keilty.

    Key Points:

    · MotoCAP will give clothing two separate star ratings – one for protection and one for comfort
    · MotoCAP has involved stakeholders from across Australia and New Zealand working together to develop the system, the first in the world of its kind.

    “Motorcycle and scooter riders have very little protection other than their helmet and their clothing when involved in a crash,” advises Keilty, who steers the Ride Forever programme, an ACC initiative aimed at reducing motorcycle crashes and injuries.

    “This is why we at Ride Forever joined together with road safety agencies around Australia and Deakin University to develop the system and test the gear.”

    Mr Keilty said the protection star rating considers performance in abrasion resistance, seam strength and impact protection, while the comfort rating is based on how comfortable the clothing is in New Zealand and Australian climatic conditions.

    Last year in New Zealand 45 motorcyclists lost their life on the road and 7,372 motorcyclists received treatment and support from ACC. The total cost of motorcycle-related claims was more than $94 million.

    According to Mr Keilty, the development of MotoCAP means riders will now have more information about their choice of protective gear, including being able to balance the sometimes conflicting needs of personal protection and comfort.

    For more information on MotoCAP ratings and the scheme visit:

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    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Q + a


    What is MotoCAP?
    · MotoCAP, or the Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Programme, is a consumer information initiative. It is designed to provide riders with scientifically-based information about the protection and comfort of a range of motorcycle jackets, pants and gloves available in Australia and New Zealand

    What is the goal of MotoCAP?
    · The goal of the MotoCAP safety rating scheme is to reduce trauma to motorcyclists by:
    o raising public awareness of the benefits of motorcycle protective clothing; which will
    o increase demand for effective motorcycle protective clothing; thereby
    o improving the supply of effective motorcycle protective clothing.

    How is testing carried out?
    · Testing is being carried out by Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials

    · The clothing is subjected to:

    o Abrasion tests - measuring the time for the garment to wear through when pressed against a sandpaper belt at high speed
    o Impact tests – measuring the forces absorbed by the garment’s impact protectors when a 5kg anvil is dropped onto it
    o Seam strength tests – measuring the amount of pressure the garment’s seams can withstand before bursting open
    o Thermal tests – use a hotplate to measure how well the clothing insulates against heat and wicks sweat away from the body.

    · Clothing that is marketed as water resistant is rated for water protection by dressing a mannequin in the motorcycle clothing with dry undergarments beneath for 20 minutes. The undergarments are weighed before and after and the difference indicates how much water seeped through the clothing.

    How does the rating system work?
    · The MotoCAP rating includes two separate star ratings: one for protection and one for comfort
    · The number of stars is on a scale of how well specific garments resist the destructive forces in a crash, and how well it moves sweat away from the body
    · This is similar to Australia’s successful Child Restraint Evaluation Program that provides separate star ratings for protection and ease-of-use of child car seats
    · The protection star rating considers abrasion resistance, burst strength and impact protection
    · The comfort rating is based on thermal comfort in summer conditions
    · The two ratings allow riders to make an informed choice and ensure that their safety is not compromised for comfort.

    What does the program currently test? Will it expand?
    · MotoCAP currently rates jackets, pants and gloves

    · There may be potential to expand to rate riding boots in the future.

    How many reviews are currently available?
    · Reviews of 10 textile pants and 10 leather jackets are currently available

    · When it comes to protection the Calibre jacket by Rjays scored highest with five stars while the Triumph Hero Riding pants came a close second with four stars.

    · Comfort ratings were lower for jackets with the Dainese Mike jacket, Ixon Fueller Air and Indian Motorcycles Classic Jacket 2 all scoring two stars. Denim pants by Neojeans, Harley Davidson, Rjays and Rev’It were higher performers with four stars for comfort

    · More ratings, including ratings for the first batch of gloves will be released in coming months.
    Why aren’t motorcycle helmets and boots rated?
    · Unlike motorcycle clothing, motorcycle helmets must comply with a specified standard in order to be sold in Australia and New Zealand, setting a minimum level of safety

    · Motorcycle helmets are also rated under a separate Australian programme–the Consumer Rating and Assessment of Safety Helmets, or CRASH, (–and the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory’s SHARP rating scheme ( so authoritative information is easily available

    · Boots are not included in the initial roll-out of MotoCAP but may be included in the future.
    Will wearing five-star rated gear prevent riders from injury?

