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... this has been on my mind a bit of late, more so the last week with the 2nd funeral of a friend on Saturday, earlier in the year was a very dear friend at 49yrs old, hers was avery freak acco... last week a van turned in front of a friend... 48yrs...
Now Im 50 and I know I have passed my "best by date" shit im not so agile or fit, Im now blind in one eye the others struggling... I struggle to concentrate like I used to I know all this but cant slow down... why?
Are we older riders loosing it due to age... or are we loosing it due to being to long in the tooth ie to complacent?
I want to hear from the same age and older riders that may not ride much these days... ststs show the older generation are dieing... why???
Because there's more of them riding.
"The stat's" as presented by most authorities are well bent to show exactly what you're seeing, like selecting the oldest age group at twice the age range of the rest, and then ignoring the fact that that's there's more of that age riding anyway. I don't know why the whole "born again" bashing thing is so popular, but it ain't true. If you reformat the data to make age groups the same size and then show what percentage of each age group are crashing the story that emerges is the same as it's always been: Beginners crash most, then each successive age group crashes less as they gain more experience.
Sorry for your lost mates, dude. There's worse ways to live, and as they say: there's no quantity of life worth saving if it's just to be spent in a nursing home. On the other hand: take it easy out there all you doddery old cunts.
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon