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Thread: Ten years tick tock the bell tolls for NZ petrol power

  1. #46
    Join Date
    6th May 2008 - 14:15
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    I wonder too mashman if all the lefty activistists understand what equality really means in eyes of elite.
    Activists think of equality as all of us on say $50hr but we know that doesn’t add up...
    The Elite think of equality as all of us on 5cents a day
    They all want sustainablity but forget on whose standard are we judging.
    Activists lol. Ok, I'm no great fan of the stereotype, primarily as "their" approach is to scream at the Elite machine to fix things from left and right and center. Hence the new green deals of the world we get suckered into. As you say, they all want sustainability, yet they all yield to the collective that is most popular and their standard of what sustainability can be. I had a couple of chats with the kids n adults at a School 4 Climate thing, and feck was it depressing to see how little these guys understand what's taking place with regards to resource usage and what drives it all. Same with the XR guys and the Green movements of the world. They take their economic cues for what is possible from their collective and stay well within those boundaries, and that's why they're limited to shouting at the Elite instead of working out how to get past them. Learning some economics would go a long way... but given some of my ventures around "greenville", general fucktardary still seems to be the biggest issue.

    Who Am I to judge eh.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    7th January 2014 - 14:45
    Not a Hayabusa anymore
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    I'll bite...

    I'm not opposed to Electric Cars per se. There's several things about an Electric Motor that I'm really interested in (Instant Torque throughout the Rev-Range, no gearbox necessarily required, independent motors for each hub etc. ).

    However, the thing that halts me is that Battery Tech (although improving all the time) still cannot meet my criteria of:

    Being able to drive from one end of the Country to another and only spend 5 minutes at a power stations? refuelling.

    And also, my Petrol tank doesn't need to be replaced every 10 years due to me filling and re-filling it and even if it did, it wouldn't cost more more than the car to replace.

    There's many applications where having an Electric powered vehicle (not necessarily a full-blown 'car') would be advantageous - something smaller and lighter, designed for a single occupant to commute to work for example, with a pricepoint cheaper than a full 'car'.

    I don't like these big sweeping 'Agendas', regardless of how much or how little is implemented, since they invariably serve to be a salve to the sensitive conscious of it's architects.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  3. #48
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    ... What's going on in the world.

    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  4. #49
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    I'll bite...

    I'm not opposed to Electric Cars per se. There's several things about an Electric Motor that I'm really interested in (Instant Torque throughout the Rev-Range, no gearbox necessarily required, independent motors for each hub etc. ).

    However, the thing that halts me is that Battery Tech (although improving all the time) still cannot meet my criteria of:

    Being able to drive from one end of the Country to another and only spend 5 minutes at a power stations? refuelling.

    And also, my Petrol tank doesn't need to be replaced every 10 years due to me filling and re-filling it and even if it did, it wouldn't cost more more than the car to replace.

    There's many applications where having an Electric powered vehicle (not necessarily a full-blown 'car') would be advantageous - something smaller and lighter, designed for a single occupant to commute to work for example, with a pricepoint cheaper than a full 'car'.

    I don't like these big sweeping 'Agendas', regardless of how much or how little is implemented, since they invariably serve to be a salve to the sensitive conscious of it's architects.
    I suspect crowing of sweeping agendas to electrify the vehicle fleet will change as the years pass. Undoubtedly EV sales for commercials and cars will increase as the technology (batteries / charging) improves. But overall sales will not increase so they will trickle into the market at the same rate as modern ICE vehicles, effectively just another option. My thoughts are that the change over to electric will be organic, driven by us consumers not politicians. If a faster take up is hoped for then we will have to have very good reasons to spend our dollars on electric, we are quite a long way from that.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxPenguin View Post
    Fair enough, but electric is coming, bikes too.
    Coupla things about that cause slight concern. During a Formula E race I was watching on TV, a drver was told his car may be in an unsafe condition. He shoulld not step out of the car, he should climb on the bonnet and jump off. We can understand why he had to jump. Yer average peasant driving around in an electric car doesn't have an engineer to tell him about his vehcle's unsafe condition, and he probably wouldn't be able to climb onto the bonnet even if he did.

    E Moto also raises a concern. The races for electric bikes have their own fire crew. Apparently the marshalls don't try and extinguish the fire at the scene, the fire crew load the burning bike on to a trailer and take it away. Where they take it and why, was not explained. Then there was the fire in which a large part of the Moto E field was damaged.

    I don't want one in my shed yet.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  6. #51
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
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    Hot potato, hot potato. Batteries go flying from a crashed Tesla.

    Dunno why the batteries are still so small.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Agree 100% with your post Demon Lord.

    This entertaining chap outlines what would really work for most people.... as a second vehicle

    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Coupla things about that cause slight concern. During a Formula E race I was watching on TV, a drver was told his car may be in an unsafe condition. He shoulld not step out of the car, he should climb on the bonnet and jump off. We can understand why he had to jump. Yer average peasant driving around in an electric car doesn't have an engineer to tell him about his vehcle's unsafe condition, and he probably wouldn't be able to climb onto the bonnet even if he did.

    E Moto also raises a concern. The races for electric bikes have their own fire crew. Apparently the marshalls don't try and extinguish the fire at the scene, the fire crew load the burning bike on to a trailer and take it away. Where they take it and why, was not explained. Then there was the fire in which a large part of the Moto E field was damaged.