    · Motorcycle protective gear is designed to reduce the severity of the most common rider injuries, particularly from falling and sliding on the ground

    · Effective gear will prevent or reduce the severity of abrasions, friction burns, cuts and lacerations, but nothing can guarantee complete prevention of injury in a crash.

    Of all the garments tested, which is the safest?
    · The number of stars for protection indicates how well a garment will perform in a crash, but riders need to consider all the information provided to decide which garment is best suited to their needs

    · Depending on riding needs, it will be a balance between protection, thermal comfort and water resistance.
    Why are you testing for comfort?
    · Comfortable gear is important both to ensure that riders will wear the protective clothing and to avoid heat stress that can create a road safety risk for riders

    · Protective clothing can be uncomfortable in hot conditions, which can result in riders not wearing protective gear

    · Even relatively small increases in core body temperature can result in physiological heat strain which can cause distraction, fatigue, mood change, and reduced attention and alertness, so it’s important that riders are aware of these factors when choosing their gear.
    What does the comfort rating measure?
    · The comfort rating is based on how effectively a garment can move sweat away from the body

    · Although the primary focus of the comfort ratings is how suitable the garment is for use in a hot environment, breathability is also important in cold environments.
    Why isn’t the water resistance score included in the comfort star rating?
    · The comfort rating is based on a garment’s ability to allow sweat to evaporate away from a rider’s body by passing though the material into the environment. It is relevant in all weather conditions, hot and cold, and is necessary for the physiological management of core body temperature

    · Water resistance is primarily concerned with protection from rain; it is a measure of a garment’s ability to prevent rain water penetrating the material

    · The two measures are very different and cannot be combined into a single rating scale

    · The water resistance score is provided in addition to the comfort ratings to provide riders with additional information to help them choose the most appropriate clothing for their riding conditions and climate.
    Are the garments tested by MotoCAP the same as those available in shops?
    · Yes, the garments used in MotoCAP tests are bought anonymously from stores and local on-line outlets by riders across Australia and New Zealand.
    Is MotoCAP going to be a mandatory standard?
    · There are no plans to make the MotoCAP testing a mandatory standard in Australia or New Zealand

    · We believe the scheme will allow riders to make informed choices when it comes to their safety and comfort on the roads.
    How does MotoCAP compare with the Canstar rating of motorcycle garments?
    · The Canstar rating is based on market research to determine public perceptions about particular brands of motorcycle clothing on a range of factors including their protection and comfort

    · The Canstar ratings are based on opinion rather than scientific evidence

    · The MotoCAP ratings are based on tests conducted in controlled laboratory conditions and based on established Standards.
    How does MotoCAP compare with the European Standard?
    · MotoCAP provides more comprehensive information about motorcycle clothing than simply testing to the European Standard

    · MotoCAP uses the same tests as those used in the current European Standards

    · The current European Standards use a simple pass/fail criteria, MotoCAP uses the actual test scores to provide star ratings so that consumers can make an informed decision by comparing similar products on their actual performance

    · The European Standard for motorcycle clothing is not widely adopted; rather, the CE or EN standards that are most widely displayed are for the armour inserts, not the garment itself, a potential source of confusion

    · MotoCAP also provides a thermal comfort rating, which is not included in the European Standards for motorcycle protective clothing but will help riders find clothing that is suited to our climate and riding conditions.
    Will changes to the European Standard affect MotoCAP?
    · The adoption of a new standard for motorcycle clothing in Europe will not change the tests used as the basis for MotoCAP testing for the foreseeable future.
    How do you identify which products to test?
    · Products tested for MotoCAP are selected using market surveillance to identify popular products

    · A computer program is then used to randomly select products for testing

    · Manufacturers and importers are also able to commission testing of their garments for a MotoCAP rating.
    How much of the market is covered by MotoCAP?
    · MotoCAP aims to test a minimum of 10% of the clothing market through random selection of gear available on an annual basis

    · Manufacturers and importers of gear may also commission MotoCAP to test their products, which would increase the market coverage.

