So we've taken to, ideally Hellers Danish free farmed streaky bacon with jumbo (free range) egg on grainy bread with cream cheese and a slightly zingy sauce as our Sunday tradition. Often I have to make this fairly early before disappearing to my place of worship. Today for example a farm in Martinborough where we rode the 2 stroke motorbicycles with great reverence and of course wheelies.
Now of course this risks an eternity of damnation in hell with satan poking my backside with his fiery trident, but I think on balance the risk us worth it.
I mean 2000 years ago a young Jewish apprentice carpenter was just starting to formulate one of the world's greatest scams presumably hoping for some respect and pootang.
So hear ye, bacon and egg sarnies and rabid 2 stroke motorcycles are where you can put your faith.
Or some subversive religious activity that the majority of the world thinks will send you to another hell.
God loves his children so much he will send the vast majority to hell because they were born in a non white Christian country. Century after century.
Ok so here's where I have to make a confession.
Even though they make crap beer, BarbiTui sauce is great for this sort of thing.