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Thread: Post Pandemic Lockdown Scenarios

  1. #211
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    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonu View Post
    Come on Dave don't listen to that stupid old cunt.
    The problem is mate that people do.

    Just admit you need to refer to experts. Even Cindy-Loo-Who does that
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  3. #213
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    Did that dude just say "coronavirus 2020" back in 2003... heh heh heh

    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post
    Did that dude just say "coronavirus 2020" back in 2003... heh heh heh
    Probably referring to SARS, which is also a strain of Coronavirus, which came about in 2002, 2020 is probably a reference to 20/20 hindsight.

    But keep that Tinfoil hat on....
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  5. #215
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    What does it take for people to realise that the Covid 19 pandemic is a scam

    I have refrained from posting here again until the time was right (allowing a good bit of time for the population control plan to be rolled out and for cracks in the MSM & govt narrative to become overwhelmingly obvious).

    I have elected to give you just a a small amount of info and links in the hope that the smallish challenge of unbiased consideration might occur. I will not be responding to questions or comments, this is informational only. What you do with it is over to you.

    Right from the onset the information surrounding covid 19 was built out of lies regarding causes of deaths that were counted as covid so that fear could be ramped up to justify a declaration of a pandemic. Dying from treatable conditions because of a hospital bed shortage should not be counted as a covid death but has been the case in many countries, particularly those whose govts allocated financial aid based on the numbers of declared covid deaths.

    I have chosen a simple country of simple people for this particular illustration. "Australia" where 900 people have been recorded as killed by Covid 19 in the last year and a half. Even if it is assumed that the 600 per year was an accurate figure, why is our (elite controlled) media not questioning how that death rate stacks up against the 430 to 4300 people that die of influenza and pneumonia in Australia each year? 4260 deaths in 2017 was 7 x higher than their Covid death rate of 600 a year). Interestingly there have been only a small percentage of Flu deaths recorded this last year and a half. (funny that). See for yourself on the Aussie govt statistics site...

    Fear, Fear, FEAR has been hyped at every opportunity to drive what is starting to look like an international drive for mandatory invasive medical procedures injecting untested lethal concoctions designed to interfere with the human genome with unknowable consequences. Consequences that some of the more honest developers are just now realising is an unmitigated disaster of potentially genocidal proportions. They have been testing these procedures for 20 years on animals with disastrous consequences (mostly all dead) and can't get them approved as vaccines until.... They threw away the rule book and approved their use under emergency, and at the same time granted the developers immunity from all consequences (unless they injected themselves lol... and most have not). What the hell is happening to peoples thinking? There has been a ground swell of resistance around the world to GMO in our food supply, and now we have terrified sheeple queuing up to inject the shit directly. OMG!

    The CDC have recorded on their VERS web site (search it yourself) that over 9000 Americans have died (so far) following one or two vaccine injections. FACT It is lethal and is far more so than the swine flu vaccine that was pulled off the market after just 50 deaths.

    To top it off, the shit doesn't even keep you safe from covid with thousands of recipients being recorded as catching themselves the real virus (or did their body manufacturer it??) as at June 29 in America alone 4,115 Vaccinated People were Hospitalised With COVID-19 ‘Breakthrough’ Infections and 750 of them died. That isn't counting the thousands (or even tens of thousands) of vaccinated people who have been infected by covid after their vaccination but who weren't hospitalised.

    See this recently released discussion contribution from Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, which lays out a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not. "This is worrying me quite a bit," tweeted Malone, "

    Now we have govts (and many companies already) implementing vaccination passports (for vaccines that don't work while disavowing the efficacy of natural immunity) and dividing the world into passionately polarized groups to hate on and discriminate against each other. Hell we already have terrified (brain atrophied) sheeple wanting mandatory vaccines and mandatory masks forever and our govts (read as parasitic murderous elite eugenicist controlled stooges) are chomping at the bit to incrementally take more and more of our freedoms away as fear and paranoia are turned up and up so that the scared start demanding freedoms be removed to protect us.

    Hot tip. If you want to make money on the property market you better do it quickly as I expect that the demand for housing (particularly large family homes) is going to ease back quite a bit as the birth rates drop off.

