it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
(PostalDave on ADVrider)
Which is a Strawman.
Crossing a country border is not the same as going into a Cafe.
However - you mentioned stopped by a Cop, now sure - they can check your license. Outside of driving, however, unless Arrested or suspected of Alcohol crimes
The NZ Police actually have no powers to compel you to identify yourself
Ironically, the example you provided gives me an opportunity to reinforce the point I am making: In a properly functioning Libertarian society - You do not have to show your Papers.With a few exceptions, the police have no power to make you give them information when youre not under arrest for example, if they just see you walking in the street late at night. They dont even have the power to get you to tell them your name and address and other personal details.
The NZ Police cannot compel you to prove who you are - unless you are driving, suspected of an Alcohol offense or are under Arrest (which would need an articuable suspicion of an offence being committed)
TL;DR - yeah, the Police (with a few exceptions) cannot force you to show your papers, proving once again how much of a breach of our rights and liberties Covid was and for no reason.
Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress
This thread is an exercise in mini hysteria. It's too minute to be mass hysteria. Considering that literally millions of COVID jabs have been given in this country, do any of you actually know anybody who had an adverse reaction? And I do mean somebody you know, not your sister's workmate's cousin.
There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop
I know plenty.
I've also been bewildered by the number of my customers over the last few years who now have tales of dealing with cancer and recovering from heart attacks (either themselves or immediate family).
And if you want mass hysteria you have to look no further than the global reaction to a virus that right from the outset had a 99.7% survival rate.
(And that was even with the fudged numbers, whereby even a gunshot fatality would be recorded as a Covid death if the person tested positive).
And if you're actually interested in learning more about the known adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines (which I suspect you're not) you could look at the data from Pfizers own safety reports.
The same reports that the FDA wanted to keep secret for the next 75 years.
Yes I do, heart issues for months, treated poorly as an "anti vaxxer" by hospital staff despite having had two shots, cardiac specialist confirmed it, ACC refused cover, she's only just back to normally in the last few months
I've found people who were anti always seem to know far more people adversely affected than people who weren't, possibly different circles they hang out with or know
The people who I know who didn't get vaxxed suffered no worse than those I know that did, under 60 and if reasonable shape you didn't have much to worry about
Cancer rates have been rising a lot for over 20 years but I've yet to see any evidence of a substantial rise in cancer rates over the norm, NZ cancer rates have been fairly stable for ten years until 2022 and I can't find any info after that but I don't know how often they update those figures, omigod they must be suppressing them so we can't find out the truth
My understanding was the single gunshot death in NZ was reclassified as died with covid rather than of covid once the investigation was complete, fucking stupid either way
Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.- The Simpsons
And the fact that 'they' don't see it as a legitimate claim does not necessarily mean that's the case - as attested to in Kickaha's post.
I have no doubt whatsoever that ACC would have received a clear directive from the 'single source of truth' to treat every injury claim with extreme skepticism and prejudice.
So has anyone come up with a valid reason why Biden would see fit to issue Anthony Fauci a preemptive pardon?
A pardon from what?
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