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Thread: Cult founder calls for ban on new mosques.

  1. #1
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    Cult founder calls for ban on new mosques.
    What the fuck is this daft cunt up to now?
    Only a Rat can win a Rat Race!

  2. #2
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    10th October 2017 - 18:07
    Quote Originally Posted by Laava View Post
    What the fuck is this daft cunt up to now?

    Tamaki's are gunna tamaki.

    On muslims though whats this about them getting all pissed at KFC for not providing them with Halal chicken?

    They can fook off to Texas chicken if they want their halal chicken.

    Rightly KFC told them to get lost.

    My beef with muslims atm is their ridiculous amount of control over our meat industry. They now control most of the supply and even want to have muslim's driving the trucks that deliver it everywhere. (obviously they'll have to import those drivers).....

    That to me is OTT.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by austingtir View Post

    Tamaki's are gunna tamaki.

    On muslims though whats this about them getting all pissed at KFC for not providing them with Halal chicken?

    They can fook off to Texas chicken if they want their halal chicken.

    Rightly KFC told them to get lost.

    My beef with muslims atm is their ridiculous amount of control over our meat industry. They now control most of the supply and even want to have muslim's driving the trucks that deliver it everywhere. (obviously they'll have to import those drivers).....

    That to me is OTT.
    Funnily enough, our local abattoir has an arrow pointing to Mecca in the killing room. I looked for prayer mats, to no avail.

  4. #4
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    10th October 2017 - 18:07
    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    Funnily enough, our local abattoir has an arrow pointing to Mecca in the killing room. I looked for prayer mats, to no avail.
    So thats apparently how the vast majority of meat in NZ is slaughtered. With Muslim butchers to boot.

    I read something a few months back with one maori butcher who lost his shit with them (all the breaks they take and all the other bullshit they pull) and they just called him a racist and got him kicked out, its pretty obvious who management would side with in this day and age.

    Thats the way all the slaughterhouses in NZ are going.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by austingtir View Post
    So thats apparently how the vast majority of meat in NZ is slaughtered. With Muslim butchers to boot.

    I read something a few months back with one maori butcher who lost his shit with them (all the breaks they take and all the other bullshit they pull) and they just called him a racist and got him kicked out, its pretty obvious who management would side with in this day and age.

    Thats the way all the slaughterhouses in NZ are going.
    I don't think the practicality of Halal slaughter is an issue for the abattoir, the prayer is on the wall beside Bill "the stunner". NZ humane regulations are strictly enforced and monitored, all kills are videoed.

    It's an increased market for the producers, no brainer.

    All employees work to a very strict time frame, the line slows for no one. Pretty sure it was something like 21 minutes from moo to vac pak. Even quicker from baa to baa code.

  6. #6
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    ^^It doesnt seem like as much of a no brainer when they try to control everything outside of the original premise.

    I know some people locally had a run in with some muslims at their restaurant due to halal. The muslims didnt check that the restaurant was halal before eating there or it was lost in translation as the locals were chinese. Anyway the muslims ate there then realized what they were eating was not halal and spat the dummy hardcore.

    The chinese laugh about it now but it wasnt funny at the time because they thought they might get stabbed over it.

  7. #7
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    I guarantee exactly that is happening right now in a restaurant not to far away due to some mouth breather spitting the dummy over gluten or eating organic carrots fertilised with blood and bone when they were little carrots.

    An Oxford professor recently proposed that people at concerts and the like do jazz hands rather than clapping so the hearing impaired don't suffer.

    WTF are jazz hands?

    It's all media noise.

    I know no one who's community or way of life is being impaired by religion. That includes highly focused demographic areas in other western countries where my friends are very happy to live.

    That may change if Density Church gains traction.

    I doubt it, though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    I know no one who's community or way of life is being impaired by religion. That includes highly focused demographic areas in other western countries where my friends are very happy to live.

    Luton UK would like a word with you among many others. Christ there are basically no go areas in parts of Australian cities. Thats all documented on video too.

    And its because of people like yourself that dont see a problem until its right next them. Then they go holy shit what happened here!?

    Those two muslims that were indoctrinated at a certain mosque in a certain south Island city... went to yemen and got droned by the USA.... Again not effecting you or your mates but those two are dead because of a certain religion.

    Theres even documentaries here in NZ about a certain christian group down in the south island.... Religion not impairing anyones lives. If you live under a rock maybe.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    That may change if Density Church gains traction.

    I doubt it, though.
    Density chumps are their own worst enemy. Their policies will be their undoing as they are total hypocritical bigots. The only people that are likely to even consider voting for this toxic fucken mess will be the dimwitted fuckwits, gullible enough to go their services.
    oh, was that a bit strong? I maybe should have watered that down a bit...
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laava View Post
    Density chumps are their own worst enemy. Their policies will be their undoing as they are total hypocritical bigots. The only people that are likely to even consider voting for this toxic fucken mess will be the dimwitted fuckwits, gullible enough to go their services.
    oh, was that a bit strong? I maybe should have watered that down a bit...

    I dont even see why its news. They arent going to get more than .05% of the vote if that.

  11. #11
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    As I understand it, this halal nonsense is the thin end of the wedge, leading to sharia law. Look at what is happening in England...

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  12. #12
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    So much potential argument ... but all I'll say though is that I'd rather have a Mosque next door to me than the Destiny Church.

    Ok, I can't help myself. I briefly worked for Immigation NZ and in respect of 'Earlier this year, Tamaki called for migration to be cut down to 2000 people annually' ... if that happened, our economy would grind to a halt. Immigrants aren't taking Kiwi jobs, they're doing the ones that Kiwi's won't do. True.
    Grow older but never grow up

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie View Post
    So much potential argument ... but all I'll say though is that I'd rather have a Mosque next door to me than the Destiny Church.

    Ok, I can't help myself. I briefly worked for Immigation NZ and in respect of 'Earlier this year, Tamaki called for migration to be cut down to 2000 people annually' ... if that happened, our economy would grind to a halt. Immigrants aren't taking Kiwi jobs, they're doing the ones that Kiwi's won't do. True.
    But on the other hand 80,000 people a year is not sustainable.

    2,000 for sure is nothing more than a pipe dream.

    IMO immigration should of already been halved this year and should of been down to 20-30k within the next couple of years.

    But of course this is probably going to be the only thing that stops our economy collapsing so.....

    Changing a countries demographics by 1/6th every 10 years does not a country make. A 3rd world shithole on the other hand yes.

  14. #14
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    Their was a Density bike run up here not too long ago, it made the news in a tragic way. This was in the run up to the local elections.

    I have heard quite a bit of info about the bikes, riders and their actions, from people in the know, and it's shadier than all those books about bondage put together.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman View Post
    What demographic? New Zealand is so young that it's demographic as you put it, or "white" which is what you mean is still not really a thing.
    Its about 70% white.

    How's changing the demographics from 70% white to something completely different in 20 years "not really a thing"?

    How does that not totally change a country?

    All we end up with is different multicultural groups living in their own groups in each town preaching their own religions and asking for their own political power to have things the way they want them.

    This is not rocket science to work out.

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