    Good luck
    Political correctness: a doctrine which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd from the clean end.

  6. #216
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    So, let me get this right.

    The vaccine doesnt work and heaps of people who have had it are being hospitalized by a virus that is just a scam.

    Make your mind up.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  7. #217
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    Human psychology is fascinating.

    In other news, was a pretty nice day today. Went around doing all the stuff I usually do in a completely non-terrified fashion.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
    - The Simpsons

  8. #218
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    "900 people have been recorded as killed by Covid 19"

    That needs to be seen in context. 900 deaths is pretty bad when you consider that they've been doing everything possible to keep the virus out.

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

  9. #219
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    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post

    I would like to extend my best wishes and hopes for everyone during and following this global crisis for humanity. I would also like to offer the following thoughts and observations in the hope that they may either help or entertain you in some way and also in the hopes of encouraging others to offer their own observations, thoughts and plans in a helpful open dialogue that we might all benefit from as we seek to understand and plan for our futures.

    I have been doing a lot of research and thinking about what is happening, the causes, the short & long term effects and exacerbating factors that have bought us here and what is likely to happen moving forward. I tend to write down important issues and observations as I attempt to get my head around them and continually edit them until I am satisfied that I have. The following is a summary of my observations and thoughts thus far (still a work in progress);

    The looming international depression
    Given the scale of financial market losses the world experienced in the month before lock down and the Trillion$ upon Trillion$ being poured into the rapidly deflating full spectrum of massively overinflated investment bubbles, one can only shake their heads in bewilderment as all the rules get tossed out the window and we teeter on the precipice of the greatest depression in known history.

    Not so sure that it will happen? Then please consider the following. In 2008 (after/during an Initial $1 Trillion govt bail out) the Fed started quantitive easing at a rate of 90 billion a month of magic money to the big banks (a little over 1 Trillion a year) with little respite since. This took the US debt from 8 Trillion to over 23 Trillion at the end of 2020). Now they are announcing multiples of Trillion$ each month with over 1 Trillion required to be made available for the banks in the overnight market to fund their Repo market shortfalls to keep their overnight trading balance sheets propped up.

    I dare say none of you noticed the lack of fanfare that accompanied the removal of the previous Bank reserve requirements (to maintain cash holdings no less than 10% of the debt ledger). They can now loan out (manufacture electronic credit) without any limits at all. For those that don't know, the previous limit was to retain $1 cash (actual paper/coin) on hand for every $9 of magic money that they create electronically via loans (debt). Oh! and BTW The Federal reserve (there are 12 of them) are not owned or controlled by the US Federal govt (or the states). They are entirely owned by the banks that they issue magic money to. Don't believe me, Google it for yourselves/.

    It appears the only thing preventing the realisation of free-fall is the unprecedented worldwide lockdown that has effectively killed market trading. You can't even get physical gold bullion presently.

    Barring a miracle, it appears very likely that many businesses will be unable to fund their continuation/re-start (and/or are likely to suffer many order cancellations that may make their continuation pointless). Many other businesses will seek to downsize following order cancellations and/or greatly diminished market prospects. This will result in large scale loss of employment and income that will see hundreds of thousands divesting themselves of assets and many family homes foreclosed due to unserviceable mortgages on rapidly devaluing properties that in many cases will be sold for less than the money owed on them.

    Given the scale of financial market losses the world has experienced since February, Govts and businesses are likely to come out of this pandemic decidedly gun-shy about the just-in-time supply model and globally dispersed production. This will likely result in a retreat from hyper-globalization, as
    Govts and big businesses seek to reduce future vulnerabilities by bringing supply chains closer to home and incorporating redundancies to protect against future disruption. An added benefit is a potentially more carbon friendly supply chain and (along with big national and city infrastructure projects) will create much needed employment opportunities.

