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Thread: Support NZ Business - yeh right !!!!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Spent day in Wellington yesterday. Roaming the city for a coffee... half businesses are still full blown communist lockdown contact tracing stand and wait at line bullshit. The rest have token acknowledgement incase the stasi check on them but not enforcing. Guess which businesses were flourishing with customers and who got my money...
    We need to stand up for our way of life or this gradual loss of our rights and freedoms won’t end.

    I’ve just surged social media too late to discover this blackout Tuesday bullshit too. That’s where virtue signalling communists pretending they care post pics of black screens. I’ve just unfollowed about a third of my Instagram feed, pity as some were good artists, but just like lockdown enablers we all need to have a good sweep out to show the majority wants original normal
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  2. #32
    Join Date
    23rd February 2010 - 18:49
    As many as I can get away with
    We've got a still and make our own booze. Stocks of essence and yeast were getting low...well you know, the stuff evaporates We ordered supplies online on the 27th of April but as the suppliers in Auckland were out of stock (someone must have been drinking more than usual) it took a week for them to email (actually it was the 5th May) that the order had been dispatched. We waited. And we waited. More waiting...….yet more waiting...….. Last Thursday a parcel arrived. FFS the bloody and shame...Courier Post, must have delivered it via outer Mongolia!! Just as well we had a few bottles in the cupboard.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    22nd July 2005 - 00:27
    77 XL250
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Spent day in Wellington yesterday. Roaming the city for a coffee... half businesses are still full blown communist lockdown contact tracing stand and wait at line bullshit. The rest have token acknowledgement incase the stasi check on them but not enforcing. Guess which businesses were flourishing with customers and who got my money...
    We need to stand up for our way of life or this gradual loss of our rights and freedoms won’t end.

    I’ve just surged social media too late to discover this blackout Tuesday bullshit too. That’s where virtue signalling communists pretending they care post pics of black screens. I’ve just unfollowed about a third of my Instagram feed, pity as some were good artists, but just like lockdown enablers we all need to have a good sweep out to show the majority wants original normal
    I guess you better get a gun and stand on the steps of Parliament shouting "Freedom".
    The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight underpants.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    24th September 2004 - 06:46
    '76 CB550 Super Sport
    On the road to nowhere...
    The drug dealers across the road are doing a roaring trade. Of course po po is monitoring and taking notes of whose going in and out Wanna catch the whales instead of the small fry....

  5. #35
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonez View Post
    The drug dealers across the road are doing a roaring trade. Of course po po is monitoring and taking notes of whose going in and out Wanna catch the whales instead of the small fry....
    the ones down here are now delivering by drone.....

  6. #36
    Join Date
    25th January 2006 - 19:13
    Kapiti Coast
    This is exactly what my Thread is about, and the frustrations iam hearing from your posts. I Know some business's have acumulated a back log over this Covid shit, but for fucks sake either employ some extra help or pump out a few more hours to service the customer.

    I am still trying to get my Timber Order sorted, after 3 weeks... emails and phone calls, they will not awnser the phone as they say they are to busy, and the best way to get hold of us is by email, well they don't even awnser emails for fucks sake, this is the frustration of it all not from just one company but others as well, i'am going nuts. How hard is it to reply to an email? Tomorrow they will be told to shove there timber up there arse.

    I was in business in the 90's i had a surge in productivity, i could'nt sleep at night, my customers were very important to me, i would wake up in the middle of the night, as i could'nt get back to sleep and go to work 3.00am till 7.00pm , thought this is no good so after a while i employed more staff, solution solved, happy customers, better business.

    Sorry Guys i dont usually go off my tree ...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    7th January 2014 - 14:45
    Not a Hayabusa anymore
    Not Gulf Harbour Either
    Quote Originally Posted by rustys View Post
    This is exactly what my Thread is about, and the frustrations iam hearing from your posts. I Know some business's have acumulated a back log over this Covid shit, but for fucks sake either employ some extra help or pump out a few more hours to service the customer.

    I am still trying to get my Timber Order sorted, after 3 weeks... emails and phone calls, they will not awnser the phone as they say they are to busy, and the best way to get hold of us is by email, well they don't even awnser emails for fucks sake, this is the frustration of it all not from just one company but others as well, i'am going nuts. How hard is it to reply to an email? Tomorrow they will be told to shove there timber up there arse.

    I was in business in the 90's i had a surge in productivity, i could'nt sleep at night, my customers were very important to me, i would wake up in the middle of the night, as i could'nt get back to sleep and go to work 3.00am till 7.00pm , thought this is no good so after a while i employed more staff, solution solved, happy customers, better business.

    Sorry Guys i dont usually go off my tree ...
    I know of some businesses that would like to hire more help or offer OT but they are worried that they won't get the revenue coming in to cover the costs.

    Don't know how big the Organisation that is doing your Timber is, but if it's a corporate (like ITM or similar) - I may or may not suggest going LinkedIn stalking to find someone who works at the company with a suitably impressive sounding job title and then inferring their email address from it and sending an email to that person to 'enquire' as to your missing wood.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  8. #38
    Join Date
    20th June 2011 - 20:27
    Dog Rooter, 1290 SDR
    Quote Originally Posted by rustys View Post
    This is exactly what my Thread is about, and the frustrations iam hearing from your posts. I Know some business's have acumulated a back log over this Covid shit, but for fucks sake either employ some extra help or pump out a few more hours to service the customer.

    I am still trying to get my Timber Order sorted, after 3 weeks... emails and phone calls, they will not awnser the phone as they say they are to busy, and the best way to get hold of us is by email, well they don't even awnser emails for fucks sake, this is the frustration of it all not from just one company but others as well, i'am going nuts. How hard is it to reply to an email? Tomorrow they will be told to shove there timber up there arse.

    I was in business in the 90's i had a surge in productivity, i could'nt sleep at night, my customers were very important to me, i would wake up in the middle of the night, as i could'nt get back to sleep and go to work 3.00am till 7.00pm , thought this is no good so after a while i employed more staff, solution solved, happy customers, better business.

    Sorry Guys i dont usually go off my tree ...
    OK, so try to find new staff and train them during a pandemic. Errrr not that easy.

    Get staff to pull 60 hour weeks. Errrr not that easy.

    Find stock to cover unprecedented demand. Errrr not that easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    but once again you proved me wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    I was hit by one such driver while remaining in the view of their mirror.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nzspokes View Post
    OK, so try to find new staff and train them during a pandemic. Errrr not that easy.

    Get staff to pull 60 hour weeks. Errrr not that easy.

    Find stock to cover unprecedented demand. Errrr not that easy.
    Some companies have tried innovative ways of dealing with the new problems and have had success. Others doing the same ol' same ol' got the same ol' shite results.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    ... but just like lockdown enablers we all need to have a good sweep out to show the majority wants original normal
    There is an election coming up this year ... be sure to vote (carefully). The "Majority" wanted the National party to govern last time ... but they didn't (couldn't) get enough seats from the "Other" parties to boost their seat numbers.

    Let's wait and see how your "Majority" goes in the election. Are they the "Majority" or just the vocal minority ... ??

    Be sure to vote. Unless the percentage of the actual voting public is high enough ... the "Majority" of New Zealanders may not actually get what they want.

    No doubt the TAB will be taking bets on the outcome of the next election. Who will you have your money on ???
    When life throws you a curve ... Lean into it ...

  11. #41
    Join Date
    5th January 2007 - 14:58
    Buttfuck nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Some companies have tried innovative ways of dealing with the new problems and have had success. Others doing the same ol' same ol' got the same ol' shite results.
    I've noticed that it's been a fantastic opportunity for those who have a can't do attitude to use covid to achieve their default setting without resistance.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    i work in a prenail factory.We are as busy as hell.We just cannot get reliable workers who actually want to learn something and use some common sense.We have three 8 hour shifts going,but the quality of the work and constant absenteeism see production levels not much better than before.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FJRider View Post
    There is an election coming up this year ... be sure to vote (carefully). The "Majority" wanted the National party to govern last time ... but they didn't (couldn't) get enough seats from the "Other" parties to boost their seat numbers.

    Let's wait and see how your "Majority" goes in the election. Are they the "Majority" or just the vocal minority ... ??

    Be sure to vote. Unless the percentage of the actual voting public is high enough ... the "Majority" of New Zealanders may not actually get what they want.

    No doubt the TAB will be taking bets on the outcome of the next election. Who will you have your money on ???
    You need to be a bit more careful with getting your facts right. If Nat had had a majority, they would have stayed in power. They had more votes than Labour but were unable to cooperate with another party so they got relegated. This is a great result for our current voting system and so this time round, guess what? Muller is talking to Uncle Winnie! It might not even be enough and if Uncle Winnie is not careful, he will lose favour with Labour as well. It is worth bearing in mind that the Nats could have been in power last time by forming a coalition with the Greens and ACT but chose not to. I prefer that the governing party cooperate with another party to some degree, keeping them a bit more honest.
    Only a Rat can win a Rat Race!

  14. #44
    Join Date
    5th January 2007 - 14:58
    Buttfuck nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Laava View Post
    You need to be a bit more careful with getting your facts right. If Nat had had a majority, they would have stayed in power. They had more votes than Labour but were unable to cooperate with another party so they got relegated. This is a great result for our current voting system and so this time round, guess what? Muller is talking to Uncle Winnie! It might not even be enough and if Uncle Winnie is not careful, he will lose favour with Labour as well. It is worth bearing in mind that the Nats could have been in power last time by forming a coalition with the Greens and ACT but chose not to. I prefer that the governing party cooperate with another party to some degree, keeping them a bit more honest.
    Speaking of fact check time, National didn't choose not to, Winnie chose not to. Everyone got a fair hearing & National certainly didn't say they wernt prepared to play.

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Spent day in Wellington yesterday. Roaming the city for a coffee... half businesses are still full blown communist lockdown contact tracing stand and wait at line bullshit. The rest have token acknowledgement incase the stasi check on them but not enforcing. Guess which businesses were flourishing with customers and who got my money...
    We need to stand up for our way of life or this gradual loss of our rights and freedoms won’t end.

    I’ve just surged social media too late to discover this blackout Tuesday bullshit too. That’s where virtue signalling communists pretending they care post pics of black screens. I’ve just unfollowed about a third of my Instagram feed, pity as some were good artists, but just like lockdown enablers we all need to have a good sweep out to show the majority wants original normal
    If Key, or presumably English had been in he would still be chasing tourist dollars and the borders open till - Oh shit we really have got a problem and we're little Italy. And we'd be in full lockdown but with much worse consequences and economic poo. Its not a state driven by political ideology.
    And I am a capitalist more than otherwise.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

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