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Thread: motorcyclists to be removed from the roads ?- predictable result of zero vision plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    8th April 2013 - 19:33

    motorcyclists to be removed from the roads ?- predictable result of zero vision plan

    I've been reading miss agenters "zero vision" road safety plan, its apparent its basis is to make driving on public roads a safe place to"crash", which on its own will eventually make motorcycle riding more dangerous, leading to them banning motorcycles from the roading network - as there's no safe speed or place on public roads to crash!
    there is a complete lack of actual better training of drivers
    which is out of sync with what Acc is doing in regards to motorcycles, it's all about making it nicer to crash in your much more "crashable" automobile.
    to be fair it's not really her plan, it's just copying what other sad sacks have fostered onto their driving public
    it's called " vision zero", seems more' zero vision ' to me, guess we all better get jobs in roading , it's got to be a sure bet for future employment , just wont include m/cycles for much longer if these safety crazed freaks keep on the course they've plotted out ....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    20th September 2015 - 11:08
    2017 Triumph Tiger XCA
    No point in getting jobs in roading if this lot stay in power.

    They're not only anti-ICE, they aren't into road building either.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd March 2018 - 15:32
    1998 Yamaha R1
    Quote Originally Posted by Temporary-Kiwi View Post
    I've been reading miss agenters "zero vision" road safety plan, its apparent its basis is to make driving on public roads a safe place to"crash", which on its own will eventually make motorcycle riding more dangerous, leading to them banning motorcycles from the roading network - as there's no safe speed or place on public roads to crash!
    there is a complete lack of actual better training of drivers
    which is out of sync with what Acc is doing in regards to motorcycles, it's all about making it nicer to crash in your much more "crashable" automobile.
    to be fair it's not really her plan, it's just copying what other sad sacks have fostered onto their driving public
    it's called " vision zero", seems more' zero vision ' to me, guess we all better get jobs in roading , it's got to be a sure bet for future employment , just wont include m/cycles for much longer if these safety crazed freaks keep on the course they've plotted out ....
    Don't worry, the economy is tanking and the Nats will get back in soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    10th June 2006 - 18:35
    Yup if the left can cobble together an alliance for another term or two you bet your ass your personal choice and freedoms will be impacted. (They already are starting to be eroded)

    Your chosen method of transport will be the same as the government preference or else.

    Change behaviour through taxation.

    Raise fuel levy until you can't afford to run a bike unless you're gareth morgan.

    Raise acc levy until you have to choose between feeding your family healthy sustaining meals or the 1000 a month rego.

    Fuckin nanny state bullshit all over again.

    Dont get me wrong, Nationals 'open the immigration flood gates' approach to wealth generation was fucken stupid and we're all paying for it now.

    We need a centre right option who will close the borders, rattle the stinking can that is benefit culture and stop telling everyone how to live their lives.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    15th February 2005 - 15:34
    Katanasaurus Rex
    The Gates of Delirium
    I recall back in 2009 when the bike rego took it's massive hit, certain people on here were saying that there was a plan to remove all motorcycles from NZ roads by a certain year (can't remember the exact year proposed).

    If there is such a plan, I don't see how it can come down to a National versus Labour argument.

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