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Thread: Are you 'essential' or not?

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonez View Post
    Wow! You multi-task as well? Must be all those spirits....
    Fucked if I know what I'm doing most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
    That's socialism in action for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop
    Perhaps you should ask to have some wisdom teeth put in.
    Maybe having them named such is a cultural misunderstanding... You have yours, Right?
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    Fucked if I know what I'm doing most of the time.
    Thought as much but wasn't going to say anything. You seem more amiable than the average Bozo on KB.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
    Presumably this isolation will stop you from your homosexual activities of wanting to be sucked off by other men?
    Apparently ellipsis is keen and obsessed with act. You and ellipsis aren't related by any chance?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonez View Post
    Thought as much but wasn't going to say anything. You seem more amiable than the average Bozo on KB.
    It's easier that way. It's easier that way.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  5. #65
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    I checked the 'essential' list from work, I'm on it. Bugger.

    But mostly working from home, so plenty of time to weed the vege garden and head out for a ride on the treadly, not entirely sure what the definition of 'local' is yet.

    We have had a directive from up above via the boss that we are only doing programmed maintenance and faults, anything else is considered non-essential. So lots of time to *cough* stay home and catch up on paperwork.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    Ya'll can laugh all you like, because my vision of how we can live is far more advanced than exists today. So from my perspective, you're laughing at your own limitations like the circle jerking muppets your were indoctrinate to be. None of you understand what money is used for nor do you understand how an economy works outwith your limited understandding. Why the fuck would I put any credibility in anything that any of you have to say about Who I Am and Who I Am Being given your drastically limited ability to generate any logical, reasonable or even common sense criteria for making any judgement that comes anywhere near baring any resemblance to the truth? Answer: I don't. As such, I laugh at your (royal) complete stupidity... or at least I did until a few years ago, and I can see that you've (individual) still got nothing but misunderstanding underpinned by misunderstanding across the board on which you base your judgements on everything. Either way, laughing at your own projections shows you for Who You Are, because you are not describing anything like that which I Am and see. You (royal) fuckers are funnily stupid though.
    "Oh you don't understand, it's too complex for you, but don't worry, I really understand how EVERYTHING works and I'll usher in the Utopia"

    - Every Marxist/Socialist/Communist/RBEist ever.

    For historical context - that's normally right before the Mass Executions and Mass Starvations start happening, which serves to prove the point that they really DON'T know how it works.

    The problem is, I've got a very good idea how Money and Economy works, It's one of the reasons I'm able to consistently hit your nerves when you are feeling brave enough to venture out of your echo-chamber.

    But being the generous sort of chap I am - Have you managed to resolve the problem of Consumer choice without the use of Money yet? I'll refresh your Memory:

    You have a single Cow, which, when slaughtered, produces a finite number of Steaks - 10 Sirloin, 5 Eye Fillet, 30 Rib Eyes and 40 roast steaks. There are 200 people. How do you distribute the Steaks without the use of Money, without limiting individual freedom to choose, without slaughtering additional cows (leading to wastage) and without subdividing the cuts of meat.

    In a Monetary system (or even any system where the transfer of goods is predicated on the transfer of items of equivalent value), price rises to the point where supply and demand are equal. If you can't afford a Steak today, you can work harder or save so that you can afford a steak at another point in time, or you can decide you don't like steak - eitherway Individual choice is maximized.

    For reference - your last attempt to solve the conundrum was corruption and bribery (if memory serves - you suggested a system based on Sexual Favors) - which is interesting, since that is exactly what happened every time a variant of your repeatedly debunked idea was tried.

    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    bwaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa fucking idiot. The line isn't mine, I Am being allowed to use it.
    So, you're either a Parasite (oh look, a Marxist mooching off of everyone else, how original... not) or you are playing very loose with definitions, in order to avoid conceding that yes you do have assets (Money, Devices, housing, clothes etc.) thus making my critique valid.

    And you'll forgive me from asserting that your regular presence here precludes you from being absolutely destitute, homeless and without anything to your name. So you'll have to either front up and admit that you live a comfortable life in the western world off the back of the very things you decry and despise, or lie harder.

    And I'd be willing to bet on which outcome will happen.

    Edit - just because I couldn't resist.

    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    Me. Can you read .

