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Thread: Trump - 4 more years of this at least...

  1. #7456
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    The Trump/Musk Department of Government Efficiency has been hit with a legal challenge. That wasn't surprising, the president doesn't have the authority to create a government department. That power resides with Congress. DOGE will be classified as a federal advisory board or similar. Once it becomes official it must operate in accordance with all the usual government rules and regulations. All meetings must be recorded, Official Information Act requests must be honoured, etc etc. Musk is not happy, he wanted to operate in secret.

    You will note there is no mention of Ramaswamy. He is no longer involved. He is running for Governor of Ohio where he is likely to learn about racism in the USA.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  2. #7457
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Not on TikTok but pretty sure the same garbage and soft porn hoes are on all the American owned platforms like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
    Saw an interesting youtube video a few months back where they created multiple new user profiles with differing personality types etc. The tik tok algorithm was much much faster at getting a read, then feeding shaped content. That is a very powerful tool when a certain government can directly heavily influence the minds of it's opponents citizens. I get your point with the other platforms, but they mainly in it for the money.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Is it a tragedy of Humanity when it is entirely self-inflicted?
    But even if you assume the worst intentions of my post (which I am not going to entirely disagree with) - the fact that I am celebrating a ceasefire contradicts the point you are making.
    Palestinians are members of the hamas, but the hamas are not the Palestinian people as a whole. It is like saying the gangs in nz speak for all nz's. I think Israel likes the saying an eye for an eye and this has gone way past that. I find it morbidly interesting that the Israeli government, representing a people that suffered catastrophic holocaust (and when it suits, they will bring it up faster than a vegan feeling the need to tell you they are vegan) - are essentially using the (yes really nasty) actions of a militant group to justify their very own infliction of an holocaust. Lets all pretend it is not happening lest thy be deemed antisemitic. Trouble in that region is eons old, and trump having an effect on this so called "ceasefire" are of complete insignificance. I mean, what is trump going to do to the hamas that is not already thoroughly being done by the Israelis? For what ever reason, it is convenient for there not to be any fighting by 2 reprehensible parties - In the meantime, the Palestinian peoples suffering will not dissipate in any meaningful way. Hence the lack of applause for your "enthusiastic" trump is the daddy celebrations.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    I think I said a wee while ago that I did not think the Day 1 claim was realistic - but if there is a Ceasefire in the Ukraine - will you concede that Trump being in power was a factor?
    Gosh darn it, in the time it took me to reply, Trump has already failed. Apparently Putin was not swayed by Trumps mean tweet. Who knew

    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    is it just me or does trumps "wife" look like Michael Jackson
    Attachment 355598Attachment 355599
    It was sex pest repellent.

    Quote Originally Posted by FLUB View Post
    Watch the full video clip to see it in its true context rather than the media sensationalist photo.

    Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk
    After watching an interview with musks father where he vividly describes his family having emigrated to South Africa because of their deep admiration for apartheid is food for thought. Personally I thought it was a deep troll from musk - but as ever, his power means his trolls have more significant repercussions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stylo View Post

    TI'm wondering what the wives and families of the policemen that got killed on Jan 6 or commited suicide afterwards think about Trump now. They were only doing there job.
    Indeed, this has made a mockery of the American Justice system. These people had their due process and most of the evidence was video. I was shocked when I found out they even released the violent ones - I reckon through abject laziness, just release them all. I remember certain people on this thread regarding the question of systemic racism, passionately defending the US justice system as being largely immune to corruption of justice. They didn't take into account trump.

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Trump didn't wait to display his ignorance. Spain is not a BRICS nation. The founding nations were Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Others have joined since, mostly Arab countries. It's an economic bloc, among other things they want to move away from reliance on the US dollar for international trade.
    This one is closer to home, fuck you trump.

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    That'd be nice, although it's going to be increasingly difficult for Trump fan bois to deny what is taking place. Although we can fully expect them to try.
    Even the triers are in for a torrid time for at least 2 years - trump has the house, the senate, the whitehouise and the supreme court - it leaves them nowhere to hide! Buckle up trump fanbois!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Undoing all of Bidens mistakes - I mean, yes - that is what is taking place.

    I am currently listening to a review of all the Executive Orders he has signed. It fills my soul with glee.
    Oh you mean reinstating his first round mistakes that the bestest ever president - president biden correctly overturned?

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Trumps plan to deny citizenship to people born in the US has hit a road block. A federal judge has ruled it unconstitutional. From here I guess it winds its way to the Supreme Court where it seems almost anything goes these days.
    Meh, that was just window dressing, they knew it be knocked back - just the latest scene in the reality show "The Shitifying of America".