    I don't want one in my shed yet.
    Just had a google not much info on it. Seems an initial EV fire can be dealt with by conventional means to suppress the fire. The problem arises where if part of the battery has been severely heated it can go into some kinda thermal runaway syndrome.
    Expensive thermal camera and high volume water needed to take care of that.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  9. #54
    Join Date
    10th December 2019 - 12:24
    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Coupla things about that cause slight concern. During a Formula E race I was watching on TV, a drver was told his car may be in an unsafe condition. He shoulld not step out of the car, he should climb on the bonnet and jump off. We can understand why he had to jump. Yer average peasant driving around in an electric car doesn't have an engineer to tell him about his vehcle's unsafe condition, and he probably wouldn't be able to climb onto the bonnet even if he did.

    E Moto also raises a concern. The races for electric bikes have their own fire crew. Apparently the marshalls don't try and extinguish the fire at the scene, the fire crew load the burning bike on to a trailer and take it away. Where they take it and why, was not explained. Then there was the fire in which a large part of the Moto E field was damaged.

    I don't want one in my shed yet.
    I reckon the market will decide, and a lot of that will depend on how the petrol price goes. Most likely up as demand falls and manufacturing costs increase.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    19th March 2005 - 18:55
    Wots I gots.
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxPenguin View Post
    I reckon the market will decide, and a lot of that will depend on how the petrol price goes. Most likely up as demand falls and manufacturing costs increase.
    Markets are both generally and specifically almost always more intelligent than politicians and bureaucrats. Not that that is Hard Tasking.

    I don't have transcripts, but seems to me almost inevitable that Back in The Day, coachmen and postilions were complaining that them there newfangled automobiles would certainly crash and burst into Untreatable Flames and cause Fatal Injuries that horse-drawn carriages were simply not capable of, therefore, They should All be Banned, Banned D'ye Hear!!! Effing Forthwith.

    If I could see the future, I'd buy winning Lotto Tickets every week. I cannot, therefore I rely on my salary; but I think it's a reasonably safe prediction that EV battery capacity will improve, EV-mining environmental damage will decrease, and EVs will become far more competitive in terms of Affordability, Range and Speed in relationship to internal combustion engines.

    At the same time, I'm gonna keep riding my venerable V-Twins for as long as my acetabular inflammation permits. Thereafter, I'm pretty sure there won't be an EV-based trike w/good touring range available in the next 3-5 years, so I'll move over to an internal combustion version V-2 trike. That said again... I would certainly not bet against the ingenuity of the more sapient of my Homo Sapiens confreres being able to develop a battery-powered touring-range EV trike by 2030.

    Meanwhile and consistently, I would like to scatologically invite all of The Best People (TM) who tell us we must now not be Riding and Flying - while they themselves Drive and Fly via currently-operative internal combustion engines - to Sod The Actual Feck Off.

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    So its 2025 now ? Give us a hug Cindy has it all planned......

    Can't see it myself , but I won't throwing money at new cars in case she taxes the shit out of them and petrol.

    Thank christ we had the 70's . I'm so old now I don't give a shit really.

    You'd never go hungry with Nigella Gaz.
    If it weren't for flashbacks...I'd have no memory at all..

  12. #57
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
    Pigs back.
    The practical, cost and environmental aspect of EV's gets a lot of air time, the fun factor less so.

    As EV's become more established in manufacturers ranges "hot" ones will appear. Normal Tesla's smoke most other cars already.

    Bikes need to wait for better batteries, at the moment the weight v range thing is terrible, as is heat dissipation.

    Just about every review I read of bikes like Zero start with a startled giggle.

    Mind you, Kawasaki have just teased a hybrid bike promo. That could be interesting.

    Once we approach ICE / EV price parity without distance or fueling concerns and the Gummint start to ramp up the tax on fuel, most of us will be looking hard at the EV choices purely from a wallet perspective.

  13. #58
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    LAbour announces war on humanity

    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  14. #59
    Join Date
    10th December 2009 - 22:42
    less than I used to have
    3,168 my probably to be unfulfilled desire to have some older yankee iron is becoming more of a race than a wish...where do all those mad max types congregate these days?...I should go there I suppose...

    ...fer fuk sake , don't say Invercargill...

  15. #60
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    WhatÂ’s most disturbing is the idea to abolish coal fired boilers at hospitals.

    So in a major disaster your local hospital is going to be one frosty hell hole death trap.
    Yes I know they will have back up generators but they only last so long.

    Even Stalin wouldnÂ’t decommission such a sensible source of high density stored energy.
    This is the end folks... come 2025 we are going to be massively taxed on petrol powered vehicles.
    The average joe is going to have to Uber everywhere wearing s gimp mask (public transport) as ow I g own vehicle even electric will be too expensive.
    The price of electricity will have quadrupled by then.
    We are adding NO real new capacity to the grid yet they think all these sparky cars are going to get recharged.
    And fuck me how much juice is electric heating for hospitals going to draw alone!!!!Â’
    Oh and those lovely smart meters will switch shit on and off in your house and DECIDE for you what devices get power based on your Chinese style social media credit score.
    Oh you want to run your three phase welder at 12pm to fix your stock car for tommorow races, flick no days Jacinda her chariot needs recharging....
    Our economy will be fucked, businesses with current freehold petrol powered gear will be forced to waste money going electric reducing their competiveness.
    Transport costs will skyrocket. Many heavy trucks are double shifted, they arenÂ’t earning money sitting there plugged into a charger.
    But itÂ’s not about the environment anyway, this is just another communist tool to begin the mass starvation for their population control goal.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

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