    Want to end homelessness, great, we currently have 4 weeks of empty space. Done. Oh no, we can't do that. Why not? Because we need to send people to jobs that destroy more than they create in order to keep the economy going.

    Better is, Yes, let's do that.

    Whoever is at home that can work from home should do that, stay home forever and work from home. Those in bullshit jobs should also do that, stay home and find something else to do because your community needs rebuilding (has to do when productive hours are spent doing something inherently pointless) etc... Oh and the money. Just pay them according to what they were going to be paid anyway. Individual, government and business projections will tell you exactly where the money goes and comes from. Pay everyone according to those forecasts i.e. Company A gets $1 in month one, $5 in month two, $3 in month three etc... and even though nothing has been produced, at least everyone will have the money they thought they were going to have...... as well as bagging job free money..... muwah muwah muwaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaa.

    Homelessness ended without needing to build another house.
    And if I say No, I don't want to do either of that? What then?

    Well, that's when you use Force to ensure I'm doing what you want me to be doing.

    Remind me again - what's the word we use for being forced on pain of death to work without reward? Ah Yes - Slavery.

    The problem with a Monetary supply without a relationship to things being produced is it doesn't work - Weimar republic? Hyperinflation of the Papiermark? I mean fuck - how many times can you repeat ideas that have:

    1: Been tried before
    2: Failed epicly
    3: Be willfully ignorant of points 1 and 2 with a zealous belief that YOU are the economics genius that can make them work this time.

    Again, it's not like I'm needing to use Hypothetical scenarious or the concept of Human Nature (which despite having over 200 documented instances of Human Universals, you still don't believe in) to debunk your waffle, I can simply point to the real-world application when it was tried and the predictable failures that ensued.
    Last edited by TheDemonLord; 26th March 2020 at 18:56. Reason: couldn't resist
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  7. #67
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    Called it.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  8. #68
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    I have a covering letter waiting for me at work which i can show to plod if asked - dunno why it wasnt at least emailed to me we are not essential but are a MHF - Major Hazards Facility, so my workplace have a dispensation for us to go and 'monitor' stocks and its condition(s) 24/7, we are shut down tho.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    "Oh you don't understand, it's too complex for you, but don't worry, I really understand how EVERYTHING works and I'll usher in the Utopia"

    - Every Marxist/Socialist/Communist/RBEist ever.

    For historical context - that's normally right before the Mass Executions and Mass Starvations start happening, which serves to prove the point that they really DON'T know how it works.

    The problem is, I've got a very good idea how Money and Economy works, It's one of the reasons I'm able to consistently hit your nerves when you are feeling brave enough to venture out of your echo-chamber.

    But being the generous sort of chap I am - Have you managed to resolve the problem of Consumer choice without the use of Money yet? I'll refresh your Memory:

    You have a single Cow, which, when slaughtered, produces a finite number of Steaks - 10 Sirloin, 5 Eye Fillet, 30 Rib Eyes and 40 roast steaks. There are 200 people. How do you distribute the Steaks without the use of Money, without limiting individual freedom to choose, without slaughtering additional cows (leading to wastage) and without subdividing the cuts of meat.

    In a Monetary system (or even any system where the transfer of goods is predicated on the transfer of items of equivalent value), price rises to the point where supply and demand are equal. If you can't afford a Steak today, you can work harder or save so that you can afford a steak at another point in time, or you can decide you don't like steak - eitherway Individual choice is maximized.

    For reference - your last attempt to solve the conundrum was corruption and bribery (if memory serves - you suggested a system based on Sexual Favors) - which is interesting, since that is exactly what happened every time a variant of your repeatedly debunked idea was tried.

    So, you're either a Parasite (oh look, a Marxist mooching off of everyone else, how original... not) or you are playing very loose with definitions, in order to avoid conceding that yes you do have assets (Money, Devices, housing, clothes etc.) thus making my critique valid.

    And you'll forgive me from asserting that your regular presence here precludes you from being absolutely destitute, homeless and without anything to your name. So you'll have to either front up and admit that you live a comfortable life in the western world off the back of the very things you decry and despise, or lie harder.

    And I'd be willing to bet on which outcome will happen.

    Edit - just because I couldn't resist.

    And if I say No, I don't want to do either of that? What then?

    Well, that's when you use Force to ensure I'm doing what you want me to be doing.