    Quantification of the collapse of a lot of businesses/services that are required to re start the economy and provide employment will occur and very (imo) likely be followed by govt legislation that will result in

    l* Consolidation and enhancement (via burdensome regulatory requirements for employment and public health security) of big business monopolies and franchising over smaller independent businesses who can't finance pre-start employment and public health compliance requirements for any businesses deemed to be part of essential supplies and services. (Think OSH compliance X 33).
    l* Establishment of Govt/big business partnerships in strategic industries to underwrite otherwise unprofitable redundancies and domestic product supply infrastructure for essential services, Raw materials, products and big infrastructure projects.

    l* I'm sure there should be more on this list, but my crystal ball is a bit clouded ad I find it difficult to use logic to recognise and assess possibilities that are subject to political distortions. Open to your thoughts here as it is important that we understand as many of the more probable possibilities as is practical.

    Who’s to blame and what to will happen as a result?
    There has to be a bad guy to blame and China is widely (if not justifiably) seen to be getting too big for its boots by many partisan and racist (waves to Australia) western countries that are in lock step with the USA. There is also speculation around the way China managed reporting of the Covid 19 outbreak that Duncelot Trump so delicately pointed out was "Made in China". So it’ll likely be China that cops the blame imo.

    Going by history, we will very likely see this morphed into a cold war between western countries and China (China being the new Red Technology Terror) in order to justify an arms race to continue the squandering of world wide taxes. Oh yeah! don't you fret about taxes, they ain't going to disappear - more to follow.

    We will likely see a pivot from privacy concerns to the logistics of safety and social distancing (which will be milked for all it is worth by governments around the world) to increase control over and decrease freedoms of the masses make us all safe from each other in this deadly new world that we have been so thoroughly scared into being terrified of educated about. Privacy concerns about revealing our whereabouts and activities will give way to how best to service a population with a demand for goods and services while still maintaining social distancing requirements (that our new hyper inflated fear levels will demand). We will likely see the swift introduction of the following measures before the wave of fear subsides.

    l* Travel restrictions
    l* Immunity passports - Oh yeah, that's already an international governmental talking point
    l* Initiation of massive public (control) transport infrastructure growth plans
    l* Social Credit/Class (behavior reward/penalty) system underwritten with a new "No Play- No Pay" Social obligations contract.
    l* Digital currency. Turn it on if you’re good. Turn it off if you’re not.
    l* Social gathering (dissent) restriction/controls.

    Chinese style Smart City technology is likely to be implemented to monitor for and control viral outbreaks. This will typically include temperature checks at major travel points using surveillance and thermal scanning camera networks to monitor and prevent viral contagion and a massive digital camera network for tracking and enforcing quarantine zones and supporting hands-free access transit systems etc. (Big brother on steroids).

    Other (less insidious) likely follow on effects?
    Public gathering places that are already being weakened by the internet (libraries, movie theatres and other entertainment venues) will be further weakened. With public resources shifted into plague control, they will suffer a drop in funding. I suspect that our concerns post-crisis will be more basic: i.e. where can I live affordably and how can I access job and services safely.

    There is likely to be Increased interest by individuals and companies in development of in-house pandemic preparations. Bug out bags, quarantine rations, and family/community planning based on emergency situations. Anyone surprised?

    There will very likely be abig shift to increase the home-based work population substantially (future proofing Govt agencies, Councils and business services from the effects of future lock downs). The regular, 9 to 5 business days are likely to become flexible working days, and a more significant segment of the workforce is likely to become "night people" and have off-hours and rest during the daytime while others are working. This may see an increase in 24/7 operations for businesses that traditionally did not operate this way, such as for supermarkets, takeout food businesses, and centralized food distribution and preparation centres. All of these will require enabling of enhanced technologies for logistics management to serve a population always awake and in need of goods and services at all times.

    We will likely experience a big increase in want/need for remote first technologies. An acceleration in 5G implementation will support a change in societal connectivity demands (NO 5G DID NOT CAUSE COVID 19). This will also support the expedited implementation of VR solutions for remote collaborations and social activities. As a society, we can expect restrictions in social gatherings, but humans are fundamentally social creatures. VR represents a solution to this innate need.

    Work Income and Assets
    It is likely that a significant number of people currently living in cities will see a lot more appeal in small town living and/or more remote lifestyle blocks for a multitude of reasons including amongst others; More flexible (work from home) employment opportunities, more comfortable/safer/self sufficient Isolation, cheaper cost of living for BUI recipients, unemployment forcing early retirement and need to downsize to a caravan park or country town for an early retirement. This will ease the pressure on city housing stock shortages and further deflate house prices in cities. However, the flip side is that we will likely see an increase in housing demand and construction in select retirement destinations (offering further relocation/employment incentives for trades people to leave cities).