    Will this impact small New Zealand businesses?
    · MotoCAP is the first rating scheme of its kind anywhere in the world, and has generated international interest
    · As a result, MotoCAP may have an impact on manufacturers, suppliers and retailers as they respond to demand for clothing that provides better protection
    · While this may be disruptive in the short-term, the focus is on reducing motorcyclists’ road trauma
    · There is very little local manufacture of protective motorcycle clothing, and even in Australia their domestic brands account for around 20% of sales and a very small portion of the global market. Some Australian manufacturers such as Draggin Jeans and Saint are sold globally and recognised as being of a high standard
    · The uniquely Australasian MotoCAP rating will help to promote these brands globally

    · Benefits to industry have also been identified, including the willingness of consumers to pay a premium for independently-rated clothing. MotoCAP will increase demand for high quality products, and manufacturers and retailers that respond to this demand will benefit from the programme
    · In research motorcyclists were supportive, with around half willing to pay higher prices for independently rated protective clothing and 22 per cent undecided
    · Industry has supported the concept, so long as they did not have to absorb the costs, and recognised the potential for the programme to help them compete against cheap, low-quality imports.

    Who has been involved in this project?
    · The working group consisted of government agencies, including New Zealand’s ACC, state and federal road safety organisation and CTP regulators in Australia, as well as private organisations such as motoring clubs and insurers

    · The Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) has also been involved with the support of motorcycling clubs across Australia and New Zealand to represent their interests.

    How much does this programme cost?
    The scheme is expected to cost approximately $AU722,500 per financial year, with the cost distributed across the partners

    Who are the MotoCAP member organisations?
    MotoCAP is run by a consortium of government agencies, private organisations and motorcycle stakeholders. Current members are:
    · Transport for NSW
    · State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), NSW
    · VicRoads
    · Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Victoria
    · Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV)
    · Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Qld
    · Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC), Qld
    · Lifetime Support Authority of South Australia (LSA)
    · Motor Accident Commission of South Australia (MAC)
    · Western Australian Police: Road Safety Commission
    · Department of State Growth, Tasmania
    · Insurance Australia Group (IAG)
    · Australian Motorcycle Council
    · NZ Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th January 2005 - 22:12
    Street Triple R
    I was all prepared to mock this but it seems like a bloody good thing.

    Especially since I can't fit in my fucking leather trou any more because they have shrunk over the winter. Clearly rather than lose weight I will just buy the next size up.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  4. #4
    Join Date
    4th June 2013 - 17:33
    An excellent resource. They had to start somewhere but I hope there is ongoing resourcing to keep testing more products.
    I like the idea of independent testing, takes it out of the hands of manufacturers and makes for greater transparency (he said stating the obvious)

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    Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but how many times you have your breath taken away

  5. #5
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Wow. Henry. You've changed.

    Not just in girth either.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulsterkiwi View Post
    I like the idea of independent testing, takes it out of the hands of manufacturers and makes for greater transparency (he said stating the obvious)
    Me too, provided they do it right and avoid the sort of controversy created by the various helmet testing bodies.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  7. #7
    Join Date
    23rd July 2014 - 12:08
    '08 Wee
    I feel they have sort of missed the mark on the comfort tests. Specially because the best rating for a jacket is 2 stars. They only look at the ability to wick sweat, which is important but not everything I would have hoped for.

    Also the pants tested so far are all denim, no proper pants for when you want to go full on power ranger! And the impact testing seems to be a bit off. From my reading of the Draggin Next Gen Seamless (the only one I looked into) shows armour, while looking at the top two search results shows that you have to buy it separately. And even then, the option is the bullshitness of CE approved.

    The site could be a bit better for usability. Usually when I am searching for something I start with a minimum set of requirements, refine my search and then go from there. Something like pricespy does this really well but I haven't found a motorcycle equivalent. Even from the big internet retailers.

    I like the idea, but hopefully it will get a bit better by the time I start purchasing some new gear.

  8. #8
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    nice little earner for some testing labs

    will this mean 5 star gear gives you cheaper acc levies on your rego?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    I was all prepared to mock this but it seems like a bloody good thing.

    Especially since I can't fit in my fucking leather trou any more because they have shrunk over the winter. Clearly rather than lose weight I will just buy the next size up.
    Commonly referred to as, "wardrobe shrinkage".
    "Statistics are used as a drunk uses lampposts - for support, not illumination."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
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    Bump... just discoveted the cap site via Bennett’s vid. The doctor running that site knows his stuff and the results are very interesting.
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  11. #11
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    13th July 2008 - 20:48
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Bump... just discoveted the cap site via Bennett’s vid. The doctor running that site knows his stuff and the results are very interesting.
    Dr Chris Hurren knows his stuff.

    MotoCap started relatively recently, and purchasing gear in NZ became hard work when C19 prevented travel between Australia and NZ. Now that it's up and running again, there will be more NZ sourced products on there.

    Interestingly, the Klim products on there were all bought in Christchurch.

    One thing I learned when we got involved with it was that you don't necessarily get the best protection from the most expensive gear. You don't have the spend the most money to get the most protection.

    Another take away was that abrasion ratings can be changed by adding armor or taking it out. E.g Harley jackets have a certain rating when tested without armor, which is how people normally wear them. But if you put or leave the armor in, the abrasion rating goes up to a 5 star rating. Because armor also contributes to abrasion resistance.

    This tells me something about taking the armor out of my bike jeans to wash them. It's important to piut the armor back in before use.

    This and other things you can learn, if you take the time.

    It's reasonably dull being sensible.

  12. #12
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    I must say the relentless summer in Auckland this year has been a reall struggle to cope with gear-wise for me. Today following the guy in the jet helmet on the spotless Harley in the spotless t-shirt/shorts/trainers outfit, I almost started to feel slightly jealous.

    I have Icon textile/leather gear that I purchased online back when that was still feasible but it’s getting very long in the tooth now, and despite ample built in ventilation, commuting around the city is a sweaty business.

    I’m guessing wearing the same gear daily-ish for a number of years (with infrequent cleaning, I’m sorry to say) isn’t the safest option either.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    I’m guessing wearing the same gear daily-ish for a number of years (with infrequent cleaning, I’m sorry to say) isn’t the safest option either.
    Cleaning weakens stitching and buggers up the waterproofing. Don't do it. Simply replace your jacket every ten years.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    I must say the relentless summer in Auckland this year has been a reall struggle to cope with gear-wise for me. Today following the guy in the jet helmet on the spotless Harley in the spotless t-shirt/shorts/trainers outfit, I almost started to feel slightly jealous.

    I have Icon textile/leather gear that I purchased online back when that was still feasible but it’s getting very long in the tooth now, and despite ample built in ventilation, commuting around the city is a sweaty business.

    I’m guessing wearing the same gear daily-ish for a number of years (with infrequent cleaning, I’m sorry to say) isn’t the safest option either.
    It doesn't work if you have anywhere to go after the ride (you can look like a right numpty) but after making a couple heat induced errors I got a cooling insert for my jacket. It made most of the summer commuting a bit more bearable. If your jacket doesn't support one, or you quite rightly see it as a bit over priced for what it is, wetting a t shirt (particularly with ice water if you can) does almost as good a job.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambaldi View Post
    It doesn't work if you have anywhere to go after the ride (you can look like a right numpty) but after making a couple heat induced errors I got a cooling insert for my jacket. It made most of the summer commuting a bit more bearable. If your jacket doesn't support one, or you quite rightly see it as a bit over priced for what it is, wetting a t shirt (particularly with ice water if you can) does almost as good a job.
    Nice idea and I have tried similar with a neck gaiter in the past, but yeah I’m usually going places like the supermarket or an appointment etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    Cleaning weakens stitching and buggers up the waterproofing. Don't do it. Simply replace your jacket every ten years.
    I’ve mostly kept to that principle through sheer laziness so that’s a bonus. But everytime I put on my jacket and start sweating in it again I do feel a bit icky.

    I read somewhere that using wool wash is good for washing gear with leather panels without damaging them. Tried it once on some pants, they seemed to come out unscathed and boy was the water brown.

    UV damage is something else I wonder about. I definitely see colours fading or black material going slightly purple with sun exposure on my existing gear.

    I’m tempted to invest in some mesh gear to wear all year round (just with waterproofs on top), I think that would be the best choice for Auckland’s current climate, but I’m conscious as per these ratings that mesh is problematic from a safety standpoint.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
    - The Simpsons

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