    Remind me again - what's the word we use for being forced on pain of death to work without reward? Ah Yes - Slavery.

    The problem with a Monetary supply without a relationship to things being produced is it doesn't work - Weimar republic? Hyperinflation of the Papiermark? I mean fuck - how many times can you repeat ideas that have:

    1: Been tried before
    2: Failed epicly
    3: Be willfully ignorant of points 1 and 2 with a zealous belief that YOU are the economics genius that can make them work this time.

    Again, it's not like I'm needing to use Hypothetical scenarious or the concept of Human Nature (which despite having over 200 documented instances of Human Universals, you still don't believe in) to debunk your waffle, I can simply point to the real-world application when it was tried and the predictable failures that ensued.
    ...we bin slaves for years man...we don't own no cows and we just wanna git by, on a hard ole planit...mebbe we all could help you out someways, sure may need it... ah aint sure that you have your intellect gathered in one place...ah aint sure you'd know you were bein fucked 'til you coughed'......then it's too asse's don't mean nuthin, cuz...

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellipsis View Post
    ...we bin slaves for years man...we don't own no cows and we just wanna git by, on a hard ole planit...mebbe we all could help you out someways, sure may need it... ah aint sure that you have your intellect gathered in one place...ah aint sure you'd know you were bein fucked 'til you coughed'......then it's too asse's don't mean nuthin, cuz...
    It's a Negotiation. Always has been. Always will be.

    I know that when I go to work, My Company gets more value out of my labour than they pay me in my Salary. But I also know that I'm trading some of my earning potential for things that I place value on - like Job Stability, up-skill opportunity, Holidays etc.

    I'm free to negotiate on some things, I could go full contractor and earn 3-4 times what I'm currently being paid, but doing so would mean giving up some things that I like. Conversely, I could choose a lower paid position for less responsibility, a strict 40 hour work week and less stress.

    So yes, we are all being 'fucked', from the poorest unfortunate to the Billionaire CEO working 100+ hours a week. So long as we have sufficient freedom to choose in what manner and how deep, that's what's important to me.

    And if in that process we can find better ways to improve society and help those who are truly fucked, well even better.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post

    Called it.

    If you were so advanced in thought as you claim to be, an actual rebuttal would be simple and easy. Like when I say 'Price rises or falls until supply = demand".

    Of course, if you were full of shit, you'd avoid trying to rebut it (since it would serve only to highlight your failures and shortcomings) and simply reply with something smug as if you'd won....
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    You're right it isn't... yet some people eh...

    I should, but I'm talking to God about the whole thing at the moment, and he hasn't mentioned that I need to do any of that stuff. I prefer you in front of me.
    bent over, as usual?
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    bent over, as usual?
    The question mark is cute though, it almost makes it out as though you give me an option. Perils of being easy I guess.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post

    If you were so advanced in thought as you claim to be, an actual rebuttal would be simple and easy. Like when I say 'Price rises or falls until supply = demand".

    Of course, if you were full of shit, you'd avoid trying to rebut it (since it would serve only to highlight your failures and shortcomings) and simply reply with something smug as if you'd won....
    My rebuttal is the laughter you are providing me at this moment. @won. NOW that is the perspective of a simpleton.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    My rebuttal is the laughter you are providing me at this moment. @won. NOW that is the perspective of a simpleton.
    Laughter - maybe.
    Cognitive thought and persuasive argument - Suspiciously lacking.

    You still cannot solve the problem of user choice and scarcity in your system. All of your 'we can just get more under an RBE' (doubly hilarious because of your critique of 'consumerism') fails, spectacularly. You either have a system that massively over-produces with huge wastage, or you end up with a system where there is no individual choice - everything gets allocated by the Government - and as you yourself have stated, such a system breeds corruption (just like every Communist state... Funny that).

    Neither can you solve the problem of Human Nature being fundamentally incompatible with your system, in fact you fail so badly at this hurdle that you have to Pray the Human Nature away.

    Who is the Simpleton? The person who has to deny reality in order to preserve their flawed ideology or the person who can debunk it with a simple sentence: "Price rises or falls until Supply equals Demand".

    But by all means, continue shitting on the Chess Board and strutting around like you've won - it's just proof that you've the intellect of a Pigeon.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

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