    Taxes and Universal Basic Incomes (UBI) or unemployment benefit as we know it. Not so much a revelation to us Kiwis who have been paying taxes to house, clothe, feed, educate and entertain an already sizable percentage of our population (ever notice the similarity between the words population and pollution?). Weeeeell, there's good news and bad news here and it doesn't require a degree in rocket science or even an explanation in order for the worthy to understand the personal and collective impact. The only question is, which camp you and I will be in next month. Google UBI and get your crystal ball out for more info.

    Areas I think will provide employment opportunities are as follows;

    l* Domestic supply of essential products
    l* Massive public (control) transport infrastructure & health care growth - health $ back into small communities
    l* Large scale govt investment in housing stock to shelter the newly homeless.
    l* Housing construction boom in smaller communities
    l* Surveillance and thermal scanning camera networks to monitor and prevent viral contagion and a massive digital camera network for tracking and enforcing quarantine zones and supporting hands-free access transit systems etc (big Brother).
    l* Iinterest by individuals and companies in developingin-house pandemic preparations. (specialists)
    l* VR solutions for remote collaborations and social activities
    l* Recycling plants to produce building materials that put carbon into the ground (though this really just an item on my wish list)

    l This section is also very light and I imagine many of you will have some constructive ideas and insights in this area. Please contribute them in following posts.

    Prefered but unlikely cure for what ails the world
    An international debt Jubilee (the writing off of all debt) is the best way to start fixing the wealth inequality of the world. As I see it, even if the fed (and other central banks) only gets 5 cents on the dollar for their mortgage backed securities and/or govt bonds, they are still ahead of the wealth transfer game, as the electronic money they used to buy the security was magic money that they made out of thin air.

    Why is that world leaders can't get it through their thick heads that they can make all of the economic ills of the world go away with a wave of their middle fingers to the banks as they make laws to take back control of their sovereign coin and re-set the playing field by abolishing ALL existing debt. All of a sudden everything is the same but there is no debt. Only the parasitic ticket clippers and leeches at the very top of the magic money-go-round will lose anything. Even then, all they will lose is magic money debt that they shouldn't have had in the first place. No-one need lose any material possessions (not even the leeches at the top).

    Keen on hearing your constructive contributions.

    Stay home and stay well
    I love that this post is so comprehensive and lengthy that the cut n paste multi quotes here won’t have the bandwidth to deal with it. It’s like a pandemic of words
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    It’s like a pandemic of words
    Or a pandemic of bullshit. There's enough to be concerned about without the avalanche of misinformation. Mindless prattle about vaccine passports for instance, they've long been a thing. Less so in recent years but there are still places where they are likely required. So they wil be reintroduced? BFD!!!

    Nobody has to have a vaccine or a passport. They can just stay home - permanently. If they're really that stupid, fuckem.

    The comment about over reportng is laughable. It's far more likely the figures are hugely under reported. In the US at the height of the outbreak in 2020 people were being sent home because there were no beds at the hospital the subsequent deaths were often recorded as pneumonia. Then there's the corrupt states such as Florida that were deliberately under reporting deaths. The scientists have their own way of establishing the number of deaths so we'll know eventually, one way or the other.

    I've posted these attachments before but they both fit here.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E6CKl5EVUAMIknY.jpeg 
Views:	13 
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ID:	349401   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HC8.png 
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ID:	349402  
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    I love that this post is so comprehensive and lengthy that the cut n paste multi quotes here won’t have the bandwidth to deal with it. It’s like a pandemic of words
    Funny considering you were the lady that claimed people only allegedly died from covid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcrocodile46 View Post
    I will not be responding to questions or comments, this is informational only.
    Not the first time you have done that and not for the first time I haven't bothered reading past that sentence.

  14. #224
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    Can someone please tell me who these Elites are?
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by F5 Dave View Post
    Can someone please tell me who these Elites are?
    I think they live in the next street over from all the communists.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
    - The Simpsons

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