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    The Trump/Musk Department of Government Efficiency has been hit with a legal challenge. That wasn't surprising, the president doesn't have the authority to create a government department. That power resides with Congress. DOGE will be classified as a federal advisory board or similar. Once it becomes official it must operate in accordance with all the usual government rules and regulations. All meetings must be recorded, Official Information Act requests must be honoured, etc etc. Musk is not happy, he wanted to operate in secret.

    You will note there is no mention of Ramaswamy. He is no longer involved. He is running for Governor of Ohio where he is likely to learn about racism in the USA.
    Yeah, looks like Ramaswamy got served indian takeout. His mistake? Ordering the mango chicken.
    Musk is just there to be the bad guy looking to cut all the social services he can.

    Something I find concerning is this crypto coin trump created and has a huge majority holding in. I guess we should not worry that a convicted criminal would accept potentially billions in untraceable bribes. Certainly more profitable than the bibles line. Oh speaking of Christianity. Trump called the Episcopal bishop of Washington "Nasty", I can never tell if it is because they are a woman, or they did something he did not approve of, but in this case I think her crime was she urged for mercy to scared individuals, including “gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families”. How dare she! There is no room for mercy in trumps cruel vision for America.

    Oh yeah, when vice president trump announced a $500 billion injection of cash into the further development of AI, President Musk had to step in once again to correct trumps error. If this keeps happening, I think President musk should fire vice president trumps arse and get that nice vance fella back in the position, I have a distant memory of him having a nice smile.

  3. #7458
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    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    Palestinians are members of the hamas, but the hamas are not the Palestinian people as a whole.
    No, but it is worth pointing out that when they did a survey of Palestinians, after Oct 7th, there was something like 70+% approval for the attack.

    When was the last time you saw 70% approval for anything the NZ Government did...

    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    I think Israel likes the saying an eye for an eye and this has gone way past that. I find it morbidly interesting that the Israeli government, representing a people that suffered catastrophic holocaust (and when it suits, they will bring it up faster than a vegan feeling the need to tell you they are vegan) - are essentially using the (yes really nasty) actions of a militant group to justify their very own infliction of an holocaust.
    What is the only rational course(s) of action, when faced with a group who explicitly want you dead.

    You either let them kill you or you kill enough of them that they change their Tune. If the Palestinians still possess the means and will to fight, then that means you keep fighting.

    Even if that means down to the last Man, Woman and Child

    There is no Eye-for-Eye. You either kill the people who want you dead or die. End of.

    Or perhaps another way - let us run a little Thought Experiment - Assume tomorrow, Israel takes over all of Gaza, The West Bank etc. Hamas are completely removed and all of the contested areas are under the direct control of Israel: What happens to the Palestinians - Worst case scenario they get a Westernized style democracy, Gay Rights etc.

    Now run the same thought experiment in reverse - Assume tomorrow, Palestinians or Hamas take over all of Israel: What happens to the Israelis...

    Now, to clarify - my ideal situation is that the Palestinians decide that indoctrinating their children into hating Jews (I can post a link to some of their Childrens Cartoons - Imagine Sesame Street mixed with Mid-Century German ideas, said in Arabic) and attacking Israel is not worth the retaliation.

    Maybe then a coexistance could happen. Maybe even some of the historic grievances could be heard and could be addressed. But for that to happen the majority of Palestinians would need a significant change of heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    Trouble in that region is eons old, and trump having an effect on this so called "ceasefire" are of complete insignificance. I mean, what is trump going to do to the hamas that is not already thoroughly being done by the Israelis? For what ever reason, it is convenient for there not to be any fighting by 2 reprehensible parties - In the meantime, the Palestinian peoples suffering will not dissipate in any meaningful way. Hence the lack of applause for your "enthusiastic" trump is the daddy celebrations.
    The Hostages have been returned and the attacks have stopped. Will it be a permanent Ceasefire - I share your cynicism - but wouldnt that be a nice thought.

    To answer your question as to what Trump is going to do - I do not know specifically - but it seems clear to me that the timing indicates that Hamas fear the reprisal of an America with Trump as President, in a way they did not fear it under Biden.

    To answer your last part - let me ask you this: Are they suffering more or less with the Ceasefire?

    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    Gosh darn it, in the time it took me to reply, Trump has already failed. Apparently Putin was not swayed by Trumps mean tweet. Who knew
    Apparently the updated time frame is 6 months - If that is hit or we see a de-escalation in that region - will you then admit that Trump is a good president for world Peace - without having to accept any other aspects about him as positive?

    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    Oh you mean reinstating his first round mistakes that the bestest ever president - president biden correctly overturned?
    We will see - if the US moves in a positive direction, we will know what the reason was.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  4. #7459
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    During Trump's previous presidency the quality of his executive orders was surprisingly low which made challenging them in court easier than it otherwise would have been. Normally they'd be prepared by lawyers then checked and double checked. It was thought in the light of that experience that more attention would be paid to the quality of executive orders this time around. But no.

    One of Trump's new orders deals with oil exploration in Alaska and it contains an itemised numbered list. Each and every item is number 1.

    The order to rename the Gulf of Mexico the 'Gulf of America waxes poetical about the various marine life and the recreational opportunities which are completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter because the US president does not have the power to rename the Gulf. For his next act he will command the tide to stop rising.

    The conclusion is that these orders have been written by AI and they have not been checked at all. A zero competence White House. Scary really.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  5. #7460
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    What is the only rational course(s) of action, when faced with a group who explicitly want you dead.
    Both sides have wanted each other dead for how many thousand years? I'm not getting into that, little point. I'm not picking a side despite what it appears. Israel wants them gone and wants their land. The river to the sea statement says the Palestinians want it all too.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    To answer your question as to what Trump is going to do - I do not know specifically - but it seems clear to me that the timing indicates that Hamas fear the reprisal of an America with Trump as President, in a way they did not fear it under Biden.
    Happy coincidence in timing at best. A narcissistic orange buffoon vice president is not going to move the hatred needle between these factions, no matter how much breathless fanboi-isym you expound.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    To answer your last part - let me ask you this: Are they suffering more or less with the Ceasefire?
    8 out of 10 at best from the 10 out of 10 before.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Apparently the updated time frame is 6 months - If that is hit or we see a de-escalation in that region - will you then admit that Trump is a good president for world Peace - without having to accept any other aspects about him as positive?
    So if a CEO as part of his interview process told the board he could sort a major project in 24 hours and made multiple, multiple press releases saying as much, then goes oppps, looks like it is going to take an 18,164.00 PERCENT increase to get the job done, I put it to you the CEO would be FIRED in disgrace. But using the TDL long time approved sliding scale for vice president trump and it somehow turns into a mere "updated timeline".
    The unfortunate fact for you is that vice president trump has failed already. That is the problem with missed time orientated objectives - no do overs.

    In other news, trump wants to do away with the disaster relief government department fema, he wants the states to take care of it themselves (fuck you Florida for instance).
    Looks like trump does not want to spend a government dollar thats final path cannot then be traced to one of his billionaire buddies pockets. Big shock

  6. #7461
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    There is no bottom.

    The Washington Post has some detail about Republican plans to out Liz Cheney. You may remember Cassidy Hutchinson, the young woman who gave evidence at the Jan 6 inquiry. She was pretty much the star of the show. A Republican, she worked for then Chief of Staff in Trump's White House, Mark Meadows. In an effort to discredit her, House Speaker Mike Johnson, wanted to subpoena her text messages to find evidence that she was being coached by Liz Cheney.

    Johnson was contacted by other Republicans shouting, stop! If Hutchinson's texts were publicly available all of the threatening and sexually explicit texts sent by Republican politicians would be revealed.

    They are all class.
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  7. #7462
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    Why do I somehow feel that this is all my fault?
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  8. #7463
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    There is on YouTube and Reddit the sad but still ongoing story of a MAGA guy who inherited $1.2 million. "YOLO" says he and promptly "invests" it all in DJT stock on the expectation that following Trump's inauguration the stock would sky rocket in value. It didn't. It's complicated, but he has lost almost the lot so far and he has now lost his wife too. Evidently she has more sense than him.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  9. #7464
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    There is on YouTube and Reddit the sad but still ongoing story of a MAGA guy who inherited $1.2 million. "YOLO" says he and promptly "invests" it all in DJT stock on the expectation that following Trump's inauguration the stock would sky rocket in value. It didn't. It's complicated, but he has lost almost the lot so far and he has now lost his wife too. Evidently she has more sense than him.
    Couple of my AI and defence industry stocks are up thanks Trump.

    Palantir PTYR +9.00%
    Palladyne AI PDYN +13.45%
    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket - Eric Hoffer

  10. #7465
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    One of Trump's new executive orders apparently bans the Centre for Disease Control from releasing any data to anybody including the medical profession.

    There is in China, and now the US, an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu. A US duck farm recently had to destroy 100,000 ducks. The organism has now jumped species to cows which are carrying the virus. Cats fed raw cows milk have died.

    This might normally be considered a good time to caution against using raw milk but RFK Jr has invited a major seller of raw milk to address the Food and Drug Administration. Presumably to proselytise the health benefits of raw milk. It does seem though that this raw milk supplier, whose products have been recalled because of bird flu, has previously produced milk with virtually every harmful pathogen known to man.

    Australia has reported its first human case but so far there is no reported human to human transmission. Events in DC hardly inspire confidence.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  11. #7466
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    I knew it, they fucking stole the election!

  12. #7467
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    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    I knew it, they fucking stole the election
    Hang on didn’t we just have four years post jan 6 of having the competent trustworthy mainstream media and many esteemed kb posters telling us USA elections can’t be stolen????

    “The election denial movement in the United States is a widespread false belief among many Republicans that elections in the United States are rigged and stolen through election fraud by Democrats. Adherents of the movement are referred to as election deniers. Election fraud conspiracy theories have spread online and through conservative conferences, community events, and door-to-door canvassing. Since the 2020 United States presidential election, many Republican politicians have sought elective office or taken legislative steps to address what they assert is weak election integrity leading to widespread fraudulent elections, though no evidence of systemic election fraud has come to light and many studies have found that it is extremely rare.”
    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket - Eric Hoffer

  13. #7468
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    The US Senate confirmed Hegseth as Secretary of Defence in a 50/50 vote. The Vice President had to cast the deciding ballot in the confirmation process for the first time in US history.

    Then, at around midnight, Trump fired many of the Inspectors General. They are responsible for eliminating fraud and waste in their department. Inspectors General are not normally political appointments they usually serve under multiple presidents. Trump himself had appointed some of them during his previous presidency.
    They couldn't be fired earlier as that would have alienated at least one senator and Trump could not afford to lose a single vote.

    Suddenly there are less impediments to committing fraud. In the event anybody had that intent...

    PS. The firing of the Inspectors General is not legal. A president is required to give 30 days notice to both houses of Congress if he wishes to fire an Inspector General. Of course Trump being back means this is just one more illegality in a growing list. Nobody in his White House knows - or cares.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  14. #7469
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Hang on didn’t we just have four years post jan 6 of having the competent trustworthy mainstream media and many esteemed kb posters telling us USA elections can’t be stolen????
    I think if you were to review the thread, the esteemed kb posters were saying there was simply no evidence of any meaningful fraud in the 2020 election, with over 50 failed court cases yadda, yadda. Not so much that fraud was not possible.
    The things in the video I posted were on my radar before hand. Did you know that in some of the swing states, repukelicans made laws allowing any old citizens to "challenge" a voters right to vote and that voter would then be effectively banned from voting until they had re proven eligibility? No notification was given either. Obviously, magas over social media organized large groups to target dem voters.

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    The US Senate confirmed Hegseth as Secretary of Defence in a 50/50 vote. The Vice President had to cast the deciding ballot in the confirmation process for the first time in US history.

    Then, at around midnight, Trump fired many of the Inspectors General. They are responsible for eliminating fraud and waste in their department.
    Yeah, convicted criminal trump is not wasting anytime removing impediments to committing wholesale fraud - as allowed by the abjectly corrupt right wing branch of the supreme court.
    Open and honest Government - my arse.

    When orange vomit face was running for election the regrublicans were all about "Ohhhh, no, no DEI hires allowed. People need to be hired on merit" - which I actually agree with btw. However, soon as the magats get in power trump appoints a raft of hopelessly unqualified people to the highest positions in the land. hegsworthless is a case in point. Never had any more than 8 people working under him, and both positions he had when he did have people working under him he was sacked for drunkenness on the job and incompetence.
    Vice President trump has ushered out DEI and simply replaced it with ISWASTD Incompetent Stooges Who AbsolutelySuck Trump Dick.

    And hohoho, looks like the vice president trump is rebelling against his demotion by sicking the Chief-of-Staff susie wailes onto president musk, kicking him out of his expected whitehouse office and restricting his access to the vice president trump- oh dear.

  15. #7470
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    Yep any leader wouldn’t want someone popular and unpredictable like musk lurking about who could say or do unpredictable things. Trumps taken the money and run lol
    Plus a lot of Musk lovers are from ev and tech industry who are more left leaning.

    Wonder if Musk gets done for Theranos style fraud will trump seize Tesla and spaces making them state assets????
    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket - Eric Hoffer

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