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Thread: Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council, just what do they do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt

    Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council, just what do they do?

    In Wellington the people who maintain the roads in their wisdom paint over unwanted road markings. Pretty much everywhere else sandblast these from the surfaces. There's many reasons why painting them is an added risk to Motorcyclists so I approached the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council with photos, noting the risks thinking they were the best people, who actually had a voice and were an organisation that could get things that were a hazard to motorcyclists sorted.
    About a month later they came back to me suggesting I take it up with the City Council.
    They made no mention of whether they had seen it as a risk, and if so done anything about it.

    Recently a Postie colleague did a Rider Training day and one of the things he was warned about was these painted over bits of tarseal, so even the proffessionals see it as a problem.

    I guess I'm dissapointed that the MSAC didn't see it as an issue, moreso that we all pay $30 per bike to get this shit sorted.

    Watch out for these folks, they are both slippery and very confusing, especially when the paint wears off the top and the road looks like a scribble pad.

    I really thought our safety concious world would have put this style of workmanship into the past.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    13th April 2018 - 20:36
    Dad's garage (That I'm allowed to touch)

    The Advisory Council advise you to contact the council

    Its a cheap and lazy solution. 100% those black painted markings are invisible slick spots in the wet, and can be on bends where centre medians get painted over. Ironically they usually redo the road layouts "for safety".

    As for the board, they probably consider it a local government issue and not Central (who they report to). But you'd imagine they would have ability to actively chase up these concerns directly without passing it back to the public to raise with Wellington Council.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    If you get the right person at the council and have a grown up conversation about it I believe you will get somewhere. Yes, I am sure they will bring cost into it, paint is cheaper than sand blasting etc, but quite often the paint is visibly different in the wet which is an issue for car drivers as well. They painted out a lane arrow at an intersection here but in the wet it looked like it still existed. That got sand blasted pretty quick after a complaint. Just tell them it is not a safe system solution to the problem. They're the magic words at the moment.

    MSAC are just another tax on us. $30 a year and all I have seen from it is that their names rhymes with ball sack. An expensive joke that one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    13th June 2010 - 17:47
    Out in the cold
    Wasn't this old Tom McCleary's initiative ? Memory says he started it and may even have got a gong for community service for it.
    While he was there it had a direct line into the Labor party and the top level of traffic policing.
    Doubt very much whether there's anyone there now with the level of contacts across the bike community he had - so it's largely toothless now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    If you get the right person at the council and have a grown up conversation about it I believe you will get somewhere. Yes, I am sure they will bring cost into it, paint is cheaper than sand blasting etc, but quite often the paint is visibly different in the wet which is an issue for car drivers as well. They painted out a lane arrow at an intersection here but in the wet it looked like it still existed. That got sand blasted pretty quick after a complaint. Just tell them it is not a safe system solution to the problem. They're the magic words at the moment.

    MSAC are just another tax on us. $30 a year and all I have seen from it is that their names rhymes with ball sack. An expensive joke that one.
    the paint goes in months so false economy. MSAC is paid from the $30 it isn't all their money

  6. #6
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by Grumph View Post
    Wasn't this old Tom McCleary's initiative ? Memory says he started it and may even have got a gong for community service for it.
    While he was there it had a direct line into the Labor party and the top level of traffic policing.
    Doubt very much whether there's anyone there now with the level of contacts across the bike community he had - so it's largely toothless now.
    liekly was reading a few nz motor cyclists from the 50's last night, he's in their often sorting this shit too

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