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Thread: Winston Peters... our emissary to the Middle East.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
    Blade '12

    Winston Peters... our emissary to the Middle East.

    Seriously? This is the guy to send to talk to Recip Erdogan President of Turkey to smooth over the troubled waters after the Christchurch attacks?

    The guy who every three years energises his base with attacks on immigrants and immigration?

    A little snippet (from Stuff)...

    "Peters spoke about the "political correctness" in other parties: "They say – ah yes – but New Zealand has always been a nation of immigrants. They miss a crucial point. New Zealand has never been a nation of Islamic immigrants…"

    Peters also suggested that moderate Muslims were operating "hand in glove" with extremists.

    His exact words are worth quoting in full: "This two-faced approach is how radical Islam works – present the acceptable face to one audience and the militant face to another.

    "In New Zealand the Muslim community have been quick to show us their more moderate face, but as some media reports have shown, there is a militant underbelly here as well.

    "Underneath it all the agenda is to promote fundamentalist Islam.

    "Indeed these groups are like the mythical Hydra – a serpent underbelly with multiple heads capable of striking at any time and in any direction."

    He went on to note that "in many parts of the world the Christian faith is under direct threat from radical Islam", and said that he had sent a letter to all leaders of Islamic groups in New Zealand, calling them to name any "radicals, troublemakers and potential dangers to our society".

    So 'The Lizard of First' a turkey en route to Turkey. What the fuck could POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

    I'm offended and I'm neither Turkish nor Muslim.

    Please Jacinda don't let him go!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    1st November 2005 - 08:18
    Banana Republic of NZ
    Erdogan is derisively called the "sultan" of Turkey.

    The nation of Turkey was founded in modern times as a secular state by Kamal Attaturk, a wise man who was involved in the Gallipoli campaign and steered Turkey into the modern age. Sadly his foresight has been twisted by Erdogan, who is making a strongly muslim nation - reference the new "mega-mosque" in Istanbul and lots of sabre rattling to go with it.

    Erdogan likes our tooth monster, as she is promoting acceptance of the world's most dangerous religion. Yes, that stone-age one that states "death to all non-believers" and is also happy to mutilate female bodies for male pleasure.

    Tread carefully Winnie...
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    13th February 2006 - 13:12
    raptor 1000
    hopefully they will keep him

  4. #4
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    If you send winny in a capacity of foreign affairs you effectively silence him as everything he says has to be cleared prior to him speaking.
    T̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶B̶o̶l̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶G̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶N̶a̶t̶s̶. edit no it was Clark 2005-2008
    Its a clever ploy.
    One that labour is repeating. (again)
    Last edited by husaberg; 21st March 2019 at 18:59. Reason: it was Labour

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
    Blade '12
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    If you send winny in a capacity of foreign affairs you effectively silence him as everything he says has to be cleared prior to him speaking.
    That is what Bolger did when they had him in Government with Nats.
    Its a clever ploy.
    One that labour is repeating
    You didn't notice that Erdogan is about to fight another election and is riling up his base claiming that the Christchurch terrorist was state sponsored? Why wouldn't he just read out the thoughts of the Lizard and send him home in a box.... hang on a minute... send Winston! First!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    You didn't notice that Erdogan is about to fight another election and is riling up his base claiming that the Christchurch terrorist was state sponsored? Why wouldn't he just read out the thoughts of the Lizard and send him home in a box.... hang on a minute... send Winston! First!
    I wouldn't worry about either Turkey, its likely a trip to get some duty free booze.
    Say what you want to about Peters hes a ex national MP and was the public's prefered PM when he was a National MP. Thus he was the cream of Nationals crop.

    Hes one of the few characters left. A genuine survivor (and likely a shape shifting lizard like john Key allegedly was)

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  7. #7
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
    Blade '12
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    I wouldn't worry about either Turkey, its likely a trip to get some duty free booze.
    Say what you want to about Peters hes a ex national MP and was the public's prefered PM when he was a National MP. Thus he was the cream of Nationals crop.

    Hes one of the few characters left. A genuine survivor (and likely a shape shifting lizard like john Key allegedly was)
    Goneburger come the next election no matter how much loot he tosses around.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Goneburger come the next election no matter how much loot he tosses around.
    As hes currently At 73 i would not expect him to continue on.
    That said he sharpers than the Deputy leader of National.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  9. #9
    Join Date
    7th September 2009 - 09:47
    Yo momma
    Podunk USA
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    claiming that the Christchurch terrorist was state sponsored? :
    Now there's a thought. This episode will do wonders for the tooth fairys ratings. You don't hear the media talking about her and labours non ending string of fuck ups anymore...
    Lets go Brandon

  10. #10
    Join Date
    21st October 2002 - 11:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
    Erdogan is derisively called the "sultan" of Turkey.

    The nation of Turkey was founded in modern times as a secular state by Kamal Attaturk, a wise man who was involved in the Gallipoli campaign and steered Turkey into the modern age. Sadly his foresight has been twisted by Erdogan, who is making a strongly muslim nation - reference the new "mega-mosque" in Istanbul and lots of sabre rattling to go with it.

    Erdogan likes our tooth monster, as she is promoting acceptance of the world's most dangerous religion. Yes, that stone-age one that states "death to all non-believers" and is also happy to mutilate female bodies for male pleasure.

    Tread carefully Winnie...
    Yep, I've actually read the Quran. Its the most repetitive, hateful drivel I've ever read. I lost count of the number of times it called for my death.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    10th June 2006 - 18:35
    he'll be able to lead the 5 x daily call to prayer for us all by the time he gets back

  12. #12
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpankMe View Post
    Yep, I've actually read the Quran. Its the most repetitive, hateful drivel I've ever read. I lost count of the number of times it called for my death.
    Really, you need to read more, its practically the same hate filled drivel as the bible or the Tanakh.
    But if you are looking for hate filled drivel ask a few of the members here for a copy of mein kamph.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  13. #13
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    21st October 2002 - 11:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Really, you need to read more, its practically the same hate filled drivel as the bible or the Tanakh.
    But if you are looking for hate filled drivel ask a few of the members here for a copy of mein kamph.
    Yep, all religious books are filled with drivel. Most of it is just to fill out the pages to make the book look like it has substance.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    10th June 2006 - 18:35
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Really, you need to read more, its practically the same hate filled drivel as the bible or the Tanakh.
    But if you are looking for hate filled drivel ask a few of the members here for a copy of mein kamph.
    you can buy hitlers little story online from whitcoulls

    but you can't buy jordan petersons 12 rules for a good life because

    ya know

    i dunno

  15. #15
    Join Date
    7th January 2014 - 14:45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Sichoe View Post
    you can buy hitlers little story online from whitcoulls

    but you can't buy jordan petersons 12 rules for a good life because

    ya know

    i dunno
    Not to mention The Communist Manifesto